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发布时间:2021-02-21 04:40:39

❶ 这个男孩扶老奶奶过马路这个行为是善良的英文

A boy was running very fast along the road.Suddenly he bumped into an old man and knocked him down.The boy was very embarrassed.He said sorry to the old man and reached out his hands to help the old man stand-up.The oldman touched the boy's head gently and told the boy to be careful on the road.The boy apologize again for his carelessness to the old man,and helped the old man across the road.

❷ 英语急救一个小女孩扶老爷爷过马路

A little girl helps old man across the sidewalk.

❸ 英语作文扶残疾老人过马路的过程和感想

I was walking along the street when I found a grandma stood at the traffic light who wanted to cross the street. She was too old to cross alone, so I went up to support her. She was so glad that she thanked me again and again. I replied " It's my pleasure."Helping others also makes me happy.

❹ 扶老爷爷过马路写作文

扶老爷爷过马路放学后丁丁蹦蹦跳跳地向家里走去。正当丁丁过马路时,看见专一位老爷属爷拄着一根拐杖。丁丁想:马路上车子川流不息多危险呀!再说老爷爷是盲人,看不见东西只能用听觉才能知道旁边是什么东西。丁丁看了看自己的红领巾,三步并作两步地跑了过去说:“爷爷,我来扶您过马路。”爷爷笑了笑说:“好,好。”就这样丁丁把老爷爷送回家了。 丁丁想:助人为乐真开心。只要人人多献出一点爱,人间永远是温暖的春天。

❺ 作文 世界充满着爱 扶老爷爷过马路


❻ 助人为乐英语作文过马路小男孩扶老爷爷 80词

Today,when I was walking in the street,I found an old man who is blind was unable to cross the road himself.So I decided to help him.I ran to him and offered my help.I held his hand carefully and crossed the road with him slowly.Finally,when we arrived at the other side of the road,he thanked me again and again and I felt happy because I had helped someone who needed help.

❼ 小朋友扶老爷爷过马路看图写话




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