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发布时间:2021-02-26 10:53:21

㈠ 有关去公园游玩的英语作文

Last weekend, all students in my class went to the park. It was sunny that day. The park was full of kinds of flowers. In the morning, some of my classmates sang, danced, and some played valleyball. Some were playing Chinese chess under the tree. After lunch, we went boating and climbing the hills. Although we were tired, we were happy. We enjoyed ourselves that day. In the late of afternoon, we retuned to school by bus.

㈡ 一篇写公园的英语作文

There is a park called the "Natural Park" in my city.It's very big and very beautiful.There are many nice flowers and green trees in the park.The air in the park is very fresh.I like to go to the park in the morning with my parents.We all like running slowly in the morning.The park has many attractions,just like a small amusement park.So on the weekends,many families enjoy going to the park to have a great time.译文:在我的城市里有一个叫“自然公园”的公园。它很大并且十分漂亮。在公园里有许多美丽的花和绿树。公园里的空气十分新鲜。我喜欢和我的父母在早上一起去公园。我们都喜欢在早晨慢跑。公园有许多有吸引力的事物,就像一个小游乐园。所以在周末,许多家庭都很喜欢到这个公园享受美好时光。(84个单词。作文译文皆为原创。)

㈢ 描写公园的英语作文(60个词,小学水平)

The park are full of people in the morning. Everyone knows doing exercise is good for health. Look! There are a group of old men under the big tree. They are doing Taiji. There are lots of young men playing table tennis. The old women are near the table. They are dancing. Some young children are walking with their parents in the park. 早晨公园里满是人. 人人都知道锻炼有益健康. 看, 在大树下有一群老专年人,他们在打太极拳. 有许多年属轻人在打乒乓球.在球台附近有些老大娘在跳舞. 一些小孩子在父母的陪伴下在公园里散步.


㈣ 在公园里(英语作文)

in the park, i listen to music with my friend.we eat icaem .要多少词

㈤ 怎样描写公园的景色英语作文小学五年级

There is aclean river. There are some colorful flowers. There is a beautiful mountain near the nature park. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. The tree is green. The bridge is tall. The grass is green. I can run on the grass.There is a path near the lake. There are many fish in the lake. There is a forest in the nature park. There are many trees on the mountains. There are many
flowers near the path.

㈥ 写一份去公园的小学生英语作文


㈦ 英语作文In the park 关于在公园里玩的

Today is Sunday.There are many people in the park.My friend and I go to the park.Some children in play football.We play basketball.We enjoy ourselves.But we're tired and thirsty.We had some ice cream.I like the park.

㈧ 描写公园的英语作文(小学生)

The park are full of people in the morning. Everyone knows doing exercise is good for health. Look!来 There are a group of old men under the big tree. They are doing Taiji. There are lots of young men playing table tennis. The old women are near the table. They are dancing. Some young children are walking with their parents in the park. 早晨公园里满是人. 人人都知道锻炼有自益健康. 看, 在大树下有一群老年人,他们在打太极拳. 有许多年轻人在打乒乓球.在球台附近有些老大娘在跳舞. 一些小孩子在父母的陪伴下在公园里散步.

㈨ 小学一件快乐去公园的事英语作文

Came to the park, entered the gate of the park, saw a lot of rare flowers flourish, bloom, roadside sweet scented osmanthus exudes refreshing aroma
A pirate ship, bumper cars, a small roller coaster game project in the park. I love playing pirate ship, because it is the most exciting. Us to sit on the boat, pulling the bumper is good, then, the ship slowly in the low altitude swing. Then, again the magnitude of a swing, finally, again very high very high swing, to the last boat is almost vertical, like flying in the same, ear only hear the sound of the wind "whir", some with scared to cry, some students screamed. After a moment, the pirate ship stopped and we got off the ship, only my head shaking, feeling the whole park are shaking, is really exciting and scary.

㈩ 描写公园的英语作文(小学生)

The park are full of people in the morning. Everyone knows doing exercise is good for health. Look! There are a group of old men under the big tree. They are doing Taiji. There are lots of young men playing table tennis. The old women are near the table. They are dancing. Some young children are walking with their parents in the park. 早晨公园里满是人. 人人都知道锻炼有益健康. 看, 在大树下内有一群老年人,他们在打太极容拳. 有许多年轻人在打乒乓球.在球台附近有些老大娘在跳舞. 一些小孩子在父母的陪伴下在公园里散步.



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