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Ⅰ 小學英語閱讀教學課例分析論文怎麼寫

Step 1 Warm up 熱身
2 .to sing a song finger family
T: Do you like to sing a song?
Ss: Yes.
Ask students to sing the song together
Step2. Presentation
1.to introce 「hat, pen」 to the students by using a hat that is filled with pens…
Hat (new word)
T: Now, look, what』s this?
Ss: A hat.
T: Yes, it』s a hat.
(1)to teach the word 「hat」
Let students read the word as they touch the hat.
T: There is something in my hat. Can you guess what they are?(Put the pen under the hat on purpose)
Ss: Pen, pencil, ruler…
(After the students』 guessing)
T: Oh, where』s my pen?
Ss: It』s under the hat.
2. To teach 「where』s my pen?It』s under my hat.」
Where』s my pen?
It』s under my hat.
T: Where』s my pen, now?
Ss: It』s under the hat.
3. To teach 「Where』s my hat? It』s on my hat.」
Use the same way to teach 「It』s in my hat.」
Play the radio and let them read after the radio.
4. To learn the text
Read the text together. Let four groups have a train game. Read it one by one.
5 .games
(1) To play the first game to enhance their memorizing of 「in, on, under」
T: Do you like games?
Ss: Yes.
T: Now, let』s play a game.
(2) to have a rest by doing exercise 「up and down」
(3) to play the second game to practice the text
T: Now class, we will play the louder game. Do you like it?
Ss: Yes.
T: Ok, let』s begin. Who wants to have a try?
(To hide a pen in a student』s hat)
Ss: Where』s my pen? Where』s my pen?
Step3 Practice
To divide the students into four groups to read the text by having a competition
Step4 Check-up
To finish two exercises: One is finished together by the teachers and the students; the other is finished by the students themselves.
Step5 Summary
What we have learned this class? What they should master after the learning?
Step6 Homework
To read the text skillfully and try to recite
To practice part 3 with their parents
二、 設計說明
(一)話題 小學新標准英語第一冊Mole 10 Unit1 「Where』s my pen?」
(二)課題 本課的教學內容方位與學生日常生活密切聯系。教學重點是掌握
三個方位詞 「in, on, under」
(三)課時說明: 本案例是第十模塊第一單元的第一課時。本模塊是整冊書的最後學習內容,學生在前面已經學習了文具等內容。因此,這節課的教學任務是如何在學習新知識的基礎上,拓展和利用所學的舊知識,真正達到學以致用。
課題名稱:Mole 10 Unit1 「Where』s my pen?」
Teaching materials: 教材分析
This lesson is taken from New Standard English for primary school students, which includes three parts as listen, point and find 「in, on, under」, listen and say, practice. In part 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about 「where』s my pen?」 In part two, it is the extending of part 1. While the third part focuses on the practice.
Teaching aims: 教學目標
Knowledge aims: 知識目標
1 .To enable the students to master the new words and the sentence pattern.
2. To let them understand the text and use them in real situations.
Ability aims: 能力目標
to cultivate their ability of distinguishing the positions 「in, on, under」
Emotional aims: 情感目標
to foster the students』 interest of learning English.
Teaching methods: 教學方法
In this lesson, I mainly use such teaching methods as Task-based Language Teaching Method and Communicative Teaching Method.在本節課中主要運用任務型教學和小組合作教學,充分體現學生的主體地位。剪子包袱錘的游戲和尋找物品的游戲充分體現了學生的主體地位;而分組朗讀課文則充分體現了學生的合作意識。
The difficult and important points: 教學重難點
The difficult points are the use of the sentence to speak in daily life; while the important points are the mastering of the new words and sentences.教學重點主要是讓學生能夠在日常生活中靈活運用所學英語句子;而難點則是課文單詞及句型的學習。
The teaching proceres: 教學過程
Step1 Warm-up 熱身
In this step, I use a song 「Finger Family」 related with this lesson. This step is employed to foster the students』 interest of learning English.
Step2 Presentation 呈現和操練
1. to play a song to introce the word 「where』s」
Let them sing the song finger family, and guess the meaning of the word 「where』s」 ,通過歌詞引入本節重點單詞 「where』s」
2. to introce the new word 「hat」 and the text by showing a hat filled with pens, pencils…Let them watch the hat that I prepared to master the word 「hat」. Then let them guess the things in my hat. The proposing of this process is to review the words that we have learned and introce the text.
通過向學生展示自製魔術冒,教授新單詞 「hat」,通過讓學生猜測帽子里裝的東西復習以前學過文具的單詞,新舊知識結合。同時引出本課課文。
3. to learn the text.
Let the students learn to read this text by listening to the tape and read after it.讓學生聽錄音並跟讀,學習課文。
4. to play a game to enhance their memorizing of 「in, on, under」
5. to have a rest
6. to play the louder game to enhance their understanding of the text
Step3 Practice 練習
To divide the students into four groups to read the text by having a competition 通過分組的競賽的形式讓學生朗讀課文,獲勝的小組獎勵他們一顆星星。
Step4 Check-up 檢測
To finish two exercises: One is finished together by the teachers and the students; the other is finished by the students themselves. 練習一以課件的形式展示,師生共同完成,主要是針對課文第一部分而設計,練習二以學案的形式,讓學生連線(圖片與句子連線),本練習把知識擴展到課文第二部分,學生獨立完成後,同桌互相檢查,最後師生通過課件共同檢查。
Step5 Summary 總結
What we have learned this class? What they should master after the learning? 總結本節課所學重要知識。
Step6 Homework 課後作業
To read the text skillfully and try to recite
To practice part 3 with their parents
Step7 Blackboard design 板書設計
I divide the blackboard into two parts. One part is used to write the main points of the text; the other part is used to show the ppt to the students. 把黑板分成兩部分,左邊板書課文及重要單詞,右邊向學生展示課件。
四、Self-reflection 教學反思.

Ⅱ 如何進行小學英語閱讀課的教學設計


Ⅲ 小學英語四年級英語閱讀教案

Lesson 31
一、教學目的(Teaching aims)
1.Just speak
本課主要是繼續學慣用 It has...這個句型來描述大象的外形,初步學習描述物體的外貌特徵。
2.Just read and write
學習形容詞:big, small
3.Let's sing
學習歌曲 The opposite song,鞏固所學內容。
二、重點(Key points)
三、難點(Difficult points)
四、教具(Teaching aids)
五、教學過程(Teaching proceres)
Step1 Revision
(1)課前播放歌曲 Fruit song ,使學生感受英語學習的氛圍。
(3)根據老師的指令做出動作,如:Touch your ears. Touch your eyes.等,復習器官名稱。(2)、(3)兩項內容可以大大激發學生學習興趣,並為授新課打下基礎。
Step2 Presentation
(1)學習big和small。教師拿出大小形成對比的實物(或用簡筆畫畫出),說:This T-shirt is big. That one is small. 做游戲練習big與small。教師發出指令:Touch the big cake.學生分組進行比賽。學生也可發指令。
(2)教師出示大象的玩具或圖片,然後指著大象對學生說:Look at the elephant. Wow, it's so big.並藉助動作幫助學生理解句意。讓學生根據黑板上的其他的動物圖片進行練習,如::Look at the pig. Wow! It's so big.使學生逐漸從模仿過渡到運用。教師繼續指著大象圖片說:Look, it has big ears. And small eyes.藉助手勢幫助學生理解句意。請同學邊做邊重復老師的句子。
Step 3 Practice
(1)教師鼓勵學生學習 The opposite song ,使他們在快樂的歌曲表演中再次熟悉big,small這兩個詞。
(2)要求學生觀察所出示圖片的特徵,迅速說出如:Look,the elephant has big ears. And small eyes.的句子,說對的小組可以得到獎勵。在練習的後半部分可以出示小貓的圖片,讓他們試著說出Look, it has big eyes. And small ears. Look, it has small ears. And big eyes. 或是人物的圖片,練習描述人物:She has big eyes. Peter has a small nose.等句子,使學生們學會根據實際情況進行描述。
(4)學生通過傳小球方式練習 I like...,it has...學生手拿自己喜歡的動物玩具,音樂響起開始傳小球,音樂停止時,拿小球的學生站起來介紹:I like my cat,it has big eyes.
Step 4 Assessment
Step 5 Additional activities

Ⅳ 怎樣寫小學英語教學案例中的案例主題

小學教育是人生最基礎的教育,教育的重點並非是具體知識的掌握,而是發展孩子的思維能力,培養良好的學習習慣,養成學習的興趣!讓孩子熱愛學習,樂於學習。 比起書本知識的學習,思維教育和價值觀教育才最重要的,面向生活面向自然和真實世界的教育才是最重要的。 這個階段,是人生中最重要的時機,是孩子探索世界的時期,要給孩子足夠的信息量,還要給孩子大腦的發育和思維的發展提供各種條件和機會。 兒童時期的心理個性和行為習慣,會影響孩子的一生。很多家長都不懂得「童蒙養正」的道理,在孩子很小的時候忙於「學知識」,「學技能」,捨本逐末,忘記了對孩子的心理和行為習慣進行教育。 特別重要的是:在小學階段就要過語言關。心理學家和生理學家的研究也表明:如果在童年時期沒有得到良好的訓練,大腦的一些功能就會萎縮和喪失,而且成年後 即使加大訓練量也無法恢復,特別是語言能力。語言的學習非常重要,必須在其敏感時期得到充分的發展。也就是說12歲以前,英語和語文都要達到熟練閱讀的程 度。 同時,在小學階段,必須重視孩子的身體發育,體育運動作為每天的「必修課」時間在1小時以上,主要參加各種健腦運動,養成運動的習慣,使得孩子的身體素質達到最佳狀態,為以後的學習打好基礎。 最後要照顧好孩子的心靈,孩子心靈的成長,才是最重要的。培養他們的正知正見、培養孝心、滋養慈悲心、激發他們的善心,擁有開放的心靈,這樣他們的人生道路將是幸福的。



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