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发布时间:2020-12-17 10:54:00

Ⅰ 小学英语学过的所有饮料

Juice 果汁
Cola 可乐
Milk 牛奶
coffee 咖啡

Ⅱ 你喜欢的食物,饮料,还有喜欢的运动小学四年级英语

My favorite food is mplings . I like drinking juice very much . And I like running .


Ⅲ popper juice 是一种什饮料,请高人指点,谢谢!这是在香港小学英语教材上看到的一种饮料名称。


Ⅳ 小学英语阅读:《我该喝什么呢》

Look at all the kinds of drinks on the table. There’re milk tea, water, fruit juice, milk and fizzydrinks (碳酸饮料). What should we drink? Coke tastes great, but it is really bad for your teeth and bones (骨骼). It has a lot of sugar. Some drinks are good for us. Some are not. The healthexperts (健康专家) tell you to drink water and milk. Your body has lots of jobs and it needs (需要) water to do many of them. Milk is good for your eyes and bones.

1.( )Coke tastes great, but it is really bad for your teeth and bones.
2.( )Coke has a little sugar.
3.( )All drinks are good for us.
4.( )The health experts (健康专家) tell you to drink water and juice.
5.( )Fizzy drinks (碳酸饮料)are good for your eyes and bones.
1.T.从文章第四句Coke tastes great, but it is really bad for your teeth and bones (骨骼).可以知道这句话是正确的。
2.F.从文章第五句It has a lot of sugar.“Coke含有很多糖”可以得出答案噢。
3.F.从文章第六、第七句的Some drinks are good for us. Some are not.“一些饮料对我们有好处,一些饮料对我们有害”可以知道这题是错误的。
4.F.从文章倒数第三句The health experts (健康专家) tell you to drink water and milk.“健康专家告诉我们该喝水和牛奶”可以知道题目中说的“水和果汁”是错误的噢。
5.F.从文章最后一句Milk is good for your eyes and bones.“牛奶对眼镜和骨骼有好处”可以知道题目中说的“碳酸饮料”是错误的。

Ⅳ 饮料类英语单词有哪些

beverage 饮料类
1、milk (n.) 牛奶
2、coffee (n.) 咖啡
3、black coffee (n.) 黑咖啡(不加糖或奶的咖啡)
4、tea (n.) 茶
5、black tea (n.) 红茶(注意是 “black” 不是 ”red” 喔!)
6、green tea (n.) 绿茶
7、herb juice (n.) 青草茶(补充:herb 药草)
8、Oolong tea (n.) 乌龙茶
9、bubble tea (n.) 珍珠奶茶
10、white gourd drink (n.) 冬瓜茶
11、cocoa (n.) 可可
12、soybean milk (n.) 豆浆(补充:soybean 大豆)
13、fruit tea (n.) 水果茶
14、orange juice (n.) 柳橙汁
15、apple Juice (n.) 苹果汁
16、grape Juice (n.) 葡萄汁
17、grapefruit Juice (n.) 葡萄柚汁
18、cranberry juice (n.) 蔓越莓汁(补充:cranberry 蔓越莓)
19、lemonade (n.) 柠檬水
20、sugar cane juice (n.) 甘蔗汁
甜度:100%(regular sugar);75%(less sugar);50%(half sugar);25%(quarter sugar);0%(sugar-free)
冰块:正常冰(regular ice);少冰(easy ice);去冰(ice free)
用餐方式:内用(for here);外带(to go)
一、dessert 甜点
1、waffle [ˋwɑf!] (n.) 松饼
2、cupcake (n.) 杯子蛋糕
3、mousse (n.) 慕斯
4、pudding (n.) 布丁
5、panna cotta (n.) 奶酪
6、macaron (n.) 马卡龙
7、tiramisu (n.) 提拉米苏
8、brownie (n.) 布朗尼
9、fruit tart (n.) 水果塔
10、puff (n.) 泡芙
11、pie (n.) 派
12、pound cake (n.) 磅蛋糕
13、sundae (n.) 圣代冰泣淋
14、doughnut (n.) 甜甜圈
15、yogurt (n.) 优格
16、popcorn (n.) 爆米花
二、seasonings 调味料
1、salt (n.) 盐
2、sugar (n.) 糖
3、pepper (n.) 胡椒
4、soy sauce (n.) 酱油
5、ketchup [ˋkɛtʃəp] (n.) 番茄酱
6、mayonnaise [͵meəˋnez] (n.) 美乃滋(补充:中文就是由英文翻译而来的哦~)
7、mustard [m’ʌstɚd] (n.) 黄芥末酱
8、barbecue sauce (n.) 烤肉酱
9、chili sauce (n.) 辣椒酱
10、vinegar [ˋvɪnɪgɚ] (n.) 醋
11、sweet chili sauce (n.) 甜辣酱
12、syrup [ˋsɪrəp] (n.) 糖浆



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