① 小学英语教学案例和教学设计有什么区别
② 教师资格证小学英语教案怎么写
1)三维目标分别是:Knowledge aim(s), Ability aim(s), Emotional aim(s).
根据课型不同,教学过程也不同,除了每个课型通有的热身导入(Warming-up)和小结作业(Summary and homework)外,在知识类的课型(语音、语法、词汇)中,基本使用Presentation, Practice, Proction教学法。而在技能类的课型(听说、阅读、写作)中,使用PWP模式,即Pre-listening/reading/writing, While-listening/reading/writing, Post-listening/reading/writing.
比如小学英语My schoolbag这篇课文教案,可以参考一下:
Step1. Warming-up: sing a song with all students.
Step2. Presentation: shows some pictures about study supplies on PPT, present the sentence pattern “what is that? ” and guide students to practice the sentence by answering“ It’s a …” Write the new words on the blackboard:
Schoolbag Pencil case Pen Eraser
Then lead students to read after teacher.
Step3. Practice: 2 games to practice the new words
(1) Read pictures
(2) Bomb game
Step4. Proction:
Pair work: two students in a group, one asks while the other answers. They can use the sample conversation:
S1: What is that? (point at the study supplies around them)
S2:It’s a schoolbag.
Step 5 Summary and homework
③ 小学英语课堂教学设计
一、 教学目标:
1. 能够听、说、读、写句型:
Where did you go on your holiday ? I went to Xinjiang.
Where did you go on your holiday ? I went to Xinjiang.
Step 1: Warm-up:
1. Greetings
2. Listen to the song : A Trip to China
Step 2: Revision:
1. Game : Good brothers
2.Ask and answer
教师抽取A Let’s learn部分的短语卡片,两组学生轮流问答:A: what did you do on your holiday? B: I took pictures/….
Step 3: Presentation:
1.T: I often go to Songyang Park on the weekend. Do you often go to the park, too?
T: Where did you go last weekend?
Enable the student to answer with “I went to ….”
( 板书这两个句型, 让学生理解Where did you go…?并带读。 )
2. T shows some pictures of Shaolin Temple, Songyang Park, Shenquan Square etc.and asks the students to practise in pairs.
A: Where did you go last weekend?
B: I went to ….
3. T:What did you do there? ( 强调there的读音并释义,带读。)
Ss: I ….
4.T shows the pictures of Beijing, Shanghai, Guilin, Xinjiang etc..
T: Have you ever been to Xinjiang ?
Ss: Yes / No.
T: John went to Xinjiang last year. The people in Xinjiang like singing and dancing. Do you want to know what John did in Xinjiang? Let’s look at the book and listen to the tape.
Step4. Practice:
1. Listen and emitate the dialogue.
2.Read after T: Fast and low speed.
2. Role read the dialogue in pairs.
3. Write the dialogue.
4. Read and recite the dialogue.
5. Talk show.
Step 5.Consolidation and extension:
1.Make a dialogue.
A:Where did you go on your holiday?
B: I went to Shanghai.
A: What did you do there?
B: I ate good food.
2. Act out the dialogue.
Step 4: Sum-up:
Step 5: Homework:
1. Recite and write the dialogue.
2. Make a new dialogue with your partner. 更多的小学英语教学设计,请登录《小学教学设计网》
④ 一个好的小学英语教案包括哪些部分
小学英语五年级上册My New Room教案
My New Room
话题:My new room
课题说明:本课是PEP教材五年级上册Unit 5 Part B的Let’s learn & Let’s find 部分。
Where is the closet/… ?
It’s in/on/under/near/behind/over/in front of the ….
【知识目标】能听、说、读、写词汇:in 、on 、under、 behind、 near
能听、说、认读:over 、in front of和句子Where is the …? It’s ….
【能力目标】运用句型Where is the …? 询问相应事物的位置,并正确运用It’s ….作答。
教学难点:in front of 的发音及on 和over 的区别。
1. 录音机、磁带及相关课件。
2. 教具,如大号纸质家具一套(closet, end table, mirror, trash bin, air-conditioner, curtain)不干胶房间背景;小号家具若干套。
3. 16k 练习纸50份。
My New Room
Where is the …?
It’s in
under the ….
in front of
教学结构 教师指导 学生学习 设计说明
Step 1.
Warming up & revision
1. Let’s sing.
T: Shall we sing a song < My little bedroom>
2. Let’s guess.
T: I have a friend. His name is Mei Tounao. He’s moving to a new house today. Let me show you his new room. There’s lots of furniture in it. Let’s take a look. U-oh , cannot see them. But can you guess? What’s in his room?
Students sing the song.
Students try to guess.
Ss: A …?
T: Maybe.
Let’s look at his room. Whose answer is right?
用学生喜欢的动画人物做主角,吸引学生的注意力。以“没头脑”搬入新居为切入口,展示他的房间,要求学生竞猜其间的家具作为热身。既复习了Part A 部分的词汇,又为下一个教学环节作铺垫。
Step2. Presentation and practice 1
1. Presentation
T: Oh, what a mess! Where is teddy bear?(回到“没头脑”的房间。)
(教师板书句型Where is the ….? It’s in the …. )
T: Where is the closet?
T: Where is the ball ?
2. Practice
TPR activity:
Let’s chant:
In , in , in, in the hand.
On, on, on, on the hand.
Under,under,under, under the hand.
2. Practice
T: Let’s look and match.
3. Oral practice
Where is the pencil/pen/bag/…?
Ss: It’s in the trash bin.
Ss: It’s on the bed.
Ss: It’s under the bed.
Students imitate the actions and chant.
Students think and try to match. “没头脑”杂乱的房间设置,符合人物个性。同时吸引学生的注意。教师要求学生通过观察,经过思考,给出相应的回答。这一过程是教师的用心所在。此外, 这一过程又可视为另一角度的热身。它激活了学生对于该知识的记忆,为下一阶段的介词教学起到承前启后的作用。
Step3 Presentation
& practice 2
1. Let’s think and do.
T: I think all of you are helpful. You put your books on the desk, and all the pencils are in the pencil-box. You keep the desks tidy. Now can you help Mei Tounao? You see, his room is really in a mess. ( 请几个学生上来整理,控制时间)
T: Thank you, dear children. You are all helpful and smart.
Now, where is the closet/Teddy bear/trash bin?
教师板书 near, in front of , behind
2. Ask and answer
A: Where is the …
B: It’s …. the ….
T: Wow, how nice the room is. Oh, I have got a nice present for Mei Tounao, because he’s my friend and today is his moving day. Guess, what it is?
T: Da da da da ! A picture. Can I put it here under the bed? On the desk? On the shelf ? Ok, behind the door!!!
板书 behind
T: Is it nice?
T:Tell me your idea, please.
跟读,正音 over
3.TPR activity
T: Stand behind /in front of / near the chair.
Students come and arrange the furniture.
Ss: It’s near/ in front of/ behind the…
Ss: No.
学生可能把画挂在床的上方,并说出on the bed
能让学生动手的, 就给予机会。学生谈论同学整理设置的房间的兴趣远远超过教师一手包办的设计。
这个环节的设置是为了引出behind 和over 。
通过教师带有带诙谐色彩的“武断”行为,引出词汇。再让学生判断是否合理,直至引出最后一个易与on混淆的单词over。轻松地化解了本课的难点。注,斜体部分教学片断为机动部分。在presentation and practice 3整理房间部分若学生已引出词汇behind,这个环节便略掉。
教师通过学生的失误直观解答on, over 的区别。 on- over over-on (教师快速移动,引导学生快速反应 )
Step4 Consolidation and extension
1. Listen and talk.
听录音, 跟读。 看图模仿说话.
A: Where is the …?
B: It’s … the ….
2. Look , read and write.
课件: 展示如图P61的房间位置,同时提供介词,请学生做选择填空。
3. Do a match: I guess.
This is my/…’s room. Guess, where is the …?
3. A task
T:Dear children, do you like Mei Tounao. Today is Mei Tounao ‘s moving day. Would you like to send him gifts ? Here I’ve got so much modern furniture. You could choose and put them in his room. Pay attention to make the room nice and tidy, ok?
1. Copy the new words and try to make four sentences like: Where is the …? It’s …. the ….
2. Design a room for yourself and talk about it with your partner.
Students listen to the tape and try to say after it, and then do the practice.
Students do the exercises.
Students guess.
Each team start to put things in Mei Tounao’s room and practice in English.
⑤ 小学英语教学案例和教学设计有什么区别
⑥ 人教版小学英语教案 的网址
⑦ 求小学英语教案范本
范例一:Unit3 Let’s talk 第一课时 小学三年级
教学重点:How are you? Fine, thank you. 等问候语的学习。
教学难点: 1、How are you? 的得体运用。
2、Fine, thank you.中 fine 一词字母 i 的发音不容易到位。
教具准备:1、本课 Let’s talk/A 部分的教学课件。
3、本课时教学配套的录音带,以及歌曲 “Hello”
“Head, shoulders, knees and toes”的录音带。
4、Mr. Black, Miss White, Miss Green 的头饰
1、热身、复习 (Warming-up/Revision)
(1)师生共同唱歌曲 Sing an English together.“Head, shoulders, knees and toes”,复习人体部位的单词,并集中学生注意力,调动学生学习兴趣。
(2)游戏 Do a game. “SIMON SAYS” 指令可以是一二单元Let’s do (A/B) 的内容。
(3)师生同唱歌曲 “Hello”。教师可以边唱边用手势示意学生,将歌曲中的人名改为同班同学的名字。
(4)教师用头饰介绍人物。例如:教师举起Mr. Black的头饰说:This is Mr. Black. 然后戴上Mr. Black的头饰说: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m Mr. Black. Nice to meet you . 让学生回答:Nice to meet you ,too.
用同样的方法介绍Miss White, Miss Green ,并要求学生和这些人物打招呼。
(5)请三个学生扮演 Mr. Black, Miss White, Miss Green,用唱歌的形式互相问候: “Hello” 。
2、呈现新课 (Presentation)
(1)师生观看教学课件。课件内容为Let’s talk/A 的内容。教师利用与教材内容相同的教学课件,使学生一目了然,既了解了句型的含义,又了解句型运用的情景。
(2)再次观看课件,教师提问: T: What are they doing? 他们在干什么? S: 在打招呼。
(3)教师演示 Let’s talk/A 的内容,使学生进一步理解对话。方法为:教师左手举起Miss White 的头饰,右手举起Miss Green 的头饰时,用不同声调引出对话内容。在此次演示活动中,教师强调 Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you, too. 两句话。
(4)教师提问:Mr. Black 和Miss Green 是怎样用英语打招呼的。能力强的学生或学过英语的学生尝试性的说 How are you? Fine, thank you.
(5)听本课时 Let’s talk/A 教学配套的录音带,学生跟读并模仿发音。教师注意带读不易掌握的读音,如:Fine, thank you. 一句中 fine 中的元音字 “i” 的读音是[ai] ,提示学生口型要略大些。而thank一词中的th 在发音时,要让舍尖处于上下齿之间,教师可以夸大口型,让学生了解发音方法。教师要适当纠正,切不可一味的纠正发音,打击孩子学习的积极性。
(6)第三次观看Let’s talk/A 部分的教学课件。使学生进一步了解对话内容和含义。在此基础上告诉学生, How are you? 与以前所学 Hello./Hi . 等问候语不同点在于: How are you? 是用于熟人之间有一段时间未见面,或是对方身体欠佳,或是较正式的向别人打招呼等场合。因此,同学们不必每次见面都问How are you? ,每天见面时,只要说Hello. 和 Hi .就可以了。
教师分别在每组第一个学生的耳边轻轻的说:How are you? Fine, thank you. 学生依次传递。以传递准确,速度又快的为胜。
3、趣味操练 (Practice)
(1)游戏:开火车 六至七人一组,做开火车的游戏。教师在每组选出一名“质量监督员”,监督每个同学提问的完整性和正确率。从第一个学生开始 Hi/Hello/Good morning, A. How are you? 第二个学生回答I’m fine./Fine, thank you. 并提问 How are you? 以此类推。(A代表学生姓名)。
(2)演一演:学生戴上Mr. Black, Miss White, Miss Green 的头饰,分角色练习、表演对话。
做Let’s play 部分的活动,教师让学生按教材的方法两人一小组的活动,两人相互击掌问好,如:
S1: Hi/Hello/Good morning, Peter . How are you?
Peter: I’m fine./Fine, thank you. 。
在同桌练习之后,在进行前、后两人一组练习。目的是再次强调练习Let’s talk 部分的内容。练习时训练学生彼此倾听发音,纠正发音,从而感悟英语的语音、语调的知识。
4、课堂评价 (Assessment)
(2)做活动手册第三单元第1 部分的练习。
可将趣味操练中的游戏2 扩展为“找朋友”的游戏。
Teach your pupils the following content:
? What are you doing?
I’m dancing.
? What’s he doing?
He’s drawing.
? New words: dance, draw
⑧ 小学英语教案
首先,教案由以下几点组成:教学内容、教学目标、教学重难点、教学用具、教学过程、板书、教学反思。其次,小学英语教案中的教学过程分为warming-up,presentation and practice,consolidation and extension。最后,我认为了解所教学生的学情和班情是设计一份优秀小学英语教案的前提,根据其班级的实际情况因材施教,才能达到较高的教学效率、实现预设的教学目标。现在的小学英语趋势是注重学生的语用能力,即学生学习了课堂知识之后能够在真实的情景下熟练运用,这也是每堂课的难点所在。所以,在设计教案时,应该注意或者侧重语用方面的意义操练和拓展以帮助学生更好地理解和运用所学知识。