Ⅰ in,ing怎么区分,我儿子一年级写作业的时候会说加g还是不加g怎样让他分的清。
Ⅱ 英语教学一年级和三年级的学生有什么区别
小学一年级英语教学案例一、教学目标:认知目标:学生能理解情境、听懂会说句型 My … is in on under…能力目标: 1.能听懂会说本课句型。.在句型操练达到熟练程度上培养学生的口语交际能力。.培养学生的注意力和观察力,激发学生积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。情感目标: 创设良好的英语学习氛围,培养学生的学习兴趣和热情。二、教学重点和难点:重点:1、学生能理解、模仿、学说句型:My … is in on under….、学生能在真实的语境中运用新句型。难点:对三个方位介词in,on,under的理解及正确使用。三、突破重点和难点的关键:1.逐步呈现,层层突破。.情景创设多样性和灵活性.媒体运用有效性。四、教学手段 :运用多媒体辅助教学。五、教具准备:CAI,实物道具 六、教学过程I. Warm-up① Greetings. T: Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? Nice to meet you. Very good. Sit down, please. Ss answer.( 通过师生对话,进入英语学习的氛围)思路:歌谣调动学生的情绪,活跃课堂气氛,朗诵歌谣的同时复习本课Part A 的 单词,又为新课作铺垫。II. Revision.① Review the words:② Divide the whole class into groups.思路:单词的复习,是学习本节课对话的前提,利用单词,恰当分组,形成合作,向上的积极氛围。噢 还有一件事 我现在学的ABC天芐欧美外教口语的老师和我提到,就是想将英语学好是轻松的;必然要有一个适合的学习空间与闇练口语对象,老师水平是关键 纯正欧美口音(非东南亚)很重要,持续逐日练习口语 1 on 1家教式教学才会有.好.的学习效果;课后同样要复习听取课堂录音档,更可以加深印象!如果真的无口语交谈的人的情况 可以去 VOA或沪江获取课外教材阅读 多说多练一下子语境会进步许多 学习成长肯定会最佳的!III. Presentation and Practice. 思路:本环节,通过个重点句型的分散教学,层层突破,降低句型难度,使 学生轻松掌握words and sentences.b). Play a game: warm or cold.( 游戏规则:一名学生把单词片藏起来,一名学生找单词片。其他学生帮助——当找的学生离片近的时候,他们的喊声(单词发音)响亮;反之,离片远,声音就越来越轻。在我的教学实践中,这个游戏学生很感兴趣。)思路:在活动中巩固新学内容“玩具盒”,学生饶有兴致地记住了toy box,避免机械地朗读。② Present “in”.T :I have a nice ball. Do you want to have a look? T tries to find the ball. Oh, where is my ball ? At last, Teacher found it in the toy box. Oh, Practise “in”“on” and “under”.( 借助实物巩固操练).Guessing game: Where is the robot?(游戏规则:教师或学生用布挡住玩具盒,把robot藏起来,或在盒子上,盒子里,或在盒子底下。其他同学猜猜看on the toy box, in the toy box or under the toy box.变换toys 和places.)思路:“猜猜看”的游戏避免了枯燥乏味地机械操练,学生兴趣盎然 IV. Work in groups. Ss talk about their toys or school tngs. Inonunder the deskbagchair…(用自己的物品操练句型 My … is inonunder…或编对话Where is your … ? It’s inonunder …)思路:尊重学生个性发展,根据学生学习情况,学生有能力就可以放手让学生学以致用。Relaxing: (CD-Room) Now, let’s have a rest. Stand up, please. Listen and sing a song. Do some actions. TPR(全身反应活动)的听听做做活动,培养动作的协调性、语言的节奏性和和表演的技巧性;课件配合教学,在动画色彩的CAI,能吸引学生注意力,激发学生学习热情,并面向全体学生 Setting three scenes. (CAI)思路:CAI出示对话后,注意分层教学,照顾全体学生。教师提供个情景可供选择,符合学生的特点,词汇量较少,缺乏英语学习的语言环境,并面向全体学生,给学生充分自由选择的空间,提供给学生一个完全开放的空间和展示自我才华的舞台。
Ⅲ 女儿上一年级,学拼音老是分不清ing和in这一类的,怎么办
让她多拼来读生字表,在读时记住源是什么音,即前鼻音还是后鼻音。读熟记住后再去掉拼音,让她写。就像生字识记一样的,要记住了才能写得出。其实这些字都不是同时出现的。她只是在第一次出现时没有去记忆,字多了,就混在一起,所以分不清了。所以,每天学的生字最好每天巩固。经常复习,就牢牢记住了。我是低段的语文老师。我们在教学时碰到每个生字都提醒学生记住是平舌音还是翘舌音,前鼻音还是后鼻音,每天生字认读检查,久而久之,学生也有这种意识,大部分学生能分清,但也有个别后进生,学生不自觉或记性差,家长也不管,当时勉强读出,跟不上进度,所以会遗忘,混淆。 开始没有巧办法,只有逐个记住,以后同声旁的字拼音可能相同,但也有例外,只要记住例外的就行。如:令领零岭玲——-后鼻音,而邻却是前鼻音。
Ⅳ 剑桥版JOIN IN 1四年级UNIT 1 NUMBERS 集体备课教案
How New York Became America’ Largest City
In the 18th century New York was smaller than Philadelphia and Boston. Today it is the largest city in America. How can the change in its size and importance be explained?
To answer this question we must consider certain facts about geography, history, and economics. Together these three will explain the huge growth of America’s most famous city.
The map of the Northeast shows that the four areas with the largest populations in this region are around seaports. At these points materials from across the sea enter the United States, and the procts of the land are sent there for export across the sea.
We know that places where transportation lines meet are good places for making raw materials into finished goods. That is why seaports often have cities nearby. But cities like New York needed more than their geographical location in order to become great instrial centers.
About 1815, when many Americans from the east had already moved toward the west, transportation routes from the seaports to the central regions of the country began to be a serious problem. The slow wagons of that time, usually draw by horses, were too expensive for moving
heavy freight very far. ①In New York a canal seemed the best answer to the transportation problem. From the eastern end of Lake Erie all the way across the state to the Hudson River there is a long strip of low land. Here the Erie Canal was built. After several years of work it was completed in 1825.
The canal proced an immediate effect. Freight costs were cut to about one tenth of what they had been. New York City, which had been smaller than Philadelphia and Boston, quickly became the leading city of the coast.
The coming of the railroads made canal shipping less important, but it tied New York even more closely to the central regions of the country. It was easier for people in the central states to ship their goods to New York for export overseas.
Exports from New York were greater than imports. ②As a result, shipping companies made every effort to fill their ships with passengers on the return trip from Europe. And so passenger could come from Europe very cheaply.
Thus New York became the greatest port for receiving people from European countries. Many of these people remained in the city. For these great numbers of new Americans New York had to provide homes, goods and other things. Their labor helped the city become grea
Ⅳ 一年级下册语文in在中间周围的字有哪些
Ⅵ 小学一年级拼音。我就是分不清en eng in ing得读音和用法。不要再跟我说前鼻音喝后鼻音,这
Ⅶ 求小学一年级《快乐英语》教学案例。(字数适中)
学生能理解情境、听懂会说句型 My … is in/ on/ under…
重点:1、学生能理解、模仿、学说句型:My … is in/ on/ under….
四、教学手段 :运用多媒体辅助教学。
I. Warm-up
① Greetings. T: Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? Nice to meet you. Very good. Sit down, please. Ss answer.( 通过师生对话,进入英语学习的氛围)
思路:歌谣调动学生的情绪,活跃课堂气氛,朗诵歌谣的同时复习本课Part A 的 单词,又为新课作铺垫。
II. Revision.
① Review the words:
② Divide the whole class into 6 groups.
III. Presentation and Practice.
学生轻松掌握words and sentences.
b). Play a game: warm or cold.
( 游戏规则:一名学生把单词卡片藏起来,一名学生找单词卡片。其他学生帮助——当找的学生离卡片近的时候,他们的喊声(单词发音)响亮;反之,离卡片远,声音就越来越轻。在我的教学实践中,这个游戏学生很感兴趣。)
思路:在活动中巩固新学内容“玩具盒”,学生饶有兴致地记住了toy box,避免机械地朗读。
② Present “in”.
T :I have a nice ball. Do you want to have a look? T tries to find the ball. Oh, where is my ball ? At last, Teacher found it in the toy box. Oh,
Practise “in”/“on” and “under”.( 借助实物巩固操练)
4.Guessing game: Where is the robot?
(游戏规则:教师或学生用布挡住玩具盒,把robot藏起来,或在盒子上,盒子里,或在盒子底下。其他同学猜猜看on the toy box, in the toy box or under the toy box.变换toys 和places.)
IV. Work in groups.
Ss talk about their toys or school things. In/on/under the desk/bag/chair…(用自己的物品操练句型 My … is in/on/under…或编对话Where is your … ? It’s in/on/under …)
Relaxing: (CD-Room) Now, let’s have a rest. Stand up, please. Listen and sing a song. Do some actions.
Setting three scenes. (CAI)