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发布时间:2020-11-29 18:01:58

❶ 如何制作阳光体育节海报

在纸上先写题目 “阳光体育节” 然后下面介绍 写 你这个体育节是什么 干什么的 或者写口号 让大家积极参与 最后写时间 地点
要画图的话 就画人在跑步的图 然后在纸的上面 画上太阳一类的

❷ 体育节这三字有什么好看的字体 海报用。。。。。。。。。。急用。!!!


❸ 校园体育节海报、会徽设计


❹ 为你们学校的体育节写一篇招聘海报 英语作文 40

The Advantage of job interview

Nowadays,job interview plays an important role in some companies’ recruitment procere.Generally,its advantages can be listed as follow:

First,it help the company examine the applicators impartially in the interview .Some applicators may cheat in his personal resume.Through the interview,the recruiter may judge whether a applicator has cheated in his resume and then decide whether he is suitable for the position he apply for . Second,job interview provide some applicators who have no high diploma more opportunities to gain the job.He may show his good quality in the interview .At last ,job interview promote the communication between the recruiter and the applicator. It help the applicator know more about the company’s policy ,such as the salary,the welfare.At the same time the recruiter also know what the applicator want .

Generally speaking,job interview do favor not only for the recruiter but also for the applicator.



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