⑴ 英语图画,第一幅两个男孩踢足球第二幅打碎了窗户,第三幅是一个女人打开窗户询问,两男孩都不承认
1. 我看春晚 今年的新年晚会中,我最喜欢具有说,学,逗,唱四个方面为一体专的小品了,就让我属给大家介绍一些小品吧。 第一个小品讲述的是一位女士和一位出租车司机在电话亭旁发生的趣事,反映了这个社会即使是亲如夫妻,但是依旧不是很互相信任,...
⑵ 唐华是一名来自武汉的学生父亲是工程师爱好绘画母亲是歌手爱好唱歌跳哥哥是记者爱好踢足球
⑶ 翻译为英文:我的名字叫作李静,来自广东茂名,15岁,中学生,有多种爱好,喜欢踢球,听音乐,绘画。
window and find help...fast!
Joanna reaches the house and callwww.zcaimao.com
s the ambulance for her brother. They arrive within minutes but Jason is unconscious. They have to extricate him with the “Jaws of Life.” He is taken to the hospital and for three days he lies between life and death. He is breathing only with the assistance of a respirator. He has limited brain activity. The doctors take Joey aside and tell him that Jason will have extensive brain damage and that there is no real hope that Jason would be normal again. Joey must make a decision whether to turn off the respirator and let Jason die in peace. He decides that is the best decision but it is also the most painful one he has ever made in his life.
⑷ 老师让看图写话,关于节约用水的,图画上有三个孩子准备踢足球看见水龙头在滴水,然后三人随手关了水龙
⑸ 英语自我介绍姓名:李阳,男,爱好:踢足球,打篮球,绘画,身高164,来自山东济南,13岁不少于10
Name: li Yang, male, hobbies: playing football, playing basketball, drawing, height 164, come from jinan, shandong province, 13 years old