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发布时间:2021-01-05 19:52:31

❶ 英语作文cat一snowball

My Cat
I have a cat named Mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and Mimi would wave its front-legs to me. It brings me a lot of pleasure. But it takes time and costs money to keep the cat. My parents and I spend much time taking care of it, feeding it and cleaning it. We have to clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and smelly.

❷ my cat 英语作文

很简单的 望采纳
My Cat
I have a white cat. It is a present from my mother on my birthday. It’ very beautiful. I call it Mimi.
Mimi is very naughty. She likes to play with me. She often runs here and there and likes running after something. Mimi’s favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. I love it very much. Sometimes, Mimi is very gentle. She likes to wash her face and doesn’t play with me. After lunch, Mimi often lies on the sofa to sleep. When I go home, Mimi often jumps onto my knees. I like to give a bath to Mimi.
Oh, my baby cat brings me much happiness. We are good friends. I love Mimi.

❸ my cat写一篇简单和短一点的英语作文


I domesticated a cute little kitten , it is called white . The white belly is white , the back is golden brown , it has a pair of bright eyes, and green fluorescence in the night to issue , like the lights . A long three mouth with sharp teeth , these teeth can be useful , it can fish ,also can gnaws bone .

❹ My cat小学六年级英语作文

My cat
I like animals very much. But I like cats best. Her name is Mimi. She is very lovely. She has a small black nose and a long tail. Her legs are short. When I get home, She always wags her tail and walks up to me. When she feels hungry, she meows loudly .Now she`s very fat.
I love my little cat very much.

❺ 写一篇英语作文:I like cat




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英语 l like cat 作文

2014-08-27 分享

I like cat best Cats are very cute animals. They are very special as well. It has pointy ears, round eyes,little c laws,and short but soft fur. Sometimes, it is very naughty. Sometimes, it can understand my f eeling. When i am sad, it can make me lau gh. When I am happy, it can share with me. 热心网友 2014-08-27


英语作文l like English 88

英语作文,I like cat best 只是初一 水平 2

关于l like exercising的英语小短文。


I like English的80字短文 46

以I like English为题写一篇作文 68

英语作文 I like English 急~~急~~~ 在线等 48

英语短文I like English 63




hi,my name is 某某,i'm a tall girl ( boy),i like the cats very much.they a re very cute,so,l like they!

❻ 英语作文 My Cat(我的小猫) 急需啊!!

I have a very lovey cat.Its name's Snow Ball.It has two big bright eyes.It loves playing with me.When I dragging(拖着) a rope,it always run after me happily.It likes to sleep on my legs.I love my cat.

❼ 写一篇以“My cat”为题的英语作文,50词左右!

My dream
My dream is to be a sport player.I think sport player is a good job to make a lot of money ,and I can become very rich .When I become rich ,I will do lots of things ,for example,I will buy a big house with graden for my parents,I will travel around the world with my parents.I especially want to do the ting that is to help the persons in trouble and give a lot of money to the charities .There are my dreams ,I will work hard to make my dream come true.

❽ 英语作文80~90词,根据图片提示写一篇短文,介绍小猫(cat)的生活习惯

My name is TOM ,I'm just a cat. In the monrning ,i have my breakfast at 9:00,then,i will play games with my friend kitty . when i am tired about at 11:00,i will go to bed to have a rest.
Time files,the evening is coming, it's time for having dinner ,afer supper,i am going to watch TV at 19:30 ,soon later ,the sky becoming dark. and right now i'm begining to work at 21:30 ,until the sun rising.
我的名字叫tom ,我只是一只猫。 早上的时候,我九点钟吃早餐,然后,我和我的好朋友kitty一起做游戏。大约在十一点的时候,我就累了,于是就上床休息了。 时间过得很快,傍晚来到了,又到了吃晚饭的时间了,晚饭后,我将会去看会儿电视,很快,天就黑了,现在呢,正是我工作开始的时候,一直到明天太阳开始升起。

❾ my cat的英语作文要满2分钟

I have a white cat. It is a present from my mother on my birthday. It’s very beautiful. I call it Mimi.
Mimi is very naughty. She likes to play with me. She often runs here and there and likes running after something. Mimi’s favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. I love it very much. Sometimes, Mimi is very gentle. She likes to wash her face and doesn’t play with me. After lunch, Mimi often lies on the sofa to sleep. When I go home, Mimi often jumps onto my knees. I like to give a bath to Mimi.
Oh, my baby cat brings me much happiness. We are good friends. I love Mimi.

❿ 用猫写一篇英语作文小学生

Tina is my friend.Last Sunday,we went to walk in a park.Near a tree,we saw a white cat,we found that she was a little bit dirty,we feel she was so poor that she was homeless and doesn't have anything to eat.So we brought her home and decided to kept her as my pet because I like cats a lot.Now we call her Snow.



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