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发布时间:2020-12-06 05:48:13

Ⅰ 新年晚会舞蹈,男女都能跳,不要太难,最好有教学,比较激情的


Ⅱ 求男女混跳的简单易学的舞蹈教程


Ⅲ 求青花瓷扇子舞教学,男女一起跳的


Ⅳ 求欧美歌曲舞蹈 要劲爆的 网上有教学视频的 能男女合跳 歌手最好是男的 能嗨的 要开晚会用 时间

Because Of You

Want to but I can't help it
I love the way you feel
just kinda stuck between
my fantasy and what is real
I needed when I want it
I want it when I don't
tell myself I stop every day
knowing that I won't
I got a problem and I
don't know what to do about it
even If I did I don't know
If I would quit but I doubt it I’
taking by the thought of it
And I know this much is true
baby you
have become my addiction
I’m so strung out on you
I can barely move
but I like it
and it's all because of you

and it's all because of you
and it's all because of you
so and it's allbecause
never get enough
she’s the sweetest drugs

think of it every second
I can get nothing done
only concern is the next time
I’m gon get me some
know I should stay away from
cause its no good for me
I try and try but my
obsession won’t let me leave
I got a problem and I
don't know what to do about it
even If I did I don't know If
I would quit but I doubt it I’m
taking by the thought of it

And I know this much is true
baby you
have become my addiction
I am so strung out on you
I can barely move
but I like it
so and it's all because of you
so and it's all because of you
and it's all because of you
so and it's all because of
never get enough
she is so sweet as drugs

And I know this much is true
I’m so strung out on you
have become my addiction
I’m so strung out on you
of you of you

and it's all because of you
so and it's all because of you
never get enough
she’s the sweetest drugs
she’s the sweetest drugs

Ⅳ 十几个男女合跳的舞蹈,能嗨动全场并且霸气的,要有教程。


Ⅵ 有没有什么简单的舞蹈是男女合作的,一男一女。求视频教学。

trouble maker.网络视频就有的。我这也有下载好的。O(∩_∩)O~

Ⅶ 急求舞蹈视频教程 高中生 适合男女共跳的流行韩国舞蹈 音乐又好听的不难跳的


Ⅷ 求年会舞蹈视频教学,男女搭配的那种,舞蹈基础要求不强,搞笑、容易学就行,求各位大虾支招!

nobody 虽然俗套 但跳得好的话很不错 头发甩甩 也不错



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