A. 小学升初中、初中升高中和高中考大学 英语的单词量各需要多少
小学升初中 300-500
初中升高中 800-1100
高中考大学 1800-2400
B. 用英语介绍下中国小学,初中,高中分别的培养目标
(1) 德育方面:使学生具有爱祖国、爱社会主义、爱中国共产党的思想感情,初步树立辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义的基本观点,初步具有为人民服务的思想和集体主义观点,具有良好的品德,以及一定的分辨是非和抵制不良影响的能力,养成文明礼貌、遵纪守法的行为习惯。
Based ecation training objectives
(a) the training objectives of basic ecation
Based ecation training goal in ecation target system belongs to the middle level, it is specifically stipulated ecation at all levels should reach to the specific requirements of the personnel training.
1. Primary school ecation training objectives
(1) moral ecation: to make students have a love of the motherland, love people, love Labour, love science, love socialism and the communist party of China's thoughts and feelings, preliminary with caring, concerned about the collective, honesty, thrift, does not fear the difficulty, such as good moral character, and the preliminary ability to distinguish, develop speaking civilization, polite, disciplined behavior.
(2) the intellectual ecation: to make students with reading, writing, expression, calculation of basic knowledge and basic skills, to master some nature, society and life common sense, culture observation, thinking, hands-on operation and self-study ability, and have a wide range of interests and hobbies, develop good study habits.
(3) sports: cultivate the habit of students to exercise the body and pay attention to health, have a healthy body.
(4) aesthetic aspects: cultivating students' interest, wanting a preliminary aesthetic ability.
(5) the labor technical ecation aspects: cultivating students' good habits of labor, will use some simple tools of labor, has the preliminary ability to care for life.
Primary school ecation training goal is according to the purpose of China's socialist ecation mission and early school age characteristics of students' physical and mental development. Primary school ecation is the foundation of basic ecation, therefore, at this stage for the students in the future a foundation "preliminary" comprehensive harmonious development, is an important characteristic of primary school ecation training goal.
2. Junior middle school ecation training objectives
(1) moral ecation aspect: make the students love the motherland and the socialist thoughts and feelings, love of the communist party of China, the preliminary set up the basic ideas of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the preliminary ideas of serving the people and collectivist point of view, has the good moral character, and must have the ability to distinguish and resist bad influence, form the behavior habit of civilized manners, law-abiding.
(2) the intellectual ecation: to master the necessary cultural science basic knowledge and basic skills, have certain ability of self-study, using knowledge analysis problem, problem-solving ability and hands-on ability, training students' practical and realistic scientific attitude and spirit of pursuit of new knowledge.
(3) sports: preliminary to master the basic knowledge of physical exercise and the correct method, get into the habit of hygiene, have a healthy body.
(4) aesthetic aspects: have a certain aesthetic ability, preliminary form healthy interests and hobbies.
(5) the labor technical ecation: master certain proctive labor of the basic knowledge and basic skills, understand the general knowledge of the work, has the right of labor opinion, labor attitude and good work habits.
Junior high school ecation is a continuation of the elementary ecation, and lay the foundation for ordinary high school, vocational high school and alt high school ecation. Junior high school ecation stage of the students in middle school (adolescent). Middle school from children to young and the transition period from the juvenile to the youth, is very important in the process of growth and development of a turning period, and hence for the students' all-round development, improving quality lay the most critical period. Primary school junior middle school ecation training objectives, to make students "preliminary" on the basis of fully development, in order to promote the harmonious development of their physical and mental health, lay a solid foundation. Junior high school ecation is the most important, but it is the weakest link. Therefore, ecation and society as a whole are very attention to the full realization of the goal a junior high school ecation.
3. The training objectives of high school ecation
High school ecation in compulsory ecation on the basis of further improve students' ideological and moral qualities, scientific and cultural quality, psychological quality, body and make students personality get healthy development, to cultivate socialist builders and successors to lay the good foundation. Its main target is as follows:
(1) moral ecation: to make students with socialist and communist ideals, love the socialist motherland and the socialist cause, love the communist party of China, is for the country prosperous and people rich and hard work dedication, set up the view of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, with socialism and communism moral quality, make the student have moral thinking and moral evaluation ability, has the ability of self ecation and habits, law-abiding, civilized manners habit.
(2) the intellectual ecation: to make students in junior high school ecation on the basis of further master the necessary cultural science basic knowledge and basic skills, in particular, play the basis of Chinese, mathematics, foreign language, to develop the students' interests and expertise, pursuit of new knowledge in training students with enthusiasm and the ability of self-learning and problem analysis, problem solving, seeking truth from facts, independent thinking, to make inventions of scientific spirit.
(3) sports: mastery of the basic knowledge and skills, physical exercise, to learn the method of scientific exercise, graally form the habit of exercise consciously, make the comprehensive development of students' physical quality has a healthy body and engaged in physical activity necessary for life, proction capacity, develop good health habits.
(4) aesthetic aspects: train students' correct aesthetic view, makes them have ability of feeling beauty, appreciating beauty and creating beauty.
(5) the labor technical ecation: to make students have labor opinion, labor habit and study the proction technology of interest, to master modern proction technology of some basic knowledge and basic skills, learn to use the general proction tools, master the organization of proction and management of proction preliminary knowledge and skills.
High school stage of ecation students in early adolescence, the development of students' physical and mental will achieve basic mature. In their cultural and scientific knowledge, life experience and the existing ideological and moral level, on the basis of preliminary formed a world outlook, the outlook on life and moral values. This stage is also students aspire to choosing a career, for to live, to separate times. Therefore, training target to reflect the above-mentioned characteristics.
Training goal guiding, normative, and certain "operational". The training objectives of each stage of primary and secondary schools listed above, embodies the ecation of primary and secondary schools in the different stages of cultivation of different basic requirement of the all-round development of people.
C. 小学,初中,高中,大学英语学习方式有什么不同
D. 我想考个英语教师资格证具体都要考什么
考英语教师资格证分为笔试部分和面试部分。笔试部分除了考教师资格必考的几门,还需考普通话证书,这是当老师的基本要求。E. 关于教师资格证的考试,初中英语和高中英语具体有哪些差别!
笔试考试小学两门,中学三门,上午考- -门,下午考两门。一定要带一块手表,教师资格证考试题量很大,需要写的也很多,有时候时间很难拿捏,带块手表会帮助我们把控时间。
F. 小学,初中,高中英语全包括吗
高中英语能学好 小学初中只是打基础 提升兴趣的 高中英语和小学初中不一样的--是全新的 -所以只要你有信心和兴趣 都可以学好 当然要坚持--不要三分钟的热情
G. 小学、初中、高中、468级 要求的英语水平、词汇量分别是多少
划分英语词汇量没有具体等级定论,这里给个预估值给大家:小学需要词汇量600;初中1800;高中生3000;四级 4500;六级6000H. 英语教师资格证都考什么内容
讲课 给10分钟时间准备,然后把这段话以讲课的形式也就是给学生上课的形式讲出来 讲之前回答两个问题,讲之后回答两个问题,主要强调情景教学关于考官的提问,可能会涉及说课内容,但主要是关于教育教学发展动态、政治思想理论或者关于考生个人的,比如为什么想当老师等等。
I. 小学初中高中的英语几个月能学完
J. 小学,初中,高中,大学每个阶段用英语怎么表达
primary /middle /high school college或university