A. 學前班英語《fruit水果》的教案與反思
B. 教案:有關水果的英語表達,怎樣才能上的好
C. 英語的教案如何寫,前提是有四種水果,apple,banana,pineapple,watermelon
思路:准備四種水果的實物,(夠量)先介紹四種水果的名稱,拼讀,再演示,I love apples,so i touch the apple, then i eat the apple.吃掉一片,讓小朋友流口水,問Do you want to touch it and eat it?讓小朋友嘗試模仿,先說I love apples,再說i touch the apple, then I eat the apple.重復上述步驟,讓他們牢記,還可以補充麵包等其他物品。課堂最後一定要總結今天的收獲,完事,收工。
D. 少兒英語水果試講教案全英文,急
學英語還是要靠自己的努力的,英語學習中心只是輔助,這是我的經驗 ABC天丅英語中心我覺得還不錯.好.,現在我也學的差不多了~語感慢慢的培養起來了,語法運用的也還不錯 感覺還不錯哦,你也行的 加油!活動目標: 1.教幼兒能聽懂並說出眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴的英文名稱(Eye;Nose. Mouth) .通過各種游戲活動,培養幼兒學習英語的興趣 .通過各種游戲練習,使幼兒了解各器官的作用和功能 1.字卡:eye眼睛 nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 .粘貼笑臉;大蘋果若干 活動過程: 1、Greeting: T:Good morning! boys and girls S: Good morning! Miss Hou T: How are you? S:I am fine, thank you .和老師一起做「五官操」,以及激發幼兒的學習熱情,讓幼兒接觸「eye, mose, mouth」的發音 eye、eye、eye. 眨呀眨 nose、nose、nose 聞一聞 mouth、mouth、mouth 波波波 ears、ears、ears 聽聲音 .學習單詞:eye、mouse、mouth. (師):我們每個人都有一張「Face」,在我們的」face」上長有器官,誰能告訴我這些器官的名稱 [教師]指著自己眼睛問幼兒:「what is ts?」待幼兒回答後,教師可以告訴幼兒眼睛有個很好聽的英文名字hair ,(著重訓練幼兒的讀音);並用英語說:eye ;two eyes;。幼兒練習「eye」時要注意幼兒發音是否規范。教師用同樣的方法教給幼兒Nose;Mouth的英文 摸鼻眼(摸對者獎勵小紅花) 師:touch your eyes, one 、two、three, 幼:(用食指眼睛)here 、here 、here, 師:touch your nose, one 、two 、three, 幼(用食指鼻子)here 、here、 here, 師:touth your mouth, one、 two、three. 幼:(用食指手指嘴邊)here、 here 、here .活動延伸:方法:小朋友每三人一組,給缺少五官的臉譜添畫eye nose mouth在添畫時告訴大家你畫的是什麼 .結束:和老師一起做「五官操」然後向客人老師說再見。
E. 發一個 大班簡單水果英語教案
F. 幼兒英語大班水果獼猴桃 草莓 香蕉教案
西瓜-Watermelon,桃子- peach, 橘子-orange, 蘋果-apple,梨- pear, 芒果-mango, 菠蘿-pineapple,香蕉- banana,櫻桃- cherry, 草莓-strawberry, 葡萄-grape,檸檬- lemon, ,獼猴桃 -nikiwi, 柚子-grapefruit
G. 關於水果的少兒英語教案
Unit 4 Would you like some apples?
一、Topic課題:Unit 4 Would you like some apples?
二、 Teaching Aims教學目標:
1. To help students learn to use these phrases: a cup of… a glass of … a bag of …
2. Review and consolidate the vocabulary about food, drink and fruits.
3. Through studying the text to help the students to comprehend the story and try to retell.
能力目標(Ability ):
To further develop student』s ability to practice in pairs and work in groups.
Stimulate student』s interest in learning English.
三、Key& Important items教學重、難點
Key words:
Love, grapes, tomato, popcorn, bowl, pasta, cheese. Sandwiches, burgers, stomach, maybe, sick, parents, worry, ice, soup, coca-cola, lemonade.
Communication sentences:
Would you like some apples?
Yes, I』d like to. No, thank you.
What does the man want to have?
Which room does the man choose?
What pets does the woman want?
四、Materials for Teaching教具准備
food(grapes, small tomatoes, popcorns)
word cards
cup, glasses, bottle, schoolbag, bowl, box
五、Pre-study Demands 預習要求
1. Prepare the teaching materials carefully first and then guide the students to learn the text by themselves.
1. Listen and read the text of unit 4 at least three times.
2. Look up the new words in the dictionary and make clear the pronunciations and meanings.
六、 教學過程Teaching Proceres
情景創設一:(學習句型:Would you like…?)
Step 1. Leading in. 激趣引入
教師在上課的時候可以有意識地拿一個蘋果apple,邊吃邊問學生:Would you like some apples? 問的時候要讓同學們感覺到老師很隨意,沒有上課的樣子。問完一個學生之後,如果學生說Yes! 教師就削一小塊蘋果給該學生,然後再轉向另一個學生。這樣,老師就可以多問幾個學生,直到把蘋果分完為止。
Step 2. Practice. 練習交流
教師上課的時候帶一些爆米花popcorn, 小西紅柿tomatoes,隨後拿出爆米花和小西紅柿tomatoes問學生:would you like some popcorn/tomatoes?
Step 3. Presentation. 主題呈現
當學生在老師創設的情景中不知不覺的學到知識的時候,教師可以再向學生提問:How did I ask you the questions just now? Who can remember this? 學生能重復老師的話回答最好,如果不能,教師就可以把句型Would you like some apples?寫在黑板上,然後問學生:Did I ask this questions? Did I say this sentence? Would you like some apples? How will you answer? You should say, 「Yes, please.」 or 「No, thank you.」 Do you understand? You can have a try.
Would you like to open the door for me?
Would you like to close the window for us?
Would you like to clean the blackboard for me?
Step 4. Pair works. 小組操練
教師作出一定的示範,馬上讓學生造一些句子,教師可以說:Now, who can make sentences with 「Would you like to…?」如果學生造句很踴躍,教師可以讓學生兩人一組比賽造句,看誰造得多。教師可以這樣引導:Very good. Now, let』s see who can make the most sentences. Now, practice in pairs.
Step 5. Report. 小組匯報
情景創設二: (學習量詞的表達法:a cup of… a glass of … a bag of …)
Step 1. Leading in. 激趣引入
教師拿出一個茶杯對同學們說:Oh, I am thirsty. I want to drink some tea. Look, this is a cup. But there is no tea inside. Who has a cup of tea? Have you got a cup of tea? 教師在陳述的時候要盡量放慢節奏,以便學生能聽懂並跟上老師說話的語速。
Step 2. Presentation. 主題呈現
然後教師再拿著玻璃杯解釋說:This is a glass. This is milk. If you put some milk in this glass(將一袋牛奶倒入玻璃杯中),it is called, 「a glass of milk」. Do you understand? Now, look and listen. What』s this? 教師舉著裝牛奶的杯子,同時問一些問題:
Do you like to drink milk?
Does anyone also like to drink milk?
Who else like to drink to milk?
How many glasses of milk do you drink every day?
Who buys the milk in your family?
Step3. Practice. 練習拓展
教師將提前准備好的幾種不同東西放在講桌上(或用電腦課件呈現),以便說明:a cup of tea/ a glass of water/ a bottle of juice/ a bag of juice/ a bowl of rice/ a box of chocolate等等。
Step 4. Reading indivially自主學習
Step 5. Pair works & report. 小組練習及匯報
Step 6. Ask and answer questions. 實踐運用
Would you like a cup of tea?
Would you like a glass of water?
Would you like a bowl of rice?
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Would you like a bottle of juice?
Would you like a box of chocolate?
Would you like a bag of apples?
同時引導學生會帶「Yes, please.」 「No, thank you.」, 然後讓學生看著P20第3 部分,小組合作進行問答練習後匯報表演。
Do you often have sports?
Do you feel thirsty after the sports?
What do you like to do?
Do you often drink cold water?
Step 1. 教師先讓學生聽一遍歌曲,然後讓學生跟著錄音一起唱。
Step 2. 讓學生唱得比較熟悉的時候,讓學生小組合作,自己填詞。Now, I want you to work in groups. You can change some of the song』s words. Later, we』ll find some group to sing your own songs.
Step 1. Listen and repeat the story.
Step 2. Students read indivially.
Step 3. Students look up the new words in the dictionary and make clear the sounds and meanings by themselves.
Step 4. Reading practice.
1. Students read together.
2. Students read in groups.
3. Reading competition. (students read group after group)
Step 5. Work in groups to practice ask questions like the 3 questions on page 22.
Who teaches English in America?
What does Miss Jane do in America?
Whrer does Miss Jane teach English?
Step 6. Retell the story.
Students practice retell the story.
Miss Jane ---English ---America---students---smart---one day---english class---said to the students---everybody---Miss Jane---walking slowly---listening to---suddenly---own shoes were different---quickly---behind---ten minutes later---went out of the classroom---the next day---everybody---she went to check---great surprise--- wearing a pair of mismatched shoes.
玩 「Bingo」 的游戲。
學生小組內合作學習,把這些單詞milk, tea, coffee, water, soup, apple juice, coca-cola, lemonade, orange juice, tomato juice, pineapple juice, 7-up填入表格中,學生小組內玩「Bingo」 的游戲。
自主體驗二:Let』s share the popcorns.
上課時,教師讓一個學生拿著一袋爆米花在教室里問另一個學生,Would you like to have some popcorn? 如果學生說;Yes, l』d love to. 問話的同學就可以把爆米花遞給他,然後自己回到座位上。如果被問的學生說不要,問話的學生就可以拿著爆米花繼續去問其他同學。這樣可以讓同學們有機會練習本單元學習的重要句型Would you like…。
教師可以這樣引導學生:look, everyone. I』ve got a big bag of popcorns. You know popcorns. Who want to have some popcorn? You come here please. Would you like some popcorn? OK, here you are. 當學生把爆米花遞給另一個學生的時候說:you can go on asking other friends the same question. Would you like some popcorns? Do you understand? Now, let』s begin.
自主體驗三:Pass and ask.
教師提前准備好不同的東西,可以是水果、食物、紙做的小圖片等,把這些東西放在講桌上。每個組選一名同學上台,拿著講桌上的東西遞給組內的其他東西,邊遞邊問:Would you like some…? (拿的什麼就問什麼)不管下一個學生說的是「Yes」還是「No」,都要接過東西問用同樣的句子問下一個學生。 教師可以這樣引導:
Look, we have many things on this big table. The first student of each group comes to the front and takes something here and then goes back. He/she can ask the students in his/her group,」 Would you like some..? 」The second student can answer: 「 Yes, please」 or 「No, thank you.」 If you say 「 Yes」 you can take one. If you say 「No」 . you don』t take any. After this, you need to take the things and ask the next student the same question and then go on one by one.
自主體驗四:Quick response.
Step 1. 教師示範: 拿出一個茶杯的圖片或食物,引導學生快速作出反應:a cup of tea.
Step 2. 小組競賽搶答。
Step 3. 小組操練,組內練習。
Rice(a bag of), water(a glass of water), books(a bag of; a box of), soup(a bowl of), juice(a bottle of ), bottles(a box of).
自主體驗五:Spelling competition.
Now, let』s have a spelling competion. First I』ll give you two minutes to memorize the words on Exercise 3. Do it quickly.
Now, let』s have a word competition. Each time I let one student of each group stand up. When I say a word 「finish」, the student who is standing should quickly run to the blackboard and write the word. Let』s see which group is the first.
H. 幼兒園中班英語教案,水果 <公開課>
活動目標: 1.教幼兒能聽懂並說出眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴的英文名稱(Eye;Nose. Mouth) 2.通過各種游戲活動,培養幼兒學習英語的興趣。 3.通過各種游戲練習,使幼兒了解各器官的作用和功能。 活動准備 1.字卡:eye眼睛 nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 2.粘貼笑臉;大蘋果若干 3.磁帶 活動...過程: 1、Greeting: T:Good morning! boys and girls S: Good morning! Miss Hou T: How are you? S:I am fine, thank you 2.和老師一起做「五官操」,以及激發幼兒的學習熱情,讓幼兒接觸「eye, mose, mouth」的發音。 兒歌: eye、eye、eye. 眨呀眨 nose、nose、nose 聞一聞 mouth、mouth、mouth 波波波 ears、ears、ears 聽聲音 2.學習單詞:eye、mouse、mouth. (師):我們每個人都有一張「Face」,在我們的」face」上長有器官,誰能告訴我這些器官的名稱。 [教師]指著自己眼睛問幼兒:「what is this?」待幼兒回答後,教師可以告訴幼兒眼睛有個很好聽的英文名字hair ,(著重訓練幼兒的讀音);並用英語說:eye ;two eyes;。幼兒練習「eye」時要注意幼兒發音是否規范。教師用同樣的方法教給幼兒Nose;Mouth的英文 3.游戲: 摸鼻眼(摸對者獎勵小紅花) 方法: 師:touch your eyes, one 、two、three, 幼:(用食指眼睛)here 、here 、here, 師:touch your nose, one 、two 、three, 幼(用食指鼻子)here 、here、 here, 師:touth your mouth, one、 two、three. 幼:(用食指手指嘴邊)here、 here 、here。 4.活動延伸:方法:小朋友每三人一組,給缺少五官的臉譜添畫eye nose mouth在添畫時告訴大家你畫的是什麼。 5.結束:和老師一起做「五官操」然後向客人老師說再見。
I. 幼兒英語教案認讀水果蔬菜
設計意圖: 認識水果apple、pear、orange、banana。由於該內容是幼兒日常生活中比較熟悉的,而且是最常接觸的。因此,學習的難度不是很大。在這個活動之前,教師可先復習 「eyes ears mouth and nose」這首歌,邊唱邊做動作,從而讓幼兒對五官有進一步的認識和鞏固。然後通過教師的引導,認識這些水果的英文名稱,並且初步理解Yes/No/I like …的含義,學會用Yes/No/I like …的句式表達。以發展幼兒英語語言為主線,其中穿插摘果及品嘗水果的游戲活動,讓幼兒在快樂愉悅的氛圍中學習。 活動目標: 1、培養幼兒對於英語的興趣,讓幼兒樂意參與英語活動。 2、在教師的帶領下,讓幼兒了解幾種水果的英文名稱。 3、鼓勵幼兒能模仿教師說英語。 活動內容: 活動准備: 盒子和不透明小袋子一個,蘋果、梨、橘子、香蕉的實物及圖片各若干,一幅畫有一棵大樹的畫,刀、碟子、餐紙,多媒體課件。 活動過程: 1、熱身運動。 First let us review the song 《eyes ears mouth and nose》 Eyes ears mouth and nose, Mouth and nose, mouth and nose, Eyes ears mouth and nose, It』s my body. 教師與幼兒邊唱邊做動作,以達到課前的熱身准備。 2、學習水果單詞。 (1)、apple。 教師把已裝有蘋果的盒子神秘的拿到幼兒面前,激發幼兒探索的慾望. T: Look! What』s this? C:盒子 T: Yes. A box T: What』s in the box? Do you know? T: Ok, do you want to know? (引導幼兒說出Yes或No) Ding ding dong (敲盒子) T: Who want to try?(作舉手狀,並引導幼兒說出Let me try) 當幼兒拿出蘋果之後,教師:Oh(驚喜的),What』s this? C:蘋果 T: Yes, apple!(教師要抑揚頓挫的反復讀).read after me, apple. (幼兒跟讀) (2)、pear 教師用已切好的雪梨給幼兒嘗,並讓他們猜出是什麼東西。 教師:Hum!(作吃的動作)It』s wonderful! 然後分給幼兒吃:Eat it! 接著問幼兒:What』s this?(梨) 教師:Yes,pear ! read after me, pear. (幼兒跟讀) (3)、orange 教師用餐巾紙把橘子包起來,然後示範聞一聞,再拿到幼兒面前給他們也聞一聞,並讓他們猜猜是什麼東西。 T: Hmm!(作聞的動作)The smell is good. 然後拿到幼兒面前:Smell it! 接著問幼兒:What』s this? C:橘子 T: Yes. Orange(教師也要用抑揚頓挫的聲調反復讀,讓幼兒跟讀)。 (3)banana 教師把香蕉裝在一個不透明口袋裡,然後示範摸一摸,再請一名幼兒上來摸一摸,並請他猜猜是什麼東西。 T: What』s in it? Do you know? C: 香蕉。 T: Really? 請幼兒拿出水果。 T:(驚喜)Yes, banana. (教師也要用抑揚頓挫的聲調反復讀,讓幼兒跟讀) 3、復習鞏固 (電腦出示一個會變魔術的小丑)今天我們這里來了一位客人,大家看是誰呀? 瞧他的手裡有一根會變出東西的魔術棒,這根魔術棒可厲害啦,今天它要用這根魔術棒變出許多好吃的東西,現在請小朋友跟魔術師一起來變。一起喊one, two, three變變變。 (1) 變出蘋果並提問: T: What』s this ? S:It』s an apple 。 T;Very good!apple, apple. It』s an apple 。 (小朋友可真棒,現在魔術師就把這個蘋果送給你們) (2) 變出橘子並提出問題。 T:Wha』s this ? S:It』s an orange。 T:Read after me ,orange, orange。 (3) 現在請小朋友再看看魔術師還能變出什麼?(梨子) T:What』s this? S:It』s a pear。 T:pear,pear,pear。 (4) 變出香蕉並提問。 T:What』s this ? S:It』s a banana T:banana,banana 4、 摘果游戲。 第一步:先把水果圖片貼到大樹上,讓幼兒去摘自己想要的水果(可先請配班老師做示範。教師說I like orange, 配班教師摘橘子;教師說I like apple,配班教師摘蘋果,然後請個別幼兒上來摘,摘到的就送給他作為獎勵。並說:Oh, yes, this is an apple/ orange. Very good, thank you ! 第二步:教師再貼一些圖片,讓全體幼兒參與活動去摘水果,然後坐到位子上。接著教師引導幼兒辨認。 T: Apple, stand up. Jump! (拿apple 的小朋友站起來跳一下) Pear, stand up! Jump! (拿 pear的小朋友站起來跳一下) Orange, stand up! Jump! (拿 orange的小朋友站起來跳一下) Banana, stand up! Jump! (拿 banana的小朋友站起來跳一下) 5、品嘗水果: 魔術師今天真開心和這么多的小朋友一起玩了這么多的游戲,現在請小朋友和它一起品嘗水果。 教師可先做示範:拿一片橘子放入口中:Hmm!Sweet! T: Do you want to eat?(繼續引導二說出 Yes) C: Yes. T: OK, follow me! I like apples/pears/oranges/bananas. 接著教師發水果讓幼兒品嘗。 (拿到幼兒面前時一定要鼓勵幼兒大聲說出「I like apples/pears/oranges/bananas」,方可給他。人數太多可請配班老師幫忙。) 6、 結束。 T: OK! We are so tired. Let』s have a rest. Let』s say goodbye to the apple. C: Bye-bye, apple! T: Say goodbye to the pear. C: Bye-bye, pear. T: Say goodbye to the orange. C: Bye-bye, orange. T: Say goodbye to the banana. C: Bye-bye, banana. 多媒體課件播放歌曲《goodbye to you》,幼兒邊表演邊唱。結束活動。 活動反思: (1)由於大部分幼兒在小班時沒有英語基礎,所以進入中班後在英語活動中,實行全英文教育有一定的難度,在某種程度上還需中英相結合。 (2)在教學活動中,教師的表情、動作一定要誇張,語音語調要抑揚頓挫,從而才能吸引幼兒。 (3)在活動中,千萬不要忽略膽怯、內向的幼兒,多給他們一點關愛和鼓勵。