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发布时间:2021-01-15 10:59:27

❶ 求一篇介绍日本的英语作文

Japan was fun. It was very cool and windy. We flew kites in the park. I bought a watch there. I wanted to buy more, but I didn't have money. The gardens there were beautiful. I liked them the best. The department stores were too big. I couldn't find Mom. The food was delicious. We ate a lot of fish, and I also liked the vegetables and cake there. I hope I can go to Japan one more time.

❷ 求一篇关于鼓励日本学生的英语作文

Dear children in disaster areas:
Are you!
Know your Japan earthquake happened, I encounter very sympathetic to you. But you be brave, to face life positively, I know you felt very sad, but I want your body back to health at an early date, to return to the side of your loved ones,
Last wishes you to rebuild as soon as possible

dear friends,
I'm very sad to learn about your terrible experience--the big earthquake that not only destroy your land but also rock our hearts. Dear friends, please be optimistic though you may have lost your relatives and friends.Once you live , you have your bright future ,you have your hope.Now people from all around the country have come to help you with all their limits, so please stand still to study,to accept all the help.
Tomorrow will be fine,believe me!

Dear disaster area children:

How do you do!!!!! I'm a from Shanghai, China fourth grade of primary school pupils. When I'm from TV news, newspaper that Japan earthquake, my mood is very heavy, the sudden disaster to your countries has brought a painful losses, you

Faced with great pain and difficulty. Think of the disaster area you are under earthquake and tsunami that brings the pain, earthquake and tsunami that you not only living environment, but also become bad bear the pain of the lost relatives, my heart can't be calm once.

The tsunami hit my soul shock, the tsunami killed one-third are children. Many and I like big children lost loved ones, overnight lost home. The Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that affects people's heart, the party is difficult, p plus support, the people of our country also to people in disaster area extending a helping hand.

The great disaster let you leave the lovely campus, classroom and companions. As the life in the same earth partner, puffs of love the stream on campus, because love without borders surge. Tsunami, we outside of all the foreign language primary school teachers and students today are laid down his one love, I am in the school donation ceremony dedicated on my a meagre strength, of the money is at ordinary times from mom and dad to save the money, but also some money is mom and dad reward me. I am a pupil, only the best of its ability to donate some money, although my pocket money is not much, hope can give I've never seen the children to the same age, some warm. Express my appreciation. We all belong to the same generation, as long as people around the world to give a little love, will get together to be infinite strength. I believe that you will cheer up, the courage to face the difficulties in the international society, the common help, work together over the difficulties. In this warm world, soon will find confidence, they rebuild their beautiful home.

Finally, hope this letter to be mailed to the disaster area children of the hand, let you feel from China Shanghai children to a caring. I wish the disaster area to be children back to campus, and I am




❸ 写一篇关于日本报告的英语作文(50字即可)

A massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake occurred at Japan on March 11 2011, over ten thousand people were affected. With a deep grief, I think China has to help them by sending food, water and relif materials. I truely hope Japan can recover from the disaster as soon as possible.

❹ 求一篇介绍日本的英语作文

Japan lies to the east of China. It's our neighbour. Japan is an island country, with a population of 120 million and an area of 370 thousand square kilometers. Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

Fuji is the most famous one of the hills and mountains in Japan. If you go there in spring, you are sure to see the beautiful flowers-cherry blossom. And of course you'll go to visit the Disneyland in Tokyo.

As we all know, Japan is an advanced country. You must have seen many cars, cameras, TV sets or cellphones made in Japan. In the past years, about 500 thousand Chinese have moved to Japan.





❺ 介绍日本的70词英语作文

Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. The characters that make up Japan's name mean "sun-origin", which is why Japan is sometimes referred to as the "Land of the Rising Sun".Japan is mainly made up of four largest islands. Japan has the world's tenth-largest population, with over 127 million people. Its capital city, Tokyo is the largest metropolitan area in the world.

❻ 写去日本的英语作文(将来时)

Hello,Jim,my dear!
I was,this Sunday,I'd like to invite you to go to the seaside barbecue,with my father,mother,sister,and grandma,because my sister from the United States,you want to come back in a play,get together,so I have invited you and we come together.We agreed to my leg on Sunday morning at seven o 'clock,note:you need to take an umbrella,maps,telescope,cameras,hope we have a happy weekend!
Love you,Tom

❼ 急求一篇100字左右的英文作文 主题是关于介绍日本 还有到日本旅游的一些信息!! 写得好就加分!!

I get up at 6:00 every day. After washing my face,I brush my teeth. I do some running at about 6:30. I have breakfast at about 7:00. I go to school at 7:30. I have classes at 8:00. I have lunch at shool at 12:00. I have 2 classes in the afternoon. I have after-school activities at 16:30. I do some sports with my friends. I go home at 5:30 p.m. I usually have dinner at 6:30 p.m. After dinner, I often watch TV for half an hour. Then I have to do my homework. I usually go to bed at 21:30.

❽ 求一篇介绍日本的英文作文。


Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776 m (12,388 ft). An active volcano that last erupted in 1707-08, it straddles the boundary of Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures just west of Tokyo, from which it can be seen on a clear day. It is located near the Pacific coast of central Honshū. Three small cities surround it: Gotemba (east), Fujiyoshida (north) and Fujinomiya (southwest).Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.


Akihabara , also known as Akihabara Electric Town, is an area of Tokyo, Japan. It is located less than five minutes by rail from Tokyo Station. Its name is frequently shortened to Akiba in Japan. While there is an official locality named Akihabara nearby, part of Taitō-ku, the area known to most people as Akihabara (including the railway station of the same name) is actually Soto-Kanda, a part of Chiyoda-ku.

Akihabara is a major shopping area for electronic, computer, anime, and otaku goods, including new and used items. New items are mostly to be found on the main street, Chūōdōri, with many kinds of used items found in the back streets of Soto Kanda 3-chōme. First-hand parts for PC-building are readily available from a variety of stores. Tools, electrical parts, wires, microsized cameras and similar items are found in the cramped passageways of Soto Kanda 1-chōme (near the station). Foreign tourists tend to visit the big name shops like Laox or other speciality shops near the station, though there is more variety and lower prices at locales a little further away. Akihabara gained some fame through being home to one of the first stores devoted to personal robots and robotics.

❾ 介绍日本的英语作文及翻译

The climate of Japan is predominantly temperate,but varies greatly from north to south.日本的抄天气袭是非常的温和的,但是南北的差异非常显著.
Hokkaidō:The northernmost zone has a temperate climate with long,cold winters and cool summers.Precipitation is not heavy,but the islands usually develop deep snow banks in the winter.

❿ 介绍日本的英语作文

Japan (Japanese: 日本, Nihon or Nippon) is an island country located in the Pacific Ocean, east of China and Korea, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea in the south. It is composed of over 3,000 islands, the largest of which are Hokkaidō, Honshū, Shikoku, and Kyūshū. Most of Japan's islands are mountainous, and many are volcanic; the highest peak is Mount Fuji.




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