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发布时间:2020-12-01 14:04:58

『壹』 写一篇作文(李飞玩单杠时腿摔断了)







我惊诧无比,难以相信一向文静、胆小的丽丽会有这样的举动。眼前的丽丽,分明在用她那瘦弱的小手紧紧抓着脏兮兮、沉重无比的井盖,一次次使劲地挪着。随着 “哎呀”一声,我看到丽丽两手飞快地缩在一起,一丝血迹在指缝间流出来,随即被雨水冲淡,红色的水线在指缝中晃动一下,消失无踪。








『贰』 单杠运动员的作文不知道有什么动作名


『叁』 单杠双杠教你一招作文

The horizontal bar, also known as the high bar, is an apparatus used by male gymnasts in Artistic Gymnastics. It traditionally consists of a cylindrical metal (typically steel) bar that is rigidly held above and parallel to the floor by a system of cables and stiff vertical supports. Gymnasts typically wear leather grips while performing on the bar. Current elite-level competition uses a more elastic fiberglass core rail similar in material to the rails used in the women's uneven bars and men's parallel bars apparatus.
The gymnastics elements performed on the horizontal bar are regulated by a Code of Points. A bar routine, which is a sequence of several bar skills, usually includes giant swings with various grips (overgrip, undergrip, dorsal grip, mixed grip), in-bar work, turns, release and regrasp skills, and a dismount. The horizontal bar is often considered one of the most exciting gymnastics events e to the power exhibited by gymnasts ring giant swings and spectacular aerial releases and dismounts that often include multiple flips or twists and, in some cases, airborne travel over the bar
The parallel bars were invented by Friedrich Ludwig Jahn.In 1819 the first transportable parallel bars were described. In 1856 in Germany Hermann Otto Kluge used tubes to make the parallel bars and the horizontal bar adjustable. He used them in his gym. In Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, published between 1873-1877, their use for exercise is described
Parallel bars is an apparatus used by male gymnasts in artistic gymnastics. Gymnasts may optionally wear grips when performing a routine on the parallel bars, although this is uncommon.
The apparatus consists of two parallel bars that are held parallel to, and elevated above, the floor by a metal supporting framework. The bars are composed of wood or other material, with an outer coating of wood. The vertical members of the supporting framework are adjustable so the height of the bars above the floor and distance between the bars can be set optimally for each gymnast.

『肆』 关于单杠双杠的英语作文

The horizontal bar, also known as the high bar, is an apparatus used by male gymnasts in Artistic Gymnastics. It traditionally consists of a cylindrical metal (typically steel) bar that is rigidly held above and parallel to the floor by a system of cables and stiff vertical supports. Gymnasts typically wear leather grips while performing on the bar. Current elite-level competition uses a more elastic fiberglass core rail similar in material to the rails used in the women's uneven bars and men's parallel bars apparatus.
The gymnastics elements performed on the horizontal bar are regulated by a Code of Points. A bar routine, which is a sequence of several bar skills, usually includes giant swings with various grips (overgrip, undergrip, dorsal grip, mixed grip), in-bar work, turns, release and regrasp skills, and a dismount. The horizontal bar is often considered one of the most exciting gymnastics events e to the power exhibited by gymnasts ring giant swings and spectacular aerial releases and dismounts that often include multiple flips or twists and, in some cases, airborne travel over the bar
The parallel bars were invented by Friedrich Ludwig Jahn.In 1819 the first transportable parallel bars were described. In 1856 in Germany Hermann Otto Kluge used tubes to make the parallel bars and the horizontal bar adjustable. He used them in his gym. In Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, published between 1873-1877, their use for exercise is described
Parallel bars is an apparatus used by male gymnasts in artistic gymnastics. Gymnasts may optionally wear grips when performing a routine on the parallel bars, although this is uncommon.
The apparatus consists of two parallel bars that are held parallel to, and elevated above, the floor by a metal supporting framework. The bars are composed of wood or other material, with an outer coating of wood. The vertical members of the supporting framework are adjustable so the height of the bars above the floor and distance between the bars can be set optimally for each gymnast.

『伍』 怎样翻单杠作文600字



『陆』 士兵突击许三多翻单杠 片段场景描写 作文




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