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发布时间:2021-02-08 14:24:03

1. 小学考试的试题*要你做



2. 小学考试又现什么神考题







3. 小学五年级智力题(带答案)

1、有两根不均匀分布的香,香烧完的时间是一个小时,你能用什么方法来确定一段15分钟的时间? 2、一个经理有三个女儿,三个女儿的年龄加起来等于13,三个女儿的年龄乘起来等于经理自己的年龄,有一个下属已知道经理的年龄,但仍不能确定经理三个女儿的年龄,这时经理说只有一个女儿的头发是黑的,然后这个下属就知道了经理三个女儿的年龄。请问三个女儿的年龄分别是多少?为什么? 3、有三个人去住旅馆,住三间房,每一间房$10元,于是他们一共付给老板$30, 第二天,老板觉得三间房只需要$25元就够了于是叫小弟退回$5给三位客人, 谁知小弟贪心,只退回每人$1,自己偷偷拿了$2,这样一来便等于那三位客人每人各花了九元, 于是三个人一共花了$27,再加上小弟独吞了不$2,总共是$29。可是当初他们三个人一共付出$30那么还有$1呢? 4、有两位盲人,他们都各自买了两对黑袜和两对白袜,八对袜了的布质、大小完全相同, 而每对袜了都有一张商标纸连着。两位盲人不小心将八对袜了混在一起。他们每人怎样才能取回黑袜和白袜各两对呢? 5、有一辆火车以每小时15公里的速度离开洛杉矶直奔纽约,另一辆火车以每小时20公里的速度从纽约开往洛杉矶。如果有一只鸟,以30公里每小时的速度和两辆火车同时启动,从洛杉矶出发,碰到另一辆车后返回,依次在两辆火车来回飞行,直到两辆火车相遇,请问,这只小鸟飞行了多长距离? 6、你有两个罐子,50个红色弹球,50个蓝色弹球,随机选出一个罐子,随机选取出一个弹球放入罐子,怎么给红色弹球最大的选中机会?在你的计划中,得到红球的准确几率是多少? 7、你有四个装药丸的罐子,每个药丸都有一定的重量,被污染的药丸是没被污染的重量+1.只称量一次,如何判断哪个罐子的药被污染了? 8、你有一桶果冻,其中有黄色,绿色,红色三种,闭上眼睛,抓取两个同种颜色的果冻。抓取多少个就可以确定你肯定有两个同一颜色的果冻? 9、对一批编号为1~100,全部开关朝上(开)的灯进行以下*作:凡是1的倍数反方向拨一次开关;2的倍数反方向又拨一次开关;3的倍数反方向又拨一次开关……问:最后为关熄状态的灯的编号。 10、想象你在镜子前,请问,为什么镜子中的影像可以颠倒左右,却不能颠倒上下? 11、一群人开舞会,每人头上都戴着一顶帽子。帽子只有黑白两种,黑的至少有一顶。每个人都能看到其它人帽子的颜色,却看不到自己的。主持人先让大家看看别人头上戴的是什幺帽子,然后关灯,如果有人认为自己戴的是黑帽子,就打自己一个耳光。第一次关灯,没有声音。于是再开灯,大家再看一遍,关灯时仍然鸦雀无声。一直到第三次关灯,才有劈劈啪啪打耳光的声音响起。问有多少人戴着黑帽子? 12、两个圆环,半径分别是1和2,小圆在大圆内部绕大圆圆周一周,问小圆自身转了几周?如果在大圆的外部,小圆自身转几周呢? 13、 1元钱一瓶汽水,喝完后两个空瓶换一瓶汽水,问:你有20元钱,最多可以喝到几瓶汽水? 答案:1.两根香同时点燃,一根点一头,一根点两头,则一根烧完为半小时,这时再点燃未完的那根的另一头,从这时候开始到第二根烧完,为15分钟 3.混淆视听,说法的错误。 “于是三个人一共花了$27,再加上小弟独吞了不$2,总共是$29。”这句话有误,付出的和被拿去的应当做减法,而不是加法。三人花去27,被小弟拿去2,剩余25在老板那里才是正常逻辑 5.设两地距离为S,两辆车相遇的时间为T。鸟飞行距离为S` S = 35*T S`= 30*T S`= 6/7*S。 (飞行距离与两地距离成正比,没有两地距离实际值,只能以S代替) 7、你有四个装药丸的罐子,每个药丸都有一定的重量,被污染的药丸是没被污染的重量+1.只称量一次,如何判断哪个罐子的药被污染了? {四个瓶子分别标上一二三四,然后从各瓶中取出与编号相同数量的药丸,再你这10颗药丸,比标准的10颗药丸重多少,就说明几号瓶有问题} 10、想象你在镜子前,请问,为什么镜子中的影像可以颠倒左右,却不能颠倒上下? {因为人是眼睛是左右而不是上下的} 13、 1元钱一瓶汽水,喝完后两个空瓶换一瓶汽水,问:你有20元钱,最多可以喝到几瓶汽水? {40瓶}

4. 小学毕业考试题


一、 判断题(每道小题 1分 共 4分 )

1. 分子比分母大或分子、分母相等的分数叫假分数. ( )

2. 比例尺一定,图上距离和实际距离成正比例. ( )
3. 从A城到B城,甲用10小时,乙用8小时,甲乙的时间比是4∶5. ( )

二、 单选题(每道小题 2分 共 4分 )


A. 9平方厘米 B. 8平方厘米 C. 10平方厘米 D. 5平方厘米

2. 对称轴最多的图形是 [ ]

A.圆形 B.长方形 C.正方形 D.等边三角形

三、 填空题(1-6每题 1分, 7-10每题 2分, 共 14分)

1. 六百二十五万六千八百写作( ).

2. 12和8的最大公约数是( ).
4. 六年级二班有学生40人,缺席2人,缺勤率是( ).
5. 总价一定,单价和数量成( )比例.
6. 同时能被2、3、和5整除的最小两位数是( ).
10. 一个圆柱和一个圆锥的体积相等,它们的高的比是1∶30,底面积的比是( ).

四、 简算题(每道小题 3分 共 6分 )

1. 5.72-1.84-1.16


五、 计算题(1-3每题 3分, 4-6每题 5分, 共 24分)


2. 8400-108×42

3. 6.5+3.5÷0.5×5.2




六、 文字叙述题(每道小题 4分 共 8分 )

1. 一个数的25%等于3.75,这个数是多少?(用方程解)


七、 应用题(每道小题 5分 共 40分 )


2. 甲乙两队同挖一条渠,甲队每天挖20米,乙队每天挖40米,15天正好挖完,这条水渠有多长?

3. 一台拖拉机3小时耕地198公顷,照这样,耕330公顷,用多少小时耕完?

4. 果品店运来14筐梨,每筐35千克,还运来16筐苹果,每筐30千克,运来的梨比苹果多多少千克 ?


6. 一个修路队修一条公路,前4天每天修12.5千米,后5天每天修13.4千米,这个修路队平均每天修路多少千米?


8. 一个梯形的上底是5厘米,下底是8厘米(如下图),图中三角形的高是4厘米,并把三角形分为面积相等的甲、乙两部分,求阴影部分的面积.

5. 这4道小学考试题目,你能解答出来吗






6. 2020年小学生科学知识竞赛题库及答案(共100题)


7. 小学考试题



Part 1 Listening (30%)
( ) 1. A. live B. love C. leave
( ) 2. A. mouse B. house C. horse
( ) 3. A. drive B. driver C. diver
( ) 4. A. know B. now C. how
( ) 5. A. swing B. swim C. wing

( ) 6. A. They are going to Ocean Park.
B. We are going to Country Park.
C. They are going to National Park.
( ) 7. A. We can go to the cinema.
B. We can go to the restaurant.
C. We can go to the theatre.
( ) 8. A. You can ride your bicycle here.
B. You can bring your dog here.
C. You can play football here.
( ) 9. A. Don’t run. It’s dangerous.
B. Don’t jump into the pool. It’s dangerous.
C. Don’t cross the road. It’s dangerous.
( ) 10. A. This is my timetable for Sunday.
B. This is his timetable for Thursday.
C. This is my timetable for Wednesday.

( ) 11. A. It’s summer. B. It’s fine. C. I’m fine.
( ) 12. A. It’s very nice. B. He’s fine. C. It’s nine o’clock.
( ) 13. A. There are two. B. We have two. C. They are nice.
( ) 14. A. I like English best. B. I like apples. C. I like juice.
( ) 15. A. On foot. B. I’m fine. C. Three.
( ) 16. A. A policeman. B. A zoo-keeper. C. A teacher.
( ) 17. A. Seven. B. Eight. C. Five.
( ) 18. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. Yes, there are.
( ) 19. A. Fifty yuan. B. Forty yuan. C. Twenty yuan.
( ) 20. A. Mrs Wang. B. Mr Wang. C. Miss Wang.

This is a map of Ocean Park in Hong Kong. You can go to Shark ___21___ to see the sharks. A diver is ___22___ the shark’s teeth. Their teeth are sharp. He is ___23___. Some sea animals are lovely. At Ocean Theatre, you can see ___24___ and seals. You can have dinner at the ___25___.

( ) 26. It is Saturday today.
( ) 27. Min and Mog are in a small park.
( ) 28. Some boys are singing on the grass.
( ) 29. A young man and his child are playing with a toy bus.
( ) 30. There is an old man reading a newspaper under a big tree.

Part 2 Vocabulary and grammar (50%)
( ) 31. My dad’s car is in the garden.
( ) 32. The girl in purple is his sister.
( ) 33. Kitty has got many black pens.
( ) 34. There are three birds on that tree.
( ) 35. The giraffe is big. It’s in the cage.
36. You can’t ________ (smoke) here. It’s dangerous.
37. What do you like? I like ________ (bread) with jam.
38. No _______________ (swim) in the river!
39. Alice, (not walk) on the grass. I’m sorry, Miss Fang.
40. The (five) parrot is clever. It can speak.
41. Eddie (go) to school by school bus every day.
42. Listen! The boys (sing) in the room.
43. Our library is on the __________ (two) floor of our classroom building.

How many, Which, When, Who, Where, How, Whose, How much
44. A: are you going? B: To Zhongshan Park.
45. A: is his birthday? B: On the first of May.
46. A: dress do you want? B: The pink one.
47. A: does it feel? B: It’s rough.
48. A: _____________toys are these? B: Ben’s.
49. A: _____________is the toy horse? B: Five yuan.
50. A: _____________ boxes of juice has Ben got? B: One.

( ) 51. Look, there’s the green man. _______ the road, please.
A. Don’t cross B. Cross C. Wait
( ) 52. Does Ben _______ lessons in the afternoon?
A. have B. has C. having
( ) 53. Wow, so many parrots. Let’s count _______.
A. they B. their C. them
( ) 54. There is _______ ugly worm on the leaf.
A. a B. an C. the
( ) 55. The doll is beautiful _______ it is too dear.
A. but B. or C. and
( ) 56. There _______ some milk in the bowl.
A. is B. am C. are
( ) 57. Are you hungry? Have some French _______.
A. fry B. fries C. flies
( ) 58. ---- What’s in this box, Grandma ? ---- _______ some toys.
A. There’s B. They’re C. There are
( ) 59. Eddie, let’s _______ the story book together.
A. look B. read C. see
( ) 60. Listen! Lucy _______ the piano.
A. plays B. play C. is playing
( ) 61. I’m hungry. But there aren’t _______ biscuits.
A. some B. a C. any
( ) 62. ---- Is San Ya_______? ---Yes.
A. in Shanghai B. On Hainan Island C. in Hong Kong

by at for in on into of
63. Don’t jump_______ the pool. It’s dangerous.
64. He is going _______ a walk in the playground.
65. There are four hundred children _______ our school.
66. What do you need _______ your birthday party?
67. The monkey can swing _______ the rope.
68. Have you got a map_______ Ocean Park?
69. I go to Shanghai Library _______ Sunday morning.
70. Twelve children in our class go to school _______ school bus.
71. It’s a cheap robot.(否定句,但句意不变)
It ________ a _________ robot.
72. She doesn’t like Yu Garden.(改成肯定句)
She ________ Yu Garden.
73. Alice is watching TV in the room.(对划线部分提问)
What ________ Alice ________ in the room?
74. I do my homework in the evening.(把I替换成he,其它部分作相应变化)
He ________ ________ homework in the evening.
75. What time do you go to school every day?(补全应答句)
I go to school ________ seven ________ in the ________.

Part 3 Reading and writing (20%)
A. This toy shop is big. B. Does Bob like blue?
C. It’s on the fifth of October. D. Which one?
E. Can you go to the toy shop with me? F. What does he need?
A: 76
B: OK! Let’s go. What do you want to buy?
A: I want to buy a birthday present for my friend, Bob.
B: When’s his birthday?
A: 77
B: 78
A: A toy car. Look! This car is nice but Bob doesn’t like red.
B: How about that one?
A: 79
B: The blue one. 80
A: Yes, he likes blue very much. Let’s buy that one.
Hello, my name is Judy. I’m a fat black cat. I’m two years old. I have two big eyes, two small ears and a long tail. I like to eat fish and mice. Look, the mice are running. They’re afraid of (害怕)me. Ginger is my friend. She is a clever cat. We like to play hide and seek (捉迷藏). We also love to sleep beside the sofa. Alice likes to sit on the sofa. She’s ten years old. She likes Ginger and me. We are her pets(宠物). We like her very much.
( ) 81. Judy is a __________ cat.
A. fat B. thin C. white
( ) 82. Judy likes __________.
A. fish B. mice C. mice and fish
( ) 83. Alice is a __________.
A. super dog B. good girl C. clever cat
( ) 84. Ginger is Alice’s __________.
A. classmate B. fish C. pet


My favourite __________


1. Some wild animals live in the jungle.
2. That bird builds its house near the window.
3. The brave diver is diving from a tower.
4. Do you know this beautiful place?
5. Look at that man. He can swim fast.
6. They are going to Ocean Park.
7. We can go to the theatre.
8. You can play football here.
9. Don’t jump into the pool. It’s dangerous.
10. This is my timetable for Wednesday.
11. What’s the weather like today?
12. What time is it now?
13. How many floors are there in your school?
14. Which subject do you like best?
15. How do you go to the park?
W: Does your father like his job, Billy?
M: Yes, he does.
W: Why?
M: Because he can feed the animals every day. He likes animals.
Q: What does Billy’s father do?
W: How many Chinese lessons do you have every week?
M: From Monday to Wednesday we have one every day and on Thursday and Friday we have two.
Q: How many Chinese lessons does the girl have every week?
W: Where are Sue and Lily?
M: They are at the Shark Aquarium.
W: Do you like sharks?
M: No, I don’t.
Q: Are Sue and Lily at the Fish Aquarium?
W: How much money have you got, Ben?
M: I have got fifty yuan. I want to buy this big robot. It’s forty yuan.
W: Oh, it’s too dear. You can buy the small one. It’s twenty yuan.
Q: How much is the small robot?
W: Who’s that lady?
M: Which one?
W: The lady in the blue car.
M: She’s my English teacher, Miss Wang.
Q: Who’s that lady?
This is a map of Ocean Park in Hong Kong. You can go to Shark Aquarium to see the sharks. A diver is brushing the shark’s teeth. Their teeth are sharp. He is brave. Some sea animals are lovely. At Ocean Theatre , you can see dolphins and seals. You can have dinner at the restaurant.
It is Sunday today. The weather is fine. Min and Mog are in the park. It is a big park. They can see many people there. They come here to have a rest after a week’s hard work and study. Some boys are playing football on the grass. Some girls are singing and dancing. A young woman and her little son are playing with a toy bus. An old man is reading a newspaper under a big tree. How happy they are!



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