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發布時間:2020-12-02 06:37:35

⑴ A trip to the Ocean Park 英語作文

My parents took me to the ocean park which was i expected to go last sunday.In there we saw the show of dolphin. These dolphins were very lovely, they jumped higher enough to got hit the ball with their notes through music.

⑵ 根據題目「A visit to the People's Park」及提示寫一篇英語作文

the people's park is one of the biggest parks in my city, which is far away from my home. last sundaymike and i went to visit the park . we first took the subway in our town, and then took the bus to arrive at the park. in the park, we went boating, climbed the hill, watched the old people playing tai ji in the square and took part in the game. it was a really nice visit and we planned to go to visit it from time to time!

⑶ 有關於a park的英文作文 5個句子

A Visit to the Park
Last sunday,I went to × × × park with my parents together. The park is beautiful!They had many flowers. Dad was go to take photos of us. Mum and I were go to feed the fish in the garden. After that, We also visited some places of historic interest and scenic beauty. I hoped to come here every day to play. What a busy day I had!

翻譯: 參觀公園

上個星期天,我和父母一起去× × × 公園。那公園十分漂亮!那裡有許多花朵。爸爸給我們拍照。媽媽和我在花園里喂魚,然後,我們還參觀了一些名勝古跡。我希望每天都來這里玩,我有一個忙碌的一天! 希望對你的學習有利,祝你學習進步,更上一層樓!

⑷ a happy park英語作文20句

My happy holiday
Today is Sunday.The sun is shining.When it was eight o'clock a.m.,I went out for a breakfast.Then,I went to a park with my brother.We had a happy time here.In the afternoon,I played computer games.As usual,I did my homework carefully at four o'clock.My father usually read newspapers,but this afternoon,he went to the supermarket and he said,he would buy a toy for me.When six o'clock,my mother cooked a delicious supper for us.
I had a very happy day.Then,I'll have a good rest.

⑸ what can we do in a park為題目,寫一篇高中英語作文


小學五年級英語作文In A Nature Park (現在進行時)字數多一些

this is a nature park. it』s beautiful. There are woods around it.There are also many kinds of flowers, some are red, some are yellow and others are blue.Ican see some bees fiying beside the flowers. Look, there are so many lovely birds on the trees,I can』t count them.The trees are tall and stright. There is also a blue lake in the park. I like the lake best,because my favourate color is blue.There are many fishes living in the lake, they are friendly to us.I love the nature park.

⑺ 六年級英語作文用過去式寫a picnic in park


⑻ a park的早晨在公園英語作文60詞

The park are full of people in the morning. Everyone knows doing exercise is good for health. Look! There are a group of old men under the big tree. They are doing Taiji. There are lots of young men playing table tennis. The old women are near the table. They are dancing. Some young children are walking with their parents in the park. 早晨公園里滿是人抄. 人人都知道鍛煉有益健康. 看, 在大樹下有一群老年人,他們在打太極拳. 有許多年輕人在打乒乓球.在球台附近有些老大娘在跳舞. 一些小孩子在父母的陪伴下在公園里散步.

⑼ 初一英語作文 sunday in a park

sunday in a park

There are some people in the park. Look ! Two men are talking. The two boys are playing soccer. There is a lake in the park. Three children are boating . Some men are swimming .
Under the tree, a girl is reading.


⑽ anaturepark英語作文60單詞怎麼寫

there is a park.it』 a big and beautiful
park.it has two gates.they are the north gate and the west
gate.many people park their bikes in front of the gates.
There is a shop at the north gate.when you go into the
park through the north gate,you will find a large square on
your right and you will see lots of trees and flowers around
you.in the west of the park,there is a playground.
Sometimes some children fly kites on it and some people
sit on the grass and chat.in the middle of the park,there is
a lake.there are many boats on it.there is a hill in the
east of the park.



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