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发布时间:2020-12-25 12:49:53

A. 上海小学五年级英语基数词序数词练习

1.______ martyrs have heroically laid down their lives for the people.

a. Thousand upon thousand of b. Thousand and thousands of

c. Thousands upon thousands of d. Thousand and thousand of

2.They received ______ of letters about their TV programs.

a. dozen b. dozen and dozen c score d. dozens

3.Who is that man,______ in the front row?

a. one b. the one c. first d. the first

4.We have proced ______ this year as we did in 1993.

a. as much cotton twice b. as twice much cotton

c. much as twice cotton d. twice as much cotton

5.The earth is about ______ as the moon.

a. as fifty time big b. fifty times as big c. as big fifty time d. fifty as times big

6.The population of many Alaskan cities has ______ in the past three years.

a. more than doubled b. more doubled than c. much than doubled d. much doubled than

7.The moon is about _____ in diameter as diameter as the earth.

a. one-three as large b. one three as large c. one-third as large d. one third as large

8.Five hundred yuan a month _____ enough to live on.

a. is b. are c. is being d. has been

9.______ of the buildings were ruined.

a. Three fourth b. Three four c. Three-fourths d. Three-four

10.Consult _____ for questions about earthquakes.

a. the six index b. index six c. sixth index d. index numbering six

11.She went to the countryside ______.

a. in the morning at nine/on June first,1968 b. on June first,1968/in the morning at nine

b. at nine in the morning/on June first,1968 d. on June first,1968/at nine in the morning

12.Three-fourths of the surface of the earth ______ covered with water.

a. are b. is c. were d. be

13.This month the proction of stainless steel in our steelworks has increased ______ 2,000 tons.

a. with b. in c. on d. by

14.With the miniaturization of the structural components the weight of these electric devices has decreased ________ 30 percent.

a. as b. with c. in d. by

15.The Olympic Games are held ______.

a. every four years b. every four year c. every fourth years d. every four-years

16.As he is not in good health, he goes to his factory only ______ just to learn something about the progress of experiment.

a. once a week b. one week c. one time a week d. one a week

17.Three students ______ in this university come from the South.

a. of ten b. out of in ten c. out of ten d. in tens

18.Strings of the same thickness made of nylon are ______.

a. five times stronger than those b. five time stronger than those

b. five times strong than those d. five times stronger as those

19.the wheels of the old wagon are nearly ______ those of a modern car.

a. twice the size of b. twice size of c. twice sizes of d. twice the size of

20.One day on the moon is ______.

a. two Earth week long b. two Earth weeks long

b. two Earth weeks longer d. two Earth weeks length

B. 五年级下册英语练习册里带的卷子第七单元答案上海教育出版社


C. 今晚急需一片介绍上海的英语短文(小学五年级水平)


shanghai is the biggest city in china, and one of the biggest cities in the world. it's next to the south china sea. there are more than 10 million people living in shanghai and its population is still increasing. there are many tall buildings in shanghai as well, and the traffic is always very busy. shanghai used to be a big instrial city in china, but now it's one of the biggest financial and trade centers in asia.


shanghai is the biggest city in china, and one of the biggest cities in the world. it's next to the south china sea. there are many people living in shanghai and the number is still increasing. there are many tall buildings in shanghai , and the traffic is very busy. shanghai is a beautiful city in china,too.

D. 急求小学两年级和五年级的数学及英语期末试卷,上海二期课改的

1、小明原又20元钱,用掉x元后,还剩下( )元。

2、12和18的最大公因数是( );6和9的最小公倍数是( )。

3. 把3米长的绳子平均分成8段,每段长米,每段长是全长的。

4、小红在教室里的位置用数对表示是(5,4) ,她坐在第( )列第( )行。小丽在教室里的位置是第5列第3行,用数对表示是( , )。

5. 能同时被2、3和5整除最小的三位数( );能同时整除6和8的最大的数( )。

6、如果a÷b=8是(且a、b都不为0的自然数),他们的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。

7、 (a是大于0的自然数),当a 时, 是真分数,当a 时, 是假分数,当a 时, 等于3。

8、 = =( )÷9=44÷( )


35立方分米=( )立方米 53秒=( )时 25公顷=( )平方千米

10、在20的所有约数中,最大的一个是( ),在15的所有倍数中,最小的一个是( )。


骰子,得到合数的可能性是 ,得到偶数的可能性是 。


1、方程一定是等式,等式却不一定是方程。………………………………( )

2、假分数都比1小。……………………………………………………( )

3、数对(4,3)和(3,4)表示的位置是一样的。…………………………( )

4、14和7的最大公因数是14。……………………… ………………( )

5、把一根电线分成4段,每段是米。……………………………………( )


1、一张长24厘米,宽18厘米的长方形纸,要分成大小相等的小正方形,且没有剩余。最小可以分成( )。

A. 12个 B.15个 C. 9个 D.6个

2、是真分数,x的值有( )种可能。

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

3、五(3)班有28位男生,25位女生,男生占全班人数的( )。

A. B. C. D.

4、把4干克平均分成5份,每份是( )。

A. 千克 B. 总重量的 C. 千克 D. 总重量的

5、两个数的最大公因数是4,最小公倍数是24,这两个数不可能是( )。

A. 4和24 B. 8和12 C. 8和24



6.3+7= 21.5+9.5= 2.5×0.4= 42.8-4.28=

1-0.01= 3.5÷0.5= 8.2÷0.01= 8.2×0.01=


X-7.4=8 2X=3.6 X÷1.8=3.6 X+6.4=14.4


10和9 14和42 26和39


(2.44-1.8)÷0.4 2.9×1.4+2×0.16 30.8÷[14-(9.85+1.07)]

5. 根据题意列方程并解答。(6分)

① 7个X相加的和是10.5。

五、应用题:(27% 第1-3题每题5分,其余每题4分)






6. 两车同时从甲乙两地相对开出,甲每小时行48千米,乙车每小时行54千米,相遇时两车离中点36千米,甲乙两地相距多少千米?

期末测试卷 姓名___________ 得分:
1、八百三十五万九千零四写作( ),四舍五入到万位约是( )
2、1.75小时=( )小时( ) 7800平方米=( )平方千米
3、把4米长的铁丝平均分成5段,每段的长度是全长的( )( ) ,每段长( )千米。
4、分数单位是110 的最大真分数是( )。它至少再添上( )个这样的分数单位就成了最小的奇数。
5、甲乙两数的比是8:5,乙数是25,甲数是( )
6、在25 :X中,当X=( )时比值是1,当X=( )时,比无意义,当X=( )时,可与23 :2组成比例。
7、甲是乙的2倍,丙是甲的2倍,那么甲:乙:丙=( )
8、某工人生产200个零件,其中4个不合格,合格率是( )%
9、一件工作若完成它的512 用10小时,若完成它的23 用( )小时。
10、已知M、M两数的比是2:3,它们的最大公约数是16,那M=( )。
1、含有未知数的式子叫做方程。( )
2、比3小的整数中有1和2。( )
3、915 不能化成有限小数。( )
4、因为45 <67 所以15 <17 。( )
5、最简整数比的比值一定是最简分数。( )
1、一个数(零除外)除以19 ,这个数就( )。A、扩大9倍 B、缩小9倍 C、增加9倍
2、一种脱粒机34 小时脱粒910 吨,1小时脱粒的吨数( )910 吨.
A、大于 B、小于 C、等于 D、大于或等于
3、等边三角形是( )A、锐角三角形 B、直角三角形 C、钝角三角形
4、把第一筐苹果重量的15 给第二筐,这时两筐苹果重量相等,原来第一筐与第二筐重量的比是( ). A、4:5 B、5:4 C 5:3
5、把一个棱长4厘米的正方体,锯成棱长是1厘米的小正方体,可锯( )个。
A、4 B、8 C、16 D、32 E、64
6、一个圆柱和一个圆锥的体积相等,已知圆锥的底面积是圆柱底面积的2倍,那么圆柱的高是圆锥高的( )。A、12 B、23 C、2倍 D、3倍
93+55+7+45= 476-299= 0.1×0.1×0.1= 8+5.2= 77×11-77= 0.12÷0.15=
15.24-1.6-8.4= 56 -(813 +56 )= 2740 ÷9= 8×5×0.01=
7X-434 =2.25 X - 14 X=6

3、脱式计算 能简则简(8分)

815 ×13+815 ×2 89 ÷[56 +(47 - 47 )-16 ] (48×47 +48×37 )×1.25

(1118 ×922 +13 )÷712


一个数的3倍与25 的差是60%,这个数是多少?

38 与16的积,加上5除59 ,和是多少?

1、 右图是一张长方形纸板,用它围作侧面,并分别配上不同的底面,做成长方体或圆柱体,接头处不计,计算所需要的数据(自己测量,保留整数)
(1) 如果给它配上一个底面,做成以BC为高的圆柱体,求这个无盖圆柱体的表面积。

(2) 如果给它配上一个正方形的底,作为以AB为高的长方体,求这个长方体的体积。

2、 几何操作题(单位:厘米)

1、 新兴机械厂扩展厂房,原计划投资400万元,实际投资360万元,节约了百分之几?

2、 一个筑路队铺一条公路,原计划每天铺1.6千米,30天铺完,实际每天比原计划多铺0.8千米,实际多少天完成?(用比例解)

3、 一个盛有水的圆柱形玻璃容器,它的底面半径6厘米,现将一石块放入容器内,这时水面上升4厘米。石块的体积是多少立方厘米?

4、 王华看一本课外读物,第一天看了这本书的20%,第二天看了剩下的30%,还有140页没有看完,这本课外读物共多少页?





一 、填空:20%

1. 2. 5小时=( )小时( )分 5060平方分米=( )平方米

2. 24的约数有( ),把24分解质因数是( )

3. 分数单位是 1/8的最大真分数是( ),最小假分数是( )。

4. 一个最简分数的分子是最小的质数,分母是合数,这个分数最大是( ),如果再加上( )个这样的分数单位,就得到1。

5. 把一个长、宽、高分别是5分米,3分米、2分米的长方体截成两个小长方体,这两个小长方体表面积之和最大是( )平方分米。

6. 用一根52厘米长的铁丝,恰好可以焊成一个长方体框架。框架长6厘米、宽4厘米、高( )厘米。

7. A=2×3×5,B=3×5×5,A和B的最大公约数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。

8. 正方体的棱长扩大3倍,它的表面积扩大( )倍,它的体积扩大( )倍。

9. 4/9与5/11比较,( )的分数单位大,( )的分数值大。

10. 两个数的最大公约数是8,最小公倍数是48,其中一个数16,另一个数是( )。

二 、选择题(将正确答案的序号填在括号内):20%

1. 下面式子中,是整除的式子是( )

① 4÷8=0.5 ② 39÷3=13 ③ 5. 2÷2. 6=2

2. 在2/3、3/20和7/28中,能化成有限小数的分数有( )

① 3个 ② 2个 ③ 1个

3. 两个质数相乘的积一定是( )

① 奇数 ② 偶数 ③ 合数

4 . A=5B(A 、B都是非零的自然数)下列说法不正确的是( )

① A 和B的最大公约数是A ② A 和B的最小公倍数是A

③ A能被B整除,A含有约数5

5. 在100克的水中加入10克盐,这时盐占盐水的( )

① 1/9 ② 1/10 ③ 1/11

6. 已知a>b,那么2/a与2/b比较( )

① 2/a> 2/b ②2/a < 2/b ③ 无法比较大小

7. 两个数的最大公约数是12,这两个数的公约数的个数有( )

① 2个 ② 4个 ③ 6个

8. 一个长方体被挖掉一小块(如图)下面说法完全正确的是( )

① 体积减少 ,表面积也减少

② 体积减少, 表面积增加

③ 体积减少, 表面积不变

9. 用大小相等的长方形纸,每张长12厘米,宽8厘米。要拼成一个正方形,最小需要这种长方形纸( )。

① 4张 ② 6张 ③ 8张

10、一根6米长的绳子,先截下1/2,再截下1/2米,这时还剩( )

① 5米 ② 5/2米 ③ 0米


1. 求长方体的表面积和体积(单位:分米)4%

a=8 b=5 c=4

2. 脱式计算(能简算要简算)12%

6/7+2/15+1/7+ 13/15 19/21+5/7-3/14


8/9-(1/4-1/9)- 3/4

3. 求最下列每组数的最大公约数与最小公倍数 4%

24 和36


4. 文字题 6%



四、作图题 4%



1. 一块地,其中1/5种玉米,1/6种青菜,其余种西瓜。种西瓜的面积占这块地的几分之几?

2. 某班男生24人,女生20人,男生人数是女生的多少倍?女生人数是男生人数的几分之几?

3. 学生参加环保行动。五年级清运垃圾3/5 吨,比六年级少清运1/8吨。五六年级共清运垃圾多少吨?

4. 一块长40厘米、宽30厘米的长方形铁板,把它的四个角分别切掉边长为4厘米的正方形,然后焊接成一个无盖的盒子。它的容积是多少升?

5. 一辆汽车,前3小时共行192千米,后2小时每小时行58千米,这辆汽车的平均速度是多少千米?

五年级英语期末试卷 2005.1 Score__________

( )1.A. behind B. building C. beside
( )2. A. past B. first C. face
( )3. A. listen B. lesson C. lessons
( )4. A. floor B.four C. from
( )5. A. live B. left C. let
( )6. A. red B. ride C. rice
( )7. A. aunt B. art C. car
( )8. A. sports B. skate C. sweep
( )1.A. All right . B. No, I don’t. C.Yes, we do.
( )2. A. Yes , it’s old. B.Oh, how nice!
C. Why do you say that?
( )3. A.He’s making a model car. B. No,he isn’t.
C.He can sing an English song.
( )4. A. Yes,very much. B.Forty yuan. C.They are lovely pandas.
( )5. A.Let’s go and help her. B.Let’s go and join them.
C. Let’s go and read books in the reading room.
( )6. A.I can see six . B. It’s a diamond . C. Yes, I can.
( )7. A.They have a telescope . B. They are near a hill.
C. They are having a camping trip.
( )8. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes,I am. C. Yes,I can.
Hello, I’m Mike. Let me show you a _____ of my _________.Look , we are ______ in my bedroom. I’m __________ on the _______ and playing_________ ________.Yang Ling is playing with a ________. David is standing_________ me. He’s ________ a picture book. LiuTao and Gao Shan are _______ a ________ ______.We are ________very happy.

一、 选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(8分)
( )1.A.this B. thank C.that D.there
( )2. A.sports B.plates C.grapes D.that’s
( )3. A.vase B.stand C.after D.father
( )4. A.puppet B.brush C.music D.puzzle
( )5. A.show B.flower C.brown D.down
( )6. A.red B.behind C. chess D. bed
( )7. A.ride B.ring C. with D.milk
( )8. A.home B.go C.oval D. song
1. I ______ a new mask . My brother ________ a pumpking lantern.(have)
2.There are some ___________ on the table .(glass)
3. Do you have ___________ story book? (some)
4.He’s ______________ the windows and doors.(clean)
5.Nancy and I don’t like _______________.(swim)
6.Look! Miss Gao has some tins of _____________.(fish)
7.The ___________ are near the tent.(child)
8.They are in the big tree . Let’s go and help _________.(they)

8.互相帮助 __________________

( )1.—You have a nice coat.
A.Yes, it’s nice. B.Thank you. C.OK. D.You’re right.
( )2. -- _______ he like PE?
-- Yes,he _________.
A.Do; do B.Does;do C. Does ;does D. Do;does
( )3.—How much are these things?
-- _____________.
A. Forty—five yuan B.Yes,they are. C.Here you are.
D. No , they aren’t.
( )4.—Where’s Helen?
--She __________ under the tree.
A.standing B.is sitting C.sits D.has
( )5.Let’s buy some cards ______ our friends.
A.for B.to C.of D.at

( )6.-- _____ in your box?
--Some fruits.
A.Who’s B.Where’s C.What’s D.Which is
( )7.I have some ______ in the bottle.
A.pineapple B.oranges C.grapes D.pears
( )8.—What’s your mother ?
--She’s __________.
A.tall B.forty C.a driver D. fat
( )9.—What shape is the box?
--It’s ____________.
A. a heart B.yours C.red D.nice
( )10._______ any newspapers in the reading room?
A.Is there B.There is C.Are there D.There are
__________ _______you _________, Ben?
I can ____________.
My ________ _________ work ________ ________.
__________ _________ your ____________?
__________ ________many ____________ and a school.
Who _______ a __________?
I _________ one.
The ________ hall is on the __________ __________.
_______ you __________ ________?
__________ ________ you like?
I like _______________.

On Sundays we often go to the ___1____ near our school. There are many____2_____ in it----tigers, elephants, pandas and monkeys. The ____3_____are very big. They all have ____4_____noses. Their noses can ___5_____ them eat and drink. Tigers are very____6_____. They often run about. They don’t like to ____7_____in the zoo. Many people like ____8_____.They are animals of China. But I like monkeys most(最). We like __10_____ to the zoo . We can____8_____ more (更多) about animals there.
( )1.A.park B.school C.zoo D.the shop
( )2. A.people B.children C.animals D.things
( )3. A.elephants B.tigers C.pandas D.monkeys
( )4. A.long B.short C.free D.small
( )5. A.give B.help C.make D.get
( )6. A.strong B.hungry C.happy D.careful(小心)
( )7. A.eat B.play C.walk D.live
( )8. A.elephants B.pandas C.tigers D.monkeys
( )9. A.go B.going C.are going D.goes
( )10. A.see B.play C.get D.know
Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) , Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown.

( )1. Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife.
A. a city B. a small town C. a big town
( )2. He works_________ days a week in his office.
A. four B. five C. six
( )3. He isn’t _________on Saturdays and Sundays.
A. free B. busy C. happy
( )4. He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays.
A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon
C. looking at his garden
( )5. Mrs Brown _________ the flowers.
A. like B. doesn’t like C. often helps

E. 介绍上海 英语作文(5年级)

Let me introce something about Shanghai to you.Shanghai is one of the most modern cities in China. 然后可以写一些上海比较有名的景点以及食物。可以用Shanghai is famous for ..... 和I think ......is very delicious 类似的句型。

F. 牛津上海版小学五年级下英语练习册p53页第二大题答案,急需!高悬赏

a running man
People can follew the sign to leave the cinema in emergency.



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小学生公共生活守规则教案 浏览:313
淮河私立学校 浏览:99