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② 我所見過的最精彩的足球賽英語作文

如何來能在不到 60分鍾的時間里寫自出一篇600字以上的優秀作文來?這是每個臨考師生最為關切的問題,筆者通過對全國十年來200多篇中考滿分作文的分析,揭密一下這些滿分作文是怎樣「煉」成的,希望對臨近中考的語文老師和同學有一點啟發。
一、 煉標題 ――芳草滿園花滿目

③ 一場足球比賽英語作文譯漢6句話50個單詞

Football is the most popular ball in the world. More and more people like watching football matches. They can't sleep or eat when their teams are playing.They shout for their players. I think many Chinese football player have done better match after match since the Professional Football league of China was set up. But we still have a long way to go to Asia and to the world. We should learn from foreign teams. Foreign players and coaches must be invited. Dalian Wanda, Shanghai Shenhua and Guangd0ng Apollo are among the best.


④ 邀請九班和十班打足球比賽的英語作文

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⑤ 英語足球賽作文

On Sunday afternoon, I go to school about several of the students playing football on the playground.
Came to the stadium, we divided the people first in the two groups, a group of six, we this group have BaoChen, michelle jou, and waiting for six people, each other have ZhanYongJian they six people.
The match began, and first kick-off by us. I took the football from the others, with their feet with the forward. Soon, I brought a football to the other side of the goal area. I was about to play shooting posed, but did not expect was a hateful guy before, when I don't have the watch from behind the football to tick away. Our personnel immediately go to intercept. But the man was flexible, like a monkey escaped our personnel of the interceptor with football straight towards our goal. "Oh, not good!" I cried out in urgent. But, have been useless. Because, he has come to our goal area, and avoid the goalkeeper to force a kicking. Football shoot straight to the goal. Done, and we have lost a ball, the other party won a ball! Their team around and jump for joy. Our side immediately to discuss together for a while to deal with each other. Then, we adopt new tactics and the other party immediately.
The second round began. I take the football to the left, the other a man rushed to intercept. While he hasn't come near, I gave BaoChen play football. BaoChen gave michelle jou football right now. Michelle jou near the goal and passed the football quickly rushed to the goal, twisting the body, from the goal of interception, the foot to the ball into the goal. "Strike!" I loudly shouted, and at the same time, continue to rush forward. At this time, the football to hit the ball rack, out to the block. I see, quickly exploded step and fill a foot, kick the football into the goal. Ah, finally let us also scored a goal! Now the two sides a than a draw.
Then, we continue to play football. Has been playing to the three points. We won nine to one other. On the way back, we have been laughing, said! But the other said nothing. I say: "you win some common, this time to lose to win back next time!" They just changed the attitude, went home laughing aloud together.

⑥ 足球賽的英語作文

Soccer, the sport I started playing when I was four years old. After almost 14 years of playing the sport I loved, we were playing Ocala Vanguard in the District tournament for my high school soccer team, Leesburg; if we lost it would be game over for me and my 15 other senior teammates. We knew we had to play strong just to have a chance against them, and oh what a game it was.
February 12, 2010, it was time to put that Leesburg orange and black jersey on. We stepped off the bus at the Vanguard stadium in Ocala; I could hear the screaming fans cheering on the teams that were already playing before us. I walked along the concrete path toward the stadium entrance with my soccer bag strapped along my shoulders, and I smelt that nice cool breeze and thought to myself 「It』s a nice night to play some soccer.」 We walked all the way to the visitor』s bench and started putting our equipment on. I tied up my soccer cleats extra tight, and had a sense it was going to be a long night. In our previous game of the district tournament we edged Lake Weir 4-1, yet we get off to shaky start, letting them score the first goal. After I scored the first goal for my team with a diving header off of a corner kick it really changed the momentum around and we dominated the rest of the game. We knew for sure as a team, we couldn』t fall behind tonight and expect to come back against the number one seeded team in the district.
It had been about two weeks earlier when we faced up against Vanguard for the second time, and it was their senior night, we had a total of 11 yellow and 2 red cards that night in a 7-3 loss. Many of our players, including me, were mad about how that game turned out and boy were we excited tonight, looking for some payback. We started out that night with our traditional warm ups, running like crazy to get our blood pumped up and our mind in the game.


⑦ 用英語描寫一場足球比賽

A Football match

In the morning of May 1st, a football match took place between Shen Hua Team and Guo An Team in the city stadium. When I got there the stand was already packed with spectators.

The match was exciting. A home player got hold of the ball and kicked it miles over the bar. Towards the end of the match, a forward got a chance to give the ball a hard kick and it skidded straight into the back of net over the goalkeeper.

The crowd went wild, laughing, jumping and shouting loudly.

When I was on my way home, my heart was still full of excitement.

⑧ 寫一篇關於足球比賽的通知英語作文

otice To all the students: This weekend afternoon there will be a wonderful football match in our new stadium. This match is started by the Students』來 Union and the coming match is the final competition of Hope Cup. These two teams will compete for the winner:Computer Department VS Chinese Language Department.Looking forward to your viewing. The Students』 Union June 28, 2010大概就是自這樣的格式,你看看有沒有需要修改的地方。

⑨ 足球比賽,英語作文,60個詞,這個是英語作業,謝謝啦,我不會寫

This week, we began to study the course about TEM-4, because we need to take this exam next year. It is very important for our English major. It is a good way to show others our English level. Although TEM-8 is better, there are not too many people will pass it according our teacher. So, TEM-4 is the chance for many students. It is very shamed to tell other people that I fell in TEM-4. Thus, our teacher divided several parts of the exam content. Several excellent teachers will pick up their adept part to teach us. I found that every part of it is not easy to learn. Put aside the other parts, just talk about the dictation part. It is a real headache. I feel difficulty both in listening in the sentence and writing it down. Usually, I can only catch a little. Although my teacher comfort me that I need time to improve and I just start for a week, I still feel worried about it. Can I have the hope to pass TEM-4?

⑩ 英語寫作文《足球賽》五年級

Soccer,the sport I started playing when I was four years old.After almost 14 years of playing the sport I loved,we were playing Ocala Vanguard in the District tournament for my high school soccer team,Leesburg; if we lost it would be game over for me and my 15 other senior teammates.We knew we had to play strong just to have a chance against them,and oh what a game it was.
February 12,2010,it was time to put that Leesburg orange and black jersey on.We stepped off the bus at the Vanguard stadium in Ocala; I could hear the screaming fans cheering on the teams that were already playing before us.I walked along the concrete path toward the stadium entrance with my soccer bag strapped along my shoulders,and I smelt that nice cool breeze and thought to myself 「It』 a nice night to play some soccer.」 We walked all the way to the visitor』s bench and started putting our equipment on.I tied up my soccer cleats extra tight,and had a sense it was going to be a long night.In our previous game of the district tournament we edged Lake Weir 4-1,yet we get off to shaky start,letting them score the first goal.After I scored the first goal for my team with a diving header off of a corner kick it really changed the momentum around and we dominated the rest of the game.We knew for sure as a team,we couldn』t fall behind tonight and expect to come back against the number one seeded team in the district.



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