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发布时间:2020-12-22 13:03:19

Ⅰ 关于中国传统文化的英语作文

Culture of China

The Culture of China is home to one of the world's oldest and most complex civilizations. China boasts a history rich in over 5,000 years of artistic, philosophical, political, and scientific advancement. Though regional differences provide a sense of diversity, commonalities in language and religion connect a culture distinguished by such significant contributions such as Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism was the official philosophy throughout most of Imperial China's history and strongly influenced other countries in East Asia. Mastery of Confucian texts provided the primary criterion for entry into the imperial bureaucracy.

With the rise of Western economic and military power beginning in the mid-19th century, Western systems of social and political organization gained adherents in China. Some of these would-be reformers rejected China's cultural legacy, while others sought to combine the strengths of Chinese and Western cultures.

China is a unified nation consisting of many different ethnic groups. Fifty-six different ethnic groups make up the great Chinese national family. Because the Han people accounts for more than ninety percent of China's population, the remaining fifty-five groups are generally referred to as "ethnic minorities." Next to the majority Han, the Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, and Uygur peoples comprise the largest ethnic groups. Although China's ethnic minorities do not account for a large portion of the population, they are distributed over a vast area, residing in every corner of China.

Particularly since the implementation of China's opening and reform policy, the central government has increased investment in minority areas and accelerated their opening to the outside world. This has resulted in an upsurge of economic development in these areas. Each of China's ethnic minority groups possesses a distinctive culture. The Chinese government respects minority customs, and works to preserve, study, and collate the cultural artifacts of China's ethnic minority groups. The government vigorously supports the development of minority culture and the training of minority cultural workers, and fosters the development of traditional minority medicine.

The relation among China's ethnic groups can be described as "overall integration, local concentration, mutual interaction." Concentrations of ethnic minorities reside within predominantly Han areas, and the Han people also reside in minority areas, indicating that there has been extensive exchanges among China's ethnic groups since ancient times. With the development of the market economy, interaction among ethnic groups has become even more active in the areas of government, economics, culture, daily life, and marriage. Linked by interdependence, mutual assistance, and joint development, their common goals and interests creating a deep sense of solidarity, China's ethnic groups resemble a great national family, together building Chinese civilization.

Ⅱ 关于中国传统文化的英语作文

The information revolution, the development of mass media and the achievements in science and technology have doubtlessly ushered us in a rapidly progressing society, where we may have no time to talk about our traditional culture. In the city, no one can escape from the fast pace.
We eat the popularized fast food and enjoy the popularized "fast food" culture. Since we get so used to such fast things that many traditional things have been neglected, some people believe that the traditional culture will graally be lost, but I think it will never be lost.

Although entertainments are in abundance nowadays, traditional cultures still continue to dominate.
We still regard going to a concert as a luxury. Many classic books touch a string from generation to generation in spite of time and space.
And we are still moved by the inspirational spirits of our great ancestors.Traditional festivals remind us of our disposition to the traditional culture. Our relief in traditional culture gets ready to revive at any time.

To some traditional cultures that are on decline, we have taken active measures to conserve them. Experts have come up with proper advice on protecting such cultures. Many volunteers have dedicated themselves to studying them. First and foremost,more and more people have discerned the importance of the traditional culture. Therefore, we are sure that our efforts will lead to a brilliant future.

If a culture wants to gain an eternal life, it should change itself to cater to the people in its age. So does our traditional culture. Traditional cultures adhering to modern means appear rigorous. For example, we make CDs for classic music so that it can not only meet modern needs but also spread further and more successfully in the modern world. The appearance of traditional culture changes, but the essence will never change and will be well accepted.

There is no need to worry about whether our traditional culture will be lost. It is an important heritage of the whole human race. No culture, no mankind. We cherish the traditional culture as we cherish our blood in our body. The traditional culture lies in life, forever continuing.信息革命,大众传播媒介的发展和科学技术的成就,无疑迎来了一个迅速恶化的社会里,我们可能没有时间来谈论我们的传统文化我们。在城市里,没有人能逃脱从快速pace.We吃快餐的普及推广,享受“快餐”文化。由于我们习惯于这样快,很多传统的东西被忽视的事情,有些人认为,传统文化将逐渐流失,但我觉得它永远不会被lost.Although娱乐丰富的今天,传统文化依然继续dominate.We仍然认为要作为一个豪华演唱会。许多经典书籍触摸一代又一代的字符串尽管在时间和space.And但我们仍会受到我们伟大ancestors.Traditional精神感动鼓舞人心的节日提醒我们处理我们的传统文化。我们在传统文化得到救济随时准备恢复一些传统文化的衰落是,我们已采取积极措施,以保护他们t

Ⅲ 关于中国文化的英语作文

The Spring Festival

Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.

To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country. 2

Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the alts usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat mpling for dinner.


Ⅳ 中国文化与外国文化的差异英语作文怎么写啊

·小学英语作文 ·初中英语作文 ·高中英语作文 ·大学英语作文专@$@考研英语属作文 ·中考英语作文 ·高考英语作文 ·英语四级作文 ·英语写作资料 ~GRE作文 ·留学文书写作 ·雅思 考试作文 ·英语六级作文 这里有近千篇英语作文,希望能帮到你,要给分喔

Ⅳ 介绍中国文化的英语作文

Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the world. This is true even as popular culture that has traditionally been considered Western begins to spread throughout China. Kung Fu, especially, has had a great impact on the millions of people who first learned about China through it. From that, they may come to China and learn about other aspects of this culture, such as traditional operas like the Beijing and Sichuan ones. Asian nations have long known about the greatness of ancient Chinese culture. Their own cultures are a mix of native ones and those Chinese characteristics. Korea and Japan long ago adopted ideas such as Confucianism is something that continues today even as it is challenged by Pop Culture. This strength comes from the ideas given in the Four Books of Confucianism (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, and The Book of Mencius). These books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the Five Classics. From them, the West learns such things as Fengshui and other concepts that are uniquely Chinese. China has taken steps to further this spread of its culture by establishing Chinese Cultural Centers in such places as the United States and Europe.


Ⅵ 关于中国文化的英语作文

Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the world. This is true even as popular culture that has traditionally been considered Western begins to spread throughout China. Kung Fu, especially, has had a great impact on the millions of people who first learned about China through it. From that, they may come to China and learn about other aspects of this culture, such as traditional operas like the Beijing and Sichuan ones. Asian nations have long known about the greatness of ancient Chinese culture. Their own cultures are a mix of native ones and those Chinese characteristics. Korea and Japan long ago adopted ideas such as Confucianism is something that continues today even as it is challenged by Pop Culture. This strength comes from the ideas given in the Four Books of Confucianism (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, and The Book of Mencius). These books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the Five Classics. From them, the West learns such things as Fengshui and other concepts that are uniquely Chinese. China has taken steps to further this spread of its culture by establishing Chinese Cultural Centers in such places as the United States and Europe.

Ⅶ 关于中国文化英语作文(带汉语意思)

achievement. Manufacturing implements technology sort is various, the main ceramic technology, metallurgical casting process, brewing process, textile technology, paper and printing process, dyeing, all kinds of tools and ZhouChe machinery and furniture appliance manufacturing process, weapons manufacturing process, etc. Construction projects such as houses, including palaces, sung floor tower, monastic temples, roads and Bridges, dam reservoirs, etc. In the process, construction project contains many scientific content. Yukon They have become the important study ancient science and technology in China, even become respectively special subject.


Ⅷ 中国传统文化的英语作文




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