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发布时间:2021-02-24 03:16:28

Ⅰ 米兰这篇短文主要内容

三件事: 1、课间操米兰老师和孩子们一起跳吧啦吧啦舞,引得孩子们的青睐。 2、米兰老师巧妙解决打架事件。 3、米兰老师是个特别的老师。

Ⅱ 《小小的米兰花》阅读答案

2.牵扯 注入 一步一挨 飘溢
3.颂歌(赞歌) 疑难(疑惑)
4.(1) 蹒跚:形容困难版地走路样子。权
(2)滂沱:形容雨下的很大 。
5.“那个美丽、和蔼,像大姐姐一样的老师。” 对应 “老师那美丽而和蔼的脸上。” “散发着淡淡的清香”对应“小米兰那淡淡的清香却永远飘溢在我心中…… ”
6. 通过写米兰花,实际赞美了自己小学的女老师对学生的爱护之情
7. 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。

Ⅲ 短文米兰花的阅读答案,各位语文高手请进,快小小的米兰花,细致得像碎玉的米兰花,总...

你好:第二个自然段作者通过 (老师总是用温暖的手为我驱寒)(我生病的回时候老师对答我的关爱)(老师冒着雨送我回家)三个事例表现“她”对我“的”爱心,抒发作者对她的(感恩和衷心的思念之情).最后一个自然段中的“清香”实际指:老师对我的关爱.希望对你有帮助!

Ⅳ 米兰的阅读答案

前年,孙阿姨出差(chāi chā)去广州,回北京时带了一棵米兰(milan)送给我家。
米兰的叶子很内好看。它的形状和冬青容差不多,近似椭圆形,中间还有一道不深不浅的线,这些叶子,有的肥厚浓绿,有的娇嫩(lèn nèn)青翠,都闪着亮光。
米兰的花非常奇特。它不是一朵一朵的,更没有花蕊(ruǐ) ,而是一串串的。中间的一根主枝大约有一寸来长,主枝又分出许多小枝,每个小枝上都长了一个小黄球形的花,每朵像小米粒一样。"米兰"的名称,可能就是由此而来的吧!
米兰的花香极了,开花时,从楼下经过的人都可以闻到一股股沁人心脾的(清 青)香。
3、 这篇短文主要写了米兰的叶子和花,写叶子是从( ) 和( ) 两方面来写的.

Ⅳ 米兰 短文答案谁有呀

(Milano), situated on the flat plains of the Po Valley, is the capital of Lombardy and thoroughly enjoys its hard-earned role as Italy's richest and second largest city. Wealthy and cosmopolitan, the Milanesi enjoy a reputation as successful businesspeople, equally at home overseas and in Italy. Embracing tradition, sophistication and ambition in equal measure, they are just as likely to follow opera at La Scala as their shares on the city's stock market or AC or Inter at the San Siro Stadium.

Three times in its history, the city had to rebuild after being conquered. Founded in the seventh century BC by Celts, the city, then known as Mediolanum (id-plain'), was first sacked by the Goths in the 600s (AD),
then by Barbarossa in 1157 and finally by the Allies in WWII, when over a quarter of the city was flattened. Milan successively reinvented herself under French, Spanish and then Austrian rulers from 1499 until the reunification of Italy in 1870. It is a miracle that so many historic treasures still exist, including Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, which survived a direct hit in WWII.

The Milanesi's appreciation of tradition includes a singular respect for religion; they even pay a special tax towards the cathedral maintenance. It is therefore fitting that the city's enring symbol is the gilded statue of the Virgin, on top of the cathedral (Il Duomo).

Milan is founded around a historic nucleus radiating from the cathedral, with a star-shaped axis of arteries spreading through modern suburbs to
the ring road. The modern civic centre lies to the northwest, around Mussolini's central station, and is dominated by the Pirelli skyscraper, which dates from 1956. The trade and fashion fairs take place in the Fiera district, west of the nucleus around the Porta Genova station.

Milan's economic success was founded at the end of the 19th century, when the metal factories and the rubber instries moved in, replacing agriculture and mercantile trading as the city's main sources of income.
Milan's position at the heart of a network of canals, which provided the irrigation for the Lombard plains and the important trade links between the north and south, became less important as instry took over - and the waterways were filled. A few canals remain in the Navigli district near
the Bocconi University, a fashionable area in which to drink and listen to live music.

Since the 1970s, Milan has remained the capital of Italy's automobile instry and its financial markets, but the limelight is dominated by the fashion houses, who, in turn, have drawn media and advertising agencies to the city. Milan remains the marketplace for Italian fashion - fashion aficionados, supermodels and international paparazzi descend upon the city twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs. Valentino, Versace and
Armani may design and manufacture their clothes elsewhere, but Milan, which has carefully guarded its reputation for flair, drama and creativity, is Italy's natural stage.

Ⅵ 短文阅读米兰

前年,孙阿姨出差(抄chāi chā)去广州,回北京时带了一棵米兰(milan)送给我家。
米兰的叶子很好看。它的形状和冬青差不多,近似椭圆形,中间还有一道不深不浅的线,这些叶子,有的肥厚浓绿,有的娇嫩(lèn nèn)青翠,都闪着亮光。
米兰的花非常奇特。它不是一朵一朵的,更没有花蕊(ruǐ) ,而是一串串的。中间的一根主枝大约有一寸来长,主枝又分出许多小枝,每个小枝上都长了一个小黄球形的花,每朵像小米粒一样。"米兰"的名称,可能就是由此而来的吧!
米兰的花香极了,开花时,从楼下经过的人都可以闻到一股股沁人心脾的(清 青)香。
3、 这篇短文主要写了米兰的叶子和花,写叶子是从( ) 和( ) 两方面来写的.

Ⅶ 从《米兰》这篇短文中,小作者是怎样观察米兰的


Ⅷ 短文米兰花的阅读答案。阅读答案

第二个自然段来作者通源过(把着我们的手描红)、(照顾生病的我) 、(雨天背我们过河回家) 三个事例表现“她”对“我”的爱心,抒发作者对她的(感激和思念之情)。


Ⅸ 短文米兰花的阅读答案,各位语文高手请进,快快快


第二个自然来段作者通过源 (老师总是用温暖的手为我驱寒)(我生病的时候老师对我的关爱)(老师冒着雨送我回家)三个事例表现“她”对我“的”爱心,抒发作者对她的(感恩和衷心的思念之情)。



Ⅹ 米兰短文表达作者什么感情

小小的米来兰花,你(牵引源、 牵扯)出我多少衷心的思念。”为引子,写出思念小学时第一个老师。



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