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发布时间:2020-12-24 00:34:39

A. 今年考宁外。各位帮忙写一份英语自荐书。。。 呃。我毕业于实验小学。乐观开朗。积极向上 大致内容如下:

My name is XXX.I am 13 years old. I am from experimental primary school. I am very glad to write so a ZiJianShu to assess their ability to learn.
This year's I will face graates, I also will choose to suit oneself schools in junior high school three years of study. But the school is ningbo foreign language school. I know everyone will have a his mind right, while I have the schools to better outside. Not only because of the new campus of temple with beautiful environment quiet outside, but also because the name of outside rather face foreign languages. Foreign language is English, I for English on the one hand, has enough self-confidence. In two years of shane English learning of English, I was interested, English speaking, writing is becoming more and more outstanding. Choose better outside, and not just because of that, but also because of always, better to me outside very attractive, she has a long history and profound cultural connotation, rich teaching resources, good academic atmosphere, strong times breath, for social nurtured many outstanding talents. In recent years many excellent students in our school of choice for many school first choice, I also very eager to get your school in July this year the admission notice, become your a student, become a to society, and the motherland useful talents. From learning achievement has been leading of I, with their own efforts was admitted to his ideal middle - better outside, fourth grade, I began to struggle. After three years, I have to temper from a simple and lively female this growth for strong-willed, profound, mature inside collect, deeply loves the life, has the compassion, caring, self-motivated, intelligence and physique full scale development to outstanding students.
I love life, always full of confidence of life and hope. In this beautiful world, I enjoy the beauty of flowers in spring, autumn, the warmth of the passion, strong-minded.it summer rain toughness. I like to feel pleasure, I hope your happiness on to me and everyone around me cheering for the strong for the weak tears, send people rose, I believe saved. I have very good students in the class is not just because of my margin more from my class cadre post, simple, frank, warm personality. I often took pains to the classmate speak a had been told many times, I announced the math problem for students to learn English public my best know-how, I will learn more than in the library with my classmates to navigate in the sea of knowledge, go to KTV intoxicated in beautiful melody.
I am a work resolute, assertive, willing to put the initiative is own hands, I like actively learn no pressure, the sort of relaxed learning environment more easily reach twice the result with half the effort, when I play out, but I forget yourself in studying will put yourself into it. Once face difficult, will be very instinctively to play out full potential. I often use less time can learn to others in the standard study time can acquire knowledge, I always spend time and completed part of others the same task with others.
Ningbo foreign language school, is my dream school hall, if I'm the lucky, I will plan the National People's Congress in the direction of the National People's Congress I, I hope I can in one of knowledge, not only is knowledge, more dedicated to the motherland, for national rejuvenation contribute the sentiment. In the academic active ning outside, I will try to attend some groups, BBS and various activities, compensate for my former shortage, exercise my ability, honed himself into ningbo foreign language school student has the unique culture grade, special talents and good comprehensive quality of talents.
Will your school leadership can accept my application, to realize my ideal.

B. 小学毕业生自我推荐书怎么写

姓名 学校 班级
家庭地址 电话 其他联系方式
奖项、证书罗列(按照国家、市、区、校等重要程度排列,把敲门砖放在显眼靠前的位置,简洁清楚一目了然而不是越多越好)这个很重要 很多初中都是主要看奖项的
兴趣爱好 特长

C. 小学生毕业自我推荐信范文

我热爱学习,思维活跃,待人诚恳,助人为乐,见解独特,是一名在德智体三方面都有优异表现的学生。我喜欢数学。学习之余,我还热心参加各项有益的文娱体育活动。我曾经为班级不少争 得了荣誉 过去并不代表未来,勤奋才是真实的内涵,对于今后的学习生活,我充满了信心,我会不断地努力学习,不断地完善自己,努力使自己成为一名合格的中学生。长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,我也要向着我的理想,我的目标而努力、前进。



D. 小学毕业生自荐信



E. 个人特长及优势怎么写





1、电脑应用熟专练,熟练操作Word,Excel,,Outlook, ERP等各种办公软属件;








F. 小学毕业自荐信


G. 小学生毕业自荐信怎么个写法求例子。




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