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发布时间:2020-12-08 09:30:35

㈠ 大学英语作文题目 physical exercise

College students should attend physical exercise.
Now that we students step into the gate of colleges and get rid of the heavey burden we used to carry on our shoulder we somehow become lazier in physical exercise.The stents who are lack of exercise account for a large percentage among the whole.But we know there is a need for everyone of us to exercise.
Exerxise keeps us fit not only in health but also in spirit.I mean we could save the money for doctors and at the same time we could have a sharp mind as long as we exercise properly.
Well as to my favourite sport basketball is my first choice.After saying so much I hope you will fall in love with exercise.


㈡ 以Keep on exercise 为题写一篇英语作文

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http://www.rrting.com/English/yyxw/这里有近千篇英语作文,希望能帮到你,要给分喔 ds dsffff

㈢ 求一篇英语作文 。题目为exercise has unexpected benefits

l Just as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs,bones and
muscles,it may also bring other benefits.A succession of scientific
studies that prove physical activity has a positive effect on mental
l Firstly ,it’s clear that the brain benefits from
exercise .The scientific studies indicate that vigorous physical
exercise provides the brain with more fuel,and skill-based exercise may
increases the formation of connections in the brain.
l Scondly ,it
can rece the chance to catch a cold .Proper motion not only can speed
up your metabolism,it can also improve your body immunity and help your
body against the common cold virus and other bacteria
invasion.Washington university study found that five times a week long
45 minutes of cardiopulmonary exercise course of women,in a cold is the
number of times a week that a stretching exercise 1/3 of the women.
more ,Exercise can also eliminate rendant fat and calories,improve
our sleep quality,help rece mental stress and ease the mood of be
agitated,etc.So,from now on,let’s choose a suitable way for ourselves
,and stick to do that .
我第二,它可以减少感冒.适当的运动不仅能加快你的新陈代谢,还可以提高人体的免疫力,帮助你的身体对感冒病毒和其它病菌的侵袭.华盛顿大学的一项研究发现,每周五次时长45分钟的心肺锻炼的女性,在一个寒冷的是,伸展运动,1 / 3的女性的周数.

㈣ 求 两篇 英语 作文 写Exercise two 和Exercise t

The first impression takes an important role in an interview, therefore it is necessary to dress clean. During the interview, don't be stressed, try to relax the best you can, so that you can perform the best while you are try to apply the job. Give the interviewer your complete transcript, which include your ecation, experience, and strong points. Don't be shy for asking the salary and the health insurance, that is what you need to concern about the company. If the company would provide you opportunity for further ecation, go for it, not only for the company, but also for yourself!

㈤ should people take exercise英语作文

With the deveolopment of Chinese economic, people’s living standard improve.Meat is much more available to people.Meanwhile, the increasing pressure makes people has no time to exercise.As a result, a large number people are suffering obesity or more or less illness.So, more and more people are dreaming to keep fit in both physical and mental.To reach the goal, I have some suggestions following.
To begin with, exercise is the most important factor.Doing exercise can not only build people’s body but also relax themseves.People always say that exercise one hour everyday, healthy lifetime.So I suggest those people who want to be health should do exercise everyday.Considering their time, people can do exercise after work or after school even one or twice a week.They can chose to paly sports, running, walking, swimming or any other exercise that can relax themselves.Secondly, it is nessary to keep a good diet.There is saying,”A apple a day keeps the doctor away.”People need to eat less meat and more vegetable to get enough vitamin and rece the needless fat.Last but not least, always keeping a good mood can make half the work with double results.A good mood is essential to do a happy life.So please smile to your life and not get angry easily.
首先,锻炼是最重要的。锻炼不仅可以保持良好的身体健 康也可以放松自己。人们常说,每天锻炼一小时,健康一生。所以我建议那些想要健康的人应该每天都去锻炼。考虑到时间问题,他们可以在下班后或放学后去锻炼甚至一周锻炼两次。他们可以选择打球,跑步,散步,游泳或任何其他可以放松自己的运动。其次,还必须保持一个良好的饮食习惯。俗话说,“一天一苹果,医生远离我。人们应该少吃肉多吃蔬菜来获得足够的维生素并减少不必要的脂肪。最后但并非最不重要的是要经常保持一个好心情,这样做起事来才可以事半功倍。好心情对于幸福生活来说是很重要的。所以请对生活保持微笑,不要容易生气。
To sum up, different people have different attitude towards their life.But everyone wants a healthy life.Just remember do more exercise, eat more vegetable and keep a good mood.Tomorrow will be better.

㈥ my special home exercise的英语作文

Getting health benefits from physical activity is easier than you think, and it does not have to cost an arm and a leg. If the gymis not your thing,there aremanylow-cost activitiesyoucan doon your own thatcan get you in shape.

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise because it's cheap and accessible to most people. Increasing the amount you walk is easier than you think. You can make it a social affair by walking witha friend or joining a local walking group.

Burn calories, lose weight and feel great with our 10-minute home workout routines:


㈦ 以exercise为题,写一篇50字的英语作文(六年级)

I like playing sports very much . My favorite sport is football,because I think it`s exciting and relaxing .I always play football every Morning with my classmates ,because they can make me a fit body.I have three footballs,they are my favourite things.I also watch them on TV.I want to be a successful football player and I will practice hard.How about you?



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