⑴ 项城市有哪些公立小学在那个位置,详细说下
第一实验小学 老街
第二实验小学 青年路中段
工业路小学 广场对面
文化路小学 文化路南段
东大街小学 东大街
⑵ 路南实验小学四年级英语下册的视频一至五课的
摘要: 一、 教学内容 《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书.牛津小学英语》4B第八单元第一课时 二、教学目标 1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office
重点中学考什么我们就教什么。乐加乐连续五年蝉联北京小升初英语第一 2010年800多学……[详细]
小升初面试口语自我介绍 | 小升初零基础语法资料
小升初择校英语需到什么程度 | 重点中学各区排名
说说英语写作中的“套话 | 怎样有效背诵英文课文
一、 教学内容
1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture,
a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground
2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 There’s a / There are some ... in/ on/ near...
3、 熟悉歌曲 In the classroom
1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture,
a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground
2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 There‘s a / There are some ...in/ on/ near...
1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture,
a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground
2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 There’s a / There are some ... in/ on/ near...
教具准备 :课前准备 本课的单词图片 及磁带录音机,教学挂图。
Step1. Free talk:
1.师生用Good morning/afternoon. How are you? 互相问候。
2.复习句型:Let‘s go to the....
Great! How do we go there?
Shall we go to the ... by ...?
3.看图片复习学过的单词(食物类、水果类、职业类、家庭用品类)。重点复习本课中的复现单词:a computer, a chair, a bookcase.
Step2. Presentation and practice
1、 出示第六课中的地点类的图片。
T: Look at my picture.
出示单词picture 并领读
S: 跟读.
T:(指图片) What’s it?
S: It‘s a library.
T: What can you see in the library?
S: I can see a chair, a computer and some books.
(同样复习an airport, a station, a park, a zoo...)
T:(出示音乐教室图片)What’s it?
S: ...
T: It‘s a music room.
出示单词 a music room 示范朗读
2.T: What can you see in the music room?
S: I can see a piano, a chair, a violin and an accordion.
T: So you can say: There is a piano.
There is a chair...
Can you say like me?
S: There is an accordion ...
There is a ...
出示句型: There is a/an...
There is a piano .
T: There is a piano in the music room.
Can you say like this?
出示句型:There is a/ an ... in the...
2、 T:出示办公室图片
T: What’s it?
S: ...
T: It‘s an office.
出示单词 an office 并领读
T: What can you see in the office?
S: There’s a bookcase in the office.
T: What can you see in the bookcase?
S: (在教师帮助下 ) There are some books in the bookcase.
同法教 a classroom, a playground, a blackboard.
Step 3 A short break
1、 Enjoy a song
欣赏本课的歌曲 In the classroom
2、A game“ Magic ears”
Step 4. Learn to say
1、在黑板上写出课题Unit8 Open day 并领读
3、T:(示范)This is an office.
There is a/ an ... on/ in the ...
There are some ...on/ in the ...
Can you say something like that?
Step5 Consolidation
1、 看图说话比赛
用句型: There is /are.... in / on the...
Step 6 Homework
⑶ 描写路南第二实验小学景色的作文
春姑娘悄悄抄地来到我们身边,冰雪袭融化,万物复苏,那青的草,绿的叶,各种色彩鲜艳的花,给校园构成一幅生机勃勃的春景图。 在校园的草坪上,可以看见嫩绿的小草从土壤里探出头来,高兴地望着我们,仿佛在说:“亲爱的同学们,我们又见面了!”一个个圆圆的蘑菇,在春雨的浇灌下,也露出了笑脸。 校园的主道两旁,杨树挺立在那里,一动不动,像一位站岗的哨兵。枝条上长出了圆圆的新叶,远远望去,像一个绿色的小桃子。那一朵朵美丽鲜艳的花儿,争齐开放,使人感到格外舒服。 每当下课的时候,悦耳的铃声传来,同学们就像一只只鸟儿一样“飞”出了教室,校园里顿时一片欢腾。兵乓球台前,围满了人,一阵阵叫好声,一阵阵欢呼声,使校园里充满了活力,充满了欢乐。 美丽的春天,美丽的校园,真是一幅美丽的画卷。
⑷ 唐山路南实验小学招生范围
应该是有 路南区的户口就行吧,还要够年龄。 我擦,好心回答 还 不满意? 不选就 带着,你他妈找事?