A. 要去日本朋友家做客,想了解下日本的餐桌礼仪及常用的句型
日本人在用餐之前及之后都要高声表达两种感受,用餐前要说 “いただきます!”专,属意思是欣赏这顿饭食;用餐后要说 “ごちそうさまでした!”,意思是感谢款客者预备这顿极美味的饭食。
B. 求一篇关于日本餐桌礼仪的日语论文
C. 日本餐桌上的礼仪
D. 关于日本餐桌礼仪的日语文章
你还可以用 食事作法到谷歌里面搜索。
E. 日本韩国的餐桌礼仪
●与长辈一起用餐时,长辈动筷后晚辈才能动筷。●勿把汤匙和筷子同时抓在手里;版不要把匙权和筷子搭放在碗上;不要端着碗吃饭喝汤(这点与我国传统正好相反)。●先喝汤再吃别的食物;用餐时不要出声也不要让匙和筷碰到碗而发出声音。●共享的食物要夹到各自的碟子上以后吃,醋酱和辣酱也最好拨到碟子上蘸着吃。●用餐时咽到骨头或鱼刺时要避开旁人悄悄地包在纸上再扔掉,不要直接扔在桌子上或地上。●用餐不要太快也不要太慢,与别人统一步调。与长辈一起用餐时,等长辈放下汤匙和筷子以后再放下。●用餐后,汤匙和筷子放在最初位置上,使用过的餐巾迭起来放在桌子上。 简单不了
F. 中国和日本餐桌礼仪有什么不同
G. 中国和日本餐桌礼仪的不同
H. 用英语写出的日本的餐桌礼仪
Don't stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl. Instead,lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies, the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table!
It is polite to make noise when you have a meal,especially when you eat noodles.
或者 and sitting
In Japan, some restaurants and private houses are equipped with low Japanese style tables and cushions on the floor, rather than with Western style chairs and tables. Please visit our information page about sitting techniques and rules for more information.
A restaurant with traditional low tables
Itadakimasu and Gochisosama
In Japan, you say "itadakimasu" ("I gratefully receive") before starting to eat, and "gochisosama (deshita)" ("Thank you for the meal") after finishing the meal.
Indivial versus shared dishes
It is not uncommon in private households and in certain restaurants (e.g. izakaya) to share several dishes of food at the table rather than serving each person with his/her indivial dish. In such a case, you are supposed to move some food from the shared plates onto your own plate by yourself, using the opposite end of your chopsticks (if you have used them already) or with special chopsticks that may be provided for that purpose.
The proper usage of chopsticks is the most fundamental element of Japanese table manners, and therefore, we have assigned them a separate information page.
Some Table Rules
Blowing your nose in public, and especially at the table, is considered bad manner.
It is considered good manner to empty your dishes to the last grain of rice.
Talking about toilet related and similarly disappetizing topics ring or before a meal is not appreciated by most people.
Unlike in some other parts of East Asia, it is considered bad manner to burp.
After finishing eating, try to place all your dishes in the same way as they were at the start of the meal. This includes replacing the lid of dishes which came with a lid and replacing your chopsticks on the chopstick holder or into their paper slip, if applicable.
Read more about chopstick rules.
Drinking rules
When drinking alcoholic beverages, it is a Japanese custom to serve each other, rather than pouring the beverage into one's own glass. You are supposed to periodically check your friends' cups, and serve them more once their cups are getting empty. Likewise, if someone wants to serve you more alcohol, you should quickly empty your glass and hold it towards that person.
While it is considered bad manner to become obviously drunk in some formal restaurants, for example in restaurants that serve kaiseki ryori (Japanese haute cuisine), the same is not true for other types of restaurants such as izakaya, as long as you do not bother other guests.
Do not start drinking until everybody at the table is served and the glasses are raised for a drinking salute, which usually is "kampai". Avoid using "chin chin" when drinking a toast, since in Japanese this expression refers to the male genitals.
How to eat...
... Rice:
Take the rice bowl into one hand and the chopsticks into the other and lift it towards your mouth while eating. Do not pour soya sauce over white, cooked rice.
... Sushi:
Pour some soya sauce into a the small plate provided. It is considered bad manner to waste soya sauce, so try not to pour more sauce into your plate than you are actually going to be using.
You do not need to add wasabi into your soya sauce, because the sushi pieces usually already contain wasabi, and some sushi pieces are supposed to be eaten without wasabi. If you choose to add wasabi, nonetheless, use only a small amount, in order not to offend the sushi chef. If you do not like wasabi, you can request that none is added into your sushi.
In general, you are supposed to eat a sushi piece in one bite. Attempts to separate a piece into two, most often end in the destruction of the beautifully prepared sushi. Hands or chopsticks can be used to eat sushi.
In case of nigiri-zushi, dip the piece into the soya sauce upside-down with the fish part ahead. A few kinds of nigiri-zushi, for example, marinated pieces, should not be dipped into soya sauce.
In case of gunkan-zushi, pour a small amount of soya sauce over it, rather than dipping it into the sauce.
... Sashimi:
Give some soya sauce into a small plate provided. Put some wasabi on the sashimi piece, but do not use too much wasabi as this would overpower the taste of the raw fish and possibly offend the chef. Use the sauce for dipping the sashimi pieces. Some types of sashimi are enjoyed with ground ginger rather than wasabi.
... Miso Soup:
Drink the soup out of the bowl as if it were a cup, and fish out the solid food pieces with your chopsticks.
... Noodles:
Lead the noodles with your chopsticks step by step into your mouth, while sucking them in with a controlled slurping sound. Try to the slurping sound of people around you.
In case of noodle soups, keep the distance between the bowl and your mouth small in order to avoid splashing. If a ceramic spoon is provided, use it to drink the soup, otherwise, lift the bowl to your mouth in order to drink the soup.
... Kare Raisu:
(and other dishes in which the rice is mixed with a sauce)
Kare Raisu (Japanese style curry rice) and other rice dishes, in which the rice is mixed with a sauce (for example, some domburi dishes) and may become a little bit difficult to eat with chopsticks, are often eaten with large spoons rather than chopsticks.
... Big pieces of food:
(e.g. prawn tempura, tofu)
Separate the piece with your chopsticks (this takes some exercise), or just bite off a piece and put the rest back onto your plate.
Please visit also the related information pages about eating at a restaurant.
Any advice or question? Voice them in the forum!
I. 日本人的餐桌礼仪急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
第一~碗筷不能不干净~不能有残缺,日本是一个很讲规矩或者说礼貌的国家。。。。特别是看见破碗脏筷子。。。那是对对方的不敬。。。他不一定会说,但是心里面会记得。 这是查不到的,潜规则
第三~ 绝对绝对不可以开门见山~说话的时候~明白吗~ 开门见山在中国或许是率真的表现,在日本则可能会得到粗鲁的评价。有些中国人常常会对日本人的“含糊其辞”缺少明确答案大为肝火,其实是其固有的文化习惯使然。最好的办法是在同日本人交流是努力抓住各种暗示,并使用推理的办法来理解对方的完整意思,然后谨慎措辞,不要过度强烈的表达个人愿望,即使是持反对意见,也一定尽可能使用多一些的语言来说明。其实,日本人往往会给外宾较多的宽容,而且语言的迂回性一般也不会带入相应的外语表达方式。比如在用英语交谈时,日本人多会表现的直率很多。所以只要用心,定能揣测出对方的真实意思。