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发布时间:2020-12-05 01:39:05

A. 用FREE PASCAL编程 2011年长沙市小学生信息学奥林匹克竞赛决赛试题

program dd;
var a,b:longint;
if a=1 then
if b<=2 then c:=b*10
else if b<=10 then c:=20+9*(b-2)
else c:=20+72+7.5*(b-10);
if a=2 then
if b<=10 then c:=b*9
else if b<=50 then c:=b*9*0.8 {这里不知道网购打九折的原价是9元还是10元,如果是10元就把这一句和下一句中回的9改成10就可以了答}
else c:=b*9*0.6;
if a=3 then
if b<50 then c:=6*b
else if b<100 then c:=5*b
else c:=4*b;

B. 一篇关于中国家庭给孩子的学习压力大的英语作文

The study stress of students. Nowadays Chinese students, who are facing firece competance, are under great stress. First, they always have endless homework to do. it is quite common to see a primary student work til 12 o'clock to finish the work. Second, students' spare time is occupied by various training classes. Many parents wish their children to be versatile, so they send them to learn drawing, dancing, singging, playing the piano, and so on, which bring a lot of burden to the students. Third, students have to face the ranking. Ranking system is applied nearly by every Chinese school, which is a way for the teachers to measure the learning quality of students. However, the ranking system makes students nervous, and in order to get a better result, they have to work harder and harder. If the result is unsatisfied, the students probably wil be abused by parents. All in all, nowadays students are under great stress, which casts shadow on their childhood and even adolescence. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, we should give students more spare time, to enjoy life, to have closer touch to the nature, and to spend more time to play and communicate with their peers and parents.



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