『壹』 小学三年级英语教学设计突出了哪些特点
『贰』 教育出版社eec的小学三年级英语教案或教学设计哪里有啊
How many?
【the Subject】 Unit 3 How many?
【object of teaching】 Grade Three Primary
【course content】 to learn English numbers 16 — 20.
【Teaching aims】 learn to write and speak numbers 16 — 20 in English
【Teaching Proceres】
Step one : Warm-up
2.Sing the song“one, two, three, four”. 鼓励学生张口试唱,唱歌的同时让学生加上动作,表演歌曲。
Step two: Revision.
1.Review the numbers 1-15.
1)Number off: let students call off from 16-20 in English. And if a student registration before 15, then the next student will start from 1 again.
2)Play a guessing game:Monkey Guess
Aims:Consolidate the pronunciation of the numbers。
Game play:Students guess what’s the number when teacher speakout the the initial letter.
T: Now, let's play a game. Please guess, what's the number on the card? If you're right, I will give you the card. I will say the first letter of the word.
T: “T”.
S1: Two!
T: No, try again, please.
S2: Three!
T: Yes, you're right! Here you are!
Then teacher gives the card to the student as a reward, and lead all the students read together. In this way, guessing out the rest numbers so as to consolidate the numbers’ learning.
2.Practicing the sentence pattern “How many … can you see? I can see…”和“How many… do you have? I have…”
Step three:Relaxation
老师拿出用纸折叠的十支小蜡烛分别套在十支手指上,放录音“ten little candles dance”,边唱十个手指边跟着音乐跳,鼓励同学们跟着老师一起做。
One little two little three little candles
four little five little six little candles
seven little eight little nine little candles
ten little candles dance.
Step four:Presentation
1、After listening the song, teacher asks:how many candles can you see? Students answer:ten. (接着屏幕上又跳出6支蜡烛。) Teacher asks :how many candles can you see now? can you answer according to the pronunciation of the word fourteen? (你能根据fourteen的发音来回答吗?给学生一点提示) some students answer: sixteen. (教师点击课件,屏幕上跳出sixteen这个单词,并伴有拍手声) Teacher: great! You are right. Sixteen, we can see sixteen candles now. This is for you.(奖励答对的学生)guiding the students to answer:six and ten is sixteen. 教师出示词卡带读,一小组开火车读。教师注意纠正发音。
2、Teacher take out a ball and say:Look! What’s this? Oh, it’s a ball. i can bounce the ball. Now, I will bounce it, please count! 教师拍球,学生数数,数到20,故意把球拍丢了。问学生:How many times did i bounce? 教学twenty。教师出示词卡带读,学生开火车读,教师注意纠正发音。
Step five: Practice
1.Students repeat the words of numbers according the record.
2、Teacher say: “Now we have sang and spoke a lot, I’m thirsty, so I want to eat an apple. ” Then draw an apple on the blackboard, and ask: “What do you want to eat or have? Come here and draw it!”Then students come to the blackboard to draw some things, such as ball, knife, boat, banana, and so on.一遍画老师一遍问:“How many things can you see on the blackboard?”把每个数字都练习到。
Step six: Consolidation and Extension.
Headwork (动脑筋): How old are they?
Tom, Tim, Mary and Ann are brothers and sisters. I don’t know how old each of them(他们中的每一个)is. I only know, one is 18, and one is 15. One of(…其中之一)the boys is 16, and one of the girls is 17. I also know, Tom is older than(比…年龄大)Mary, but Ann isn’t.
Answer the questions:
1. How old is Ann?
2. How old is Tom?
3. How old is Tim?
4. How old is Mary?
Step seven: Homework
Learn to sing the song “one, two, three, four”.
Step eight: Feedback
Are you happy today, children?
(Some children give the answer)
----- I can say sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!
----- I play some games!
『叁』 小学三年级英语:教案
教学复习目标 Knowledge aims:
1)Using "What's your name?"to ask for others' name.
2)Answer"I'm……"let others know who I am.
3 )Ask" How are you?" to know about greeting each other.
4)To others greeting"Good morning!"
Able aims:
1)Open an interaction by eliciting a response
2)Maintain an interaction by providing information to factual questions
Emotion attitude and values:
1) 通过对"I'm……"的学习让别人认识自己,并能熟练运用于生活之中.
2)向他人使用问候语"Good morning!"" How are you?"等,灵活应用到生活中。
3)询问他人“What's your name?”以增加彼此间的了解。
教学复习重点和难点 Teaching key and difficult points:
1)Review words:
insect, jam, kite, lion;mouse, nine, orange, pencil.
2)Review sentences:
----Hello,what's your name ?
----Good morning,Mr Li.
----How are you?
----Close the box , please.
----Open the door , please.
----Clean the blackboard , please.
----Clean the table , please.
----Open the window , please.
3)Review phrase:
Stand up , 起立; sit down , 坐下; hands up , 举起手; hands down , 放下手; Clap your hands , 拍拍你的手; wave your hands , 挥挥你的手。
参考书籍 牛津英语(3A)
Listen and say
----Hello,what's your name? 你好,你叫什么名字?
----Hi, I'm Peter. What's your name? 你好,我叫皮特。你叫什么名字?
----Are you Li? 你是凯蒂
----No, I'm Alice Wang.
----Close the box , please. 请把盒子合上。
----Open the door , please. 请把门打开。
----Clean the blackboard , please. 请把黑板擦干净。
----Clean the table , please. 请把桌子擦干净。
----Open the window , please. 请把窗户打开。
Look and Learn
Ii insect Jj jam Kk kite Ll lion Mm mouse Nn nine Oo orange Pp pencil
Read and act
1) one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十
2) a rubber a ruler a pencil a book a desk a bag
3)----Good morning,Miss Li. ----Good morning, Danny.
4)-----Hi, Danny. How are you? ----Fine,thanks.
Sing and song
1)Paper ,a pencil. I can see.
Paper ,a pencil. For you and me!
Stand up, open your books.
Sit down, close your books.
Hands up, clap your hands.
Hands down, wave your hands.
『肆』 三年级英语教案
1、Learn the names.
2、Learn to say “I am from America/Canada/China.”
3、Learn to introce yourself.
教学重点:Learn to say “I am from America/Canada/China.”
教学难点:Learn to introce yourself.
教学用具:word cards/pictures。
1、 Look at the picture: WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL
2、 Say out the English in the pictures
Step2: Learn the names.
1、 Look at the people.
2、 Learn the names:Amy
3、 Look and say.
Step3: Learn to say :
I am from America/Canada/China.
Step4: Introce yourself
Step5: Summary
Step6: homework
I am from America/Canada/China.
1、 Revise the names ;
2、 Say “I am from America/Canada/China.”
教学内容:Unit one Hello!(2)
1、Learn Part A(Let’s talk Let’s learn).
2、Learn the new words
教学重点:Let’s talk Let’s learn
教学难点:The new words and sentences.
教学用具:Tape/word cards/pictures。
Step1: Revision
1、 Revise the names.
2、 I am from America/Canada/China.
Step2: Learn the sentences of Part A
1、 Look at the pictures.
2、 Listen to the recording
3、 Look at the sentences and read them after the recording
4、 Read the sentences together
5、 Try to say “watch out” to someone..
Step3: Let’s play
Step4: Learn the new words of Part A
1、 Learn the new words.
2、 Play a game
Listen and do .
.Step5: Summary
Step6: homework
Watch out! boy or girl!
1、 Read the sentences;
2、 Read the words
3、 Listen to the tape.
教学内容:Unit one Unit 1 WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL (3)
1、 Revision
2、 Try to learn the letters: A /B/C.
3、 Learn to sing the song :boys and girls
教学重点:Let’s make and Let’s sing
教学难点:Write the name.
教学用具:Tape/word cards/pictures/recorder。
Step1: Revision
1、 Revise the words
2、 Let’s do.
Step2: Let’s say the letters.
1、Learn to say the letters.Aa/Bb/Bc
2\Try to write the letters. Aa/Bb/Bc
Step3: Learn to sing
1、 Learn to read the words of the song .
2、 Listen to the recording
3、 Try to sing after recorder
4、 Sing the song together
Unit 1 welcome back to school
Apple ant /boy bag /coke coffee
1、 Listen to the recorder
2、 Try to sing the song
教学内容:Unit one welcome back to school(4)
『伍』 求一份小学PEP三年级英语教案,要求写教学进度、教学计划,另外,单元教学设计包括的内容如下:教材...
这里有1份,你来看看是不是自,PEP小学三年级英语下册全套教案 http://www.flye.cn/ViewDownInfo-41542.html,你下载看看
『陆』 新人教版三年级英语上册教案
Lesson 1
Teaching aims:
1、能够在情景中理解会说Hello! Hi! I’m … ,并能够在真实的语言环境中初步运用.
2、能够听、说、认、读单词:cat monkey
Main and difficult points:
能够熟练地掌握句型:Hello! I’m… 并熟练地应用在日常生活中。
Teaching aids:
Teaching procere :
1.Warm-up :课前播放歌曲Hello, 渲染课堂学习的气氛。
a.以自然的方式向学生说Hello, 引导学生向老师说Hello, Hello,表示问候。然后让学生相互用Hello!练习问好。
b.让学生到讲台上来,戴上Li Yan的头饰说Hello, I’m… 然后请学生向老师进行真实的自我介绍。
c. 向学生出示本课书的教学挂图并提供话题情景:清晨,校园里来了一个外国小学生,同学们和他热情地打招呼。同时借助挂图,提问:Look, what’s this ? 并将贴在树后的动物图片进行移动,然后戴上面具说:Hi , I’m Mimi. Hello, I’m Mimi.
d. 听录音,让学生跟读,并要求学生用手指者句子、单词来认读。
Lesson 2
Teaching aims:
a、Just speak:本部分通过情景会话,让学生用“ What’s your name?”询问对方的姓名并回答。
b、Just read:学习有关动物的单词:dog , ck。
c、Let’s sing:学唱歌曲What’s your name?巩固本课教学内容。
Main and difficult points:
a、熟练的使用“ What’s your name?”句型进行交流。
b、掌握dog , ck两单词。
Teaching aids:图片、投影、录音机Teaching procere:
a、课前播放歌曲What’s your name?渲染课堂学习的活跃气氛。
b、唱 Hello 歌
a、教师首先做自我介绍,如:My name is Du Mei.,大声重复几遍。接着以自然的方式问一名学生:“ What’s your name?”(用清晰、缓慢的语调问两遍)边问边指用口型提示他回答My name is…,用类似的方法在教师里与学生进行问答练习,引导他们用My name is…进行互相问答,注意 name 一词的发音。
b、向学生出示本课书的教学挂图,借助该挂图,复现上一节课的小动物。在巩固复习的基础上引出新的单词dog , ck.。教师可以戴上动物的头饰介绍:Hello! I’m a dog. My name is Doggy. What’s your name? Hi! I’m ck. My name is Ducky.,并请同学戴上小动物的头饰进行对话。
e、两个学生高举手臂筑成拱桥,播放歌曲What’s your name?,当音乐停止时,哪一个学生落到桥下,参与游戏的全体学生都要问What’s your name?请他回答。
D、教唱歌曲What’s your name? E、Homework:
Lesson 3
Teaching aims:
2、学习有关的动物单词:panda, bear 。
3、学唱歌曲 Good morning 巩固本课教学内容。
Main and difficult points:
熟练应用英语进行问好,并能够在真实的语言环境中运用。Teaching aids :相关的动物图片、录音机、头饰、简笔
『柒』 全英文小学三年级教案
New Standard English Book 4
Mole 8 Children’s Day
Teaching design: In this mole , we mainly review the expression of the time ,the use of What are you doing ?and the phrases .We use a clock to review the time. To part two, It’ s difficult .We will teach them in different ways , then practice constantly.
One Teaching materials:
Unit one ,Unit two , Unit three
Two Teaching objects
Talking about a festival.
Three Teaching focal and difficult points
present continuous :I’m learning a poem.
We’re rehearsing a play .It’s 25 past 5 .
Vocabulary :tomorrow , voice , practise , learn , rehearse
Four Teaching tools
Recorder , cards
Unit 1
Warmer :
Repeat the chant from the last lesson two or three times .Ask the children to march as they chant .
Activity 1.Listen and point
1\ask the children to look at the page. Elicit as much information about the story as you can in Chinese by asking questions .For example, toy has Daming got? What happens to the kite look like at the end? Answer: jigsaw puzzle.
2. Play the cassette or read the dialogue. The children listen and follow in their books.
3. Play the cassette again , pause after each utterance for the children to point at the corresponding picture .Perform a simple gesture to indicate the meaning,for example, holding onto a kite.
4. Play the cassette again. This time pause for the class to repeat each utterance. Encourage them to mine what they say.
5. Repeat this activity, asking indivial Ss to repeat the utterances, Alternatively, divide the class into groups.
Two Activity 2.Act it out .
1、 Divide the class into sections. Give each section a role in the conversation .
2、 The whole class acts the dialogue with each group saying the corresponding text.
3、 The children now act out the dialogue in small groups or pairs. Remind them to do actions as they speak.
1)Look and the words .
Point to the boxed words and ask the class to tell you what they mean.They should be able to do this without too much prompting .
Ask the class to read the first line of text to you .Point to the picture to prompt them.
Now ask the class to complete the sentence with one of the words in the boxes depending on how of then they play football.
Continue this procere with the remaining pictures.
2)Unjumble the words.
Draw the children’s attention to the pictures and ask them to unjumble the letters and write them on the lines provided .
3)Look and match
Point to the first picture and ask What are they doing ?Answer: They ‘re rehearsing a play .Then ask What happens tomorrow? Answer :They’re doing a play .
Say First ,they rehearse a play .Then , they do a play .Ask the class to repeat .
Ask the class to draw a line to match the pictures.
Ask the class to draw lines to match the remaining pictures .
Check the answers .
Repeat with the third pair.
Now point and say
In pairs , the Ss take turns to point to each line of text and say how often they do the activity.
Call volunteers to tell you how often they do the different activities .Praise and reward all attempts.
Unit 2
Warmer :
Play Commands with parts of the body .Say Point to your nose .Point to your ears ,etc. Call Ss to the front of the class to call out the commands.
Activity one Listen and repeat .
1、Explain to the class that the first row of pictures show the preparations for Children’s Day .The second row of pictures show what is happening on Children’s Day.
2、Point to each picture and ask What is he \she doing ?Help them to answer .
3、Play the cassette or say each word。The children point to the corresponding picture 。
4、 Point to the pictures randomly。Say the word。The class repeat 。
5、 Ask indivials to say the words 。Correct any pronunciation mistakes 。
6、 In pairs, the children take turns to point to the pictures and say the words。
Activity two Sing
1、 Draw the children‘s attention to the pictures in their SB。From the pictures ,try to elicit that it shows children enjoying Children’s Day.
2、 Play the cassette .The children listen to the song and follow the words in their books.
3、 Teach the song line by line .
4、 Play the cassette a number of times and encourage the children to sing the song .
Draw .Then point and say .
Ask the class to draw a picture showing what they usually do on Children’s Day. Either set a time limit of 5 minutes or give this part of the activity as homework.
Ask indivial children to hold up their drawings .Ask What so you usually so on Children’s Day? Encourage them to answer .
When the children are answering well, ask them to continue this activity in pairs.
Unit 3
Warmer :
Repeat the song It’s Children’s Day. from the last lesson two or three times.
Activity 1.Listen and point
1、 Draw the children‘s attention to the pictures in their SB。 Explain that they are going to listen to sound effects and must point to the correct picture .
2、 Point to each picture and ask What is he \she doing ?What are they doing?
『捌』 有无新版人教版三年级英语教学设计
Unit 1 My school bag
A. 字母Aa Bb要求“四会”。
B. 词汇(八个文具类单词)要求“两会”。
C. 日常交际用语:What’s this /that in /on the ……? What’s this /that in English ?It’s …… Come here……
D. 歌曲A B C song要求“会唱”。
1、 能正确地听、说、读、写字母Aa和Bb .
2、 能听懂、会说新授的八个文具及玩具类单词: a school bag .a crayon , a tape , a knife ,a storybook ,a book ,a stapler及a toy , train .
3、 能听懂、会说日常交际用语What’s this /that in /on the……?What’s this /that in English ?It’s …… Come here, ……并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。
4、 能正确理解、运用介词in和on .
5、 会唱歌曲A B C song .
第一课时:A部分第1、2幅图。B部分单词a tape ,a knife ,a crayon , a school bag .
第二课时:A部分第3、4幅图。B部分单词a storybook ,a book ,a stapler ,a toy train .
教具准备:图片(文具类及人物Gao Shan.Yang Ling)、磁带、录音机、教学挂图、书包等实物。
The first period
Teaching Contents:
A. Vocabulary : a tape ,a knife ,a crayon, a school bag .
B. Patterns : What’s this /that in /on the ……?
Teaching Aims:
1、能听懂、会说表示文具的单词(见上)以及短语Come here .
2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What’s this /that in /on the ……?并能用It’s ……回答。
Teaching steps:
A. Review and study . a. 学习新短语come here…… (师手拿教具进入教室):Come here ,…… close the door ,please . (生关好门以后,师道谢:Thank you ). 生跟师学说:Come here.
c. 认识本册教材中将要出现的人物,注意人物衣着的变化,并认识两个新人物:苏阳、苏海,双胞胎的区别在于她俩头上发卡颜色的不同。
d. 回顾上学期所学的一些单词(形式自便)。
B.Presentation and practice .
1.介绍句型What’s that/this in/on the ……? a.区别this和that。 借助实物和图片,引导学生说This is ……That’s ……e.g. Ss: This is a desk /That’s a pencil sharpener .
b. Ss learn to say : What’s this /that?It’s …… 借助上学期所学文具类单词,如pen ,ball pen等。
c. The Ss learn to say :What’s this/that in /on the ……?
把文具放在书book ,desk, pencil box上面或里面,让学生区别in和on .
d. Practice .
e.Play a game : Touch and guess .
e.g S1: What’s on the desk?
S2: (被蒙上双眼) It’s a ……
S1: Yes /No .
2.过渡学习新单词:a tape ,a knife ,a crayon ,a school bag .
a. 在游戏中,放入knife或其它让生猜是什么,引入新单词学习。
b. The Ss look and learn : tape ,knife ,crayon ,school bag .
Spell : t-a-p-e tape .
k-n-i-f-e knife .
c. Sing a song : tape ,tape ,tape.
d. Drill: 连锁操练。
S1:What’s in my pencil box ?
S2: It’s a …
S1: Yes/No ,it’s a ……
S2: What’s in my pencil box ?
S3: It's a ……
S2:Yes/No ,It’s a ……
S3: What’s in my pencil box ?
C. Learn to say .
1. 写出课题:Unit 1 My school bag .
2. 出示教学挂图,认识人物Gao Shan , YangLing
3. Discuss: What’re they saying ?
注意纠正: in 和on .
4. Listen to the tape and try to imitate .
5. Action .
Group work (小组内交流,运用新知)
Design :
Unit 1 My school bag .
What’s this/that on /in the desk?
图片 a tape .
It’s 图片 Knife .
图片School bag .
The second periodTeaching Contents :
A. Vocabulary : a storybook ,a book ,a stapler ,a toy train.
B. Patterns :What’s this/that in English ? Oh ,I see.
Teaching Aims:
1. 能听懂、会说表示文具或玩具的单词(见上)及短语Oh ,I see ,Excuse me .