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Sufferings and Happiness of Writing

Is writing a pleasure or a torture? When this question appeared on the screen, the answer occurred to me immediately: it is both a pleasure and a torture to me as well, depending on whether I am in the mood for writing.

There are three major reasons why writing can be a torture for me sometimes. First, usually I write because it’s homework or I’m taking an exam. The task is so urgent and time so limited that I have to rack my brains to write a composition within a short time to meet the deadline, which fagged me out. Second, if I am lacking in knowledge or sources of the given topic, I find it hard to organize what and how to write, not mentioning to think out of the box and write original things. Third, even though I’ve outlined the article, I have difficulty with uses of words and grammar. Such things are frustrating me.

However, it’s obvious that writing itself is more a pleasure than a torture. That is why there are so many people keeping a diary, contributing to magazines and writing books. In our daily life and work, wring functions as a useful tool to delivering messages. In addition, wring helps to keep memories, for people tend to reflect on the past to see how life changes and find the inner self.

In conclusion, if I do my best to improve my writing skills and practice more, I will certainly enjoy the wonder that writhing brings about !

⑶ 香江华廷小学 清潭实验小学 哪个好


⑷ 常州市清潭实验小学二校区学生人数有多少

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⑺ 常州市清潭实验小学第三校区,外地学生怎么进校读书哎。。。没人际关系进不去啊,求高人帮忙。


⑻ 常州清潭实验小学哪个区的好


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