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發布時間:2020-11-30 09:32:41

1. 去超市小學生英語作文用現在進行時

I like going to supermarket.I can buy many things in the supermarket.I can buy food,snack,book,drink,and clothes in it.Sometimes I can sit in the handcart before we buy things.It is interesting.I can also play in it.There are entertainment tools for children to play in the supermarket.Every time I go to the supermarket with my mother,I would be very happy.For me,supermarket is my kingdom.

2. 小學英語作文關於野餐去購物

last weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic.we took several sandwiches and some bottles of water with us for lunch.of course we didn't forget to take some fruit and we even took some tomatoes and cucumbers.
we left home quite early in order to avoid the traffic jam.about two hours later,we came to a nice place.it was near a river.we put our bicycles under the trees and went swimming.it was a very hot day.the water was very refreshing.

3. 小學生英語作文 急

March 12th is Tree Planting Day. This year our school bought enough trees before that day . On that day , we didn't had classes . The teachers and our classmates planted trees around our school.
We began to planted trees as soon as we got to school . some students g the holes . Some students put the trees into the holes.
Some students put the earth back to the holes. Then we pushed the earth hard with our feet . At last we watered the trees as much as possible.
From then on we looked after the trees carefully and the trees grew very well . It made our shcool more beautiful .And How happy we are !
My Winter Holiday
My winter holiday is very ll. I stay at home for most of time. Sometimes I visit my friends and play basketball with them. Sometimes we go shopping.
One day, we go to the KFC. We have hamburgers, chicken coke and French fries. We have sore throats. We go home and have a rest. Then we feel better. We go and play computer games! How mad we are!
This is the only thing I can talk about in the holiday.
第三篇 寫給筆友的
Dear Tom, 親愛的湯姆
My name is Li Ming. 我的名字是李明。
I live in Beijing,China. 我住在中國北京。
And I want a pen pal in England. 我想交一個英國的筆友
I think England is a very interesting country. 我認為英國是一個很有趣的國家
I'm 11 years old, 我11歲
and my birthday is in November. 我的生日在11月,
I can speak Chinese and a little English. 我會說中文和一點英語
I like going to the movies with my friednds and playing sports. 我喜歡和朋友們一起看電影,還有做運動。
My favorite subject in school is Chinese, 我在學校最喜歡的科目是語文,
It's fun. 它很有趣。
But I don't like math, 但是我不喜歡數學。
it's too difficule. 它太難了。
Can you write me soon? 請快點回信給我

I'm very happy that you will come to my home on Sunday. My home is not very far. It's near the biggest shopping center in our town. First, you can take the bus No. 11 to the shopping center. Then, turn left, you can see the post office. Go straight the street and then turn right, you will see the book shop and my home is next to the book shop. You can not miss it. If you have any questions please tell me. I am looking forward the Sunday coming
I live in a warm, harmonious and happy family, father, mother, grandfather, and Nainaidoushifen like me, love me, especially my mother. Wodemamazai Jielishangban responsible for family planning, ecation, particularly busy. Despite this, mothers day Haiyaoqinzisong Woshangxiaxue, Geiwochuanyifu, 2:08:12, pack their school bags, buckets, laundry socks ... All in all my life is the mother of all agents. I would like to state that I do not, but my mother did not believe me, Zongshuowoshige children. Babazaijieli Banliaoyigexiao Diyangmaoshanchang, Zhengtianzaiwaimian involved. All in all, I live in a family, it is really my pleasure
我住在一個溫暖,和諧,幸福的家庭,父親,母親,祖父,和Nainaidoushifen喜歡我,愛我,尤其是我的母親。 Wodemamazai Jielishangban負責計劃生育,教育,尤其是繁忙的。盡管這樣,母親節Haiyaoqinzisong Woshangxiaxue , Geiwochuanyifu , 2時08分12秒,收拾書包,水桶,洗衣襪...所有的一切是我生命的母親,所有代理商。我想指出,我不這樣做,但我的母親不相信我, Zongshuowoshige兒童。 Babazaijieli Banliaoyigexiao Diyangmaoshanchang , Zhengtianzaiwaimian參與。總之,我生活在一個大家庭,這確實是我很高興
你可以自己簡寫 修改一下 再說了寫作也不用太真實
請採納 謝謝

4. 2篇小學英語小作文(帶翻譯的)




(1)這個女孩子真是個土匪妹妹啊,一次消滅了麥當勞的6根雞腿,你是說還是個女的,那麼能吃啊,是啊,所以我就叫她「土匪妹妹噢」。發音:匪妹噢:單詞是:female 中文意思為:女性, 女人
(2) 把蚊子拿到放大鏡下仔細一看,你會發現:它的頭發上打著沫絲,頭形是K型:發音:沫司K頭:單詞是:mosquito中文意思為:蚊子(哦,明白了,不是純粹的中文發音,只是利用中文的意思把單詞融入一個場景來記單詞,是嗎?是的!)通過這個途徑記憶的結果是:無枯燥的記憶住了單詞,且達到的熟練程度為脫口而出。


首先來看 用右腦背單詞 的一個案例:(如果如下的文字用語音講述,記憶效果會更好)

這個女孩子真是個土匪妹妹啊,消滅了一個麥當勞的6根雞腿,你是說還是個女的,那麼能吃啊,是啊,所以我就叫她「土匪妹妹啊。單詞:發音:匪妹噢:female . 中文意思為:女性, 女人, 雌獸adj.女性的, 女子的, 婦女的, 雌的, 柔弱的。

關於femal單詞的這個記憶過程,是一個典型的完全利用暗示學的原理來教學的,讓你在聽故事的時候產生:「注意力加強,注意力思索,和注意力融合」的記憶方暗,故事的最後才挑明是給你講述的哪個單詞,這與1997年BBC廣播電台播放的 用右腦背單詞 節目異曲同工。





另外需要指出的是:如果僅僅是學習一個方法,然後自己去利用這個方法去記憶所有的單詞,對於背誦單詞的者來說,一樣是枯燥無味的記憶過程。一樣的痛苦不堪。用右腦背誦單詞的方法最根本的特色之處就是能讓學習者擺脫記憶的痛苦和枯燥無味。用右腦背單詞的作者耗費了多年的時間潛心研究單詞的記憶,並且 目前楊未然先生,把自己編輯整理的部分單詞故事出版了,而且可以通過圖像講解和說明,看圖片可以背單詞。這則實例說明《用右腦背單詞》創生的意義是----把能記憶住單詞作為開發的唯一標准. (並且擺脫記憶過程中的枯燥和痛苦)

TOM,先生從事英語教學與研究工作。主要研究怎樣提高口語和聽力所需要的高頻單詞,怎樣把單詞記憶到脫口而出的熟練程度。在漫長的歲月里,背誦了《用右腦背單詞》,在浩如煙海的單詞領域里,根據1997年BBC廣播電台播放的用右腦背單詞模式,創造了輕松愉快的《用右腦背單詞》課程。 『如果想了解更多關於用右腦背單詞,可以在網路上搜索「用右腦背單詞」』 分為高中英語單詞,初中英語單詞,小學英語單詞,大學英語單詞.


還有個重要的問題就是:書面考試對單詞的要求和口語聽力對單詞要求是不一樣的 。

5. 小學英語作文50字

My dood friend
Alice is my good friend.she is always friendly and helpful.she always works hard.she is never late for school.she never gets angry.she is always kind to others.she always shares her food with me.she is never naughty.she never tells lies.What'your good friends?please tell me.

6. 關於去商場購物的英語作文 (小學六年級)如題 謝謝了

寫 此類 作文最好有相關的 作文素材,或者有相關範文參考,這樣寫起來就得心應手了! 為您推薦 順溜作文網 http://www.zw666.com 10萬條免費作文資源,不用注冊即可瀏覽下載。您肯定能找到你所需要的作文資源!!!

7. 小學四年級英語作文《去商店買東西》並帶翻譯

Last sunday, my mom asked me to the shop with her , because we were out of salt.
It took us about 20 minutes from our home to the shop on foot.
When we got there , there were already a lot of people.
My mom took me to the salt sector directly and she chose the salt she wanted in no more than 10 minutes.我媽帶著我直奔賣鹽專區,並且在10分鍾內就選好了要買的鹽。
Then she went to pay the cashier .然後我媽就去收銀台付款了
when she was in the line , I saw a box of chocolate..在她排隊的時候我看中了一盒巧克力。
I wanted to buy it very much , so I took it to my mom .我很想買這盒巧克力,所以我就拿去給我媽付款。
Luckily, she bought it for me without any complaints . 幸好啊,她二話沒說就幫我買了。
I thought she would buy the chocolate for me was just because I had get a good place in my last exam . 我想,她願意幫我買巧克力完全是因為上次考試我考的很好。
So I will work harder on my study so that my mom will buy all that I want when we go to the shop together next time. 所以,我就想啊,我一定要更努力地學習,那麼下次我和我媽再去商店買東西的時候,我想要什麼她都會幫我買了。

8. 小學英語作文範文

Build a Harmonious Society
Dear fellow students,
Our government is going to build a "harmonious society". I think it is everyone's ty to work hard to achieve this goal.
As high school students, what should we do ?
First of all, we should love our motherland. Let's take a great interest in the development of our hometowns and take an active part in our school's activities.
Secondly, let's fill the world with love. We should show our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers. We should also care for each other and help those in need. Mostimportant of all, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily life.
Finally, let's work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and grass.
As for myself, I will study even harder and try my best to do all the above.
Dear fellow students, let's start right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day,every hour, and every minute!
Li Xiaoping
From Huanggang High School

Everyone knows that there is a very important sports meeting over the world called the Olympic Games. It』s held once every four years.

The twenty-ninth Olympic Games will be held in Beijing which is the captial of China. Beijing is an old but beautiful city, there are many places that are famous for their scenery or historical relics here. For example , the Great Wall , the Forbidden City , the Temple of Heaven and so on, they all show the history and culture of China.

「One World , One Dream」is the slogan of the twenty-ninth Olympic Games. And do you know the five happy babies? They are Beibei、Jingjing、Huanhuan、Yingying and Nini. In fact, they』re the personifications of animals.

With the nice city, with the good slogan and the five happy babies, the most important is with the instrions Chinese people. I think the twenty-ninth Olympic Games will have a great success!

Welcome to Beijing , welcome to China !

In recent years, many newspapers and magazines focus on the activities of film stars, pop singers and some other famous men and women. Reporters disguise their identities, infiltrate the subject's business and family, or even bug and wiretap them——to get the news by whatever means are necessary.

It is not difficult to explain the reason for their surprising amount of interest in famous people's lives. They are in the spotlight, renowned or notorious, they are the topic of ordinary people who like to know everything about them. To satisfy their curiosity, or 「the people's right to know」, journalists often find it their ty to report their activities.

More over, what matters to a newspaper or a magazine is the number of readers. A large readership means the rise in the circulation of their publications, hence a huge profit. Since film stars and pop singers are newsworthy figures, and their stories draws far more attention than those of other people, it is natural that the press tries to attract them to buy their magazines by featuring private lives of famous people.

How ever, those exposed people can be severely injured by such press attention. Sensational stories about their private lives cause great unhappiness to them. To escape reporters, they can't even lead a normal life. Sometimes their lives will be in danger. For example, Princess Diana died in a car accident as she attempted to escape photographers in a chase through Paris.

Famous people are also citizens. They have the right to keep their own privacy like ordinary people——the basic right which should be respected, protected and guaranteed by our laws in whatever circumstances.


1.I was very happy ring the National Day holiday. I spent a lot of time to play with my friends because I had little homework,I had finished it very soon. Although sometimes I feel bored, happiness was the mainstream. I liked to visit interesting places most. It was very nice. I like the National Day holiday.

2.I did not think that my elementary school life was very interesting, from Monday to Friday, I referred to four classes every morning, afternoon classes three referrals. Chinese mathematics and English, sports, art, etc., at 8:00 every morning, we had to make a morning exercise, I liked for morning calisthenics, It made us who had strong health. My favorite classes was sports, we often ran in PE class,it was very interesting. We had a week of reading, we could read their books from school, we had too little time to read. We would like to find out more information. My elementary life was colorful, and I miss my primary school life.

3.The first day of the winter vocation, I helped my mother with the housework. The second day, I, together with my family, went to Qunming and visited a local zoo. The third day, we left for Nanjing and spent 7 happy days there. After we returned home, I finished my homework and made some preparation for the new semester.
I enjoyed myself every day in the winter vocation. How about you?

4.Last vacation We went to a beautiful beach,a museum and we went to the mountains.
On the first day.It was sunny and hot all day.We went to a beautiful beach.We had a swim there.We played games.It was really fun.We had seafood for dinner.It was delicious!
On the second day.The weather was not good.so we went to the mountains.We got to the top of the mountain.We played games and flew kites.Iwas very tired.but I had a good time.
On the third day.The weather was cool.so we went to a museum.It was kind of boring.so we didn't really enjoy it.

5.Last weekend,I went to visit Old Henry.
On Saturday morning I cleaned the house.On Saturday afternoor I went to the movie.Old Henry and I went to beach.We had a swim there.We played games and flew kites.
On Saturday evening I cooked a nice dinner.
We had a great time.
I hope to visit him again!

6.A Busy Weekend
I had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning,I read books and did homework.In the afternoon,I cleaned my room.In the evening,I watched TV and movies.On Sunday morning,I played basketball with my good friend.We were happy.In the afternoon,I went to the supermarket.In the evening,I read a book about history.
This weekend,I was very tired.


Nice to meet you again by letter.I am so excited to tell you something about my vacation on May day holiday.

I went to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum with my parents. It's so interesting here,the most attraction is the 3D cinema which can bring you to explore the vivid science world!
I sincerely to invited you to Shanghai and go there again.I promise that it will give you a happy experience!

Best Wishes,
yours ***

8.June 4th , Sunday Sunny

Today I went to our community to teach our neighbors some everyday English.

The residents who came to our lesson were mainly middle-aged or elderly men and women who had little knowledge in English. In order to be a qualified teacher, I got myself fully-prepared. I picked out some frequently-used English expressions when meeting foreign guests. Before the class began, I felt quite nervous. But to my surprise, my lesson was a great success! Although what I taught was not easy for my audience, they did try their best to read after me and practice a lot. In the end, some of them even could make a short conversation! How amazing! I was quite satisfied with my volunteering work today.

9.A Busy Weekend
I had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning,I read books and did homework.In the afternoon,I cleaned my room.In the evening,I watched TV and movies.On Sunday morning,I played basketball with my good friend.We were happy.In the afternoon,I went to the supermarket.In the evening,I read a book about history.
This weekend,I was very tired.

9. 小學英語作文90字

孩子,你想寫什麼題材的?主題是什麼?日記形式 還是寫人寫物?寫了一個的自我介紹, 拿去參考吧
Good morning, everyone. Teachers and classmates. It's my honor to stand here. I will introce myself to everyone. My name is 王傑 English name. Jack. I am I'm boy and ten year old. I'm in2class in grade 3 I come from Shandong Province, Ju city. My personality is very positive. I hope that I willGet on well with My classmate.
I love learning. Learning by doing and doing by learning.
My family is made of 5peoples ,my father, my mother and my grandpa, grandma and I. My parentsAnd my teachers. Hope that. To become a brilliant people. But I think no one is perfect. I will try my best to be a better.
Thank you.

10. 小學六年級英語作文《我們一起去購物》

今天是2011年1月16日,天氣十分晴朗,天空上也沒有一絲烏雲,這可真是一個出遊的好日子啊!我們家當然不會放過這么好的一個去購物的機會了。 早晨我們吃完早飯後,便前往大潤發免費班車接送的車站了。由於我們並不是經常去發潤發超市,因此我們也不知道班車什麼才會來。我們站在車站來回走動,時不時的看看車子有沒有來。過了一會,我已經沒有耐心再等下去了。爸爸便走到門衛那裡去問保安叔叔,車子是幾點來的。一小會,爸爸回來了。我迅速跑到爸爸跟前,問道:「車子幾點才回來啊?我已經等得不耐煩了。」「大概10點吧!」爸爸說。「還有這么長時間啊!」我愁眉苦臉的說道:「那我們我們不去了,行不行?」「婷婷再耐心等等吧!還有30分鍾,很快就會過去的。如果你現在回家了,那前面你在這等的時間不久浪費了嗎?」媽媽輕輕的扶了扶我的臉,親切的說道。聽了媽媽的話,我思考了一下,想想也有道理,便靠在媽媽旁邊,再一次的等起了車來。北風呼呼的吹著,吹到了我的臉上,頓時,感到好像有千萬根針想我扎來。我相信爸爸媽媽一定也和我有一樣的感受。 終於,我們的等待有了「回報」。在9:45左右,大潤發的車子來了。我們迅速上了車,生怕來不及。車子里開著空調,頃刻間,讓我感到十分暖和,前面還被「凍僵」了的手,現在血液已經開始流動了。在車子上,我躺在媽媽的懷里,看著外面的風景,那是多麼的溫馨啊! 大約又過了30多分鍾,車子終於開到了大潤發門口,於是,車上的人都紛紛下了車。但是這次來的大潤發超市是新開的,所以我們以前並沒有來過,因此對著裡面的東西的質量並沒有很大的了解。「哇塞,這里好大啊!」我不禁贊嘆了起來。「是啊。」媽媽也情不自禁的贊嘆起來。在超市裡,我們東看看西看看,不知道要買什麼好。最終我們還是買了許許多多的東西,可是到了收銀台,那裡的排隊可長了,但是還沒有到一眼望不到邊的程度。終於輪到我們了,但是「難題」又出現了——我們買的雞蛋是要用會員卡才能獲得優惠,但是我們來的時候忘記辦會員卡了,從而就不能獲得優惠。這是爸爸靈機一動,問別人借了3張會員卡,這樣以來。我們拿的3包雞蛋就可以全部買下了。 出了超市,我們便前往8號車停站的地方了。那是車上的人已經滿多的了,座位也就不多了。回家的路上,車子開的比來的快了好多。但到了我們家下去前面一點時,由於在鋪路,造成了堵車現象,不過,一會就解決了。但是下了車後,我聞到一股怪味,十分刺鼻,便問爸爸:「這是什麼氣味啊?」「這是瀝青油的味道。」爸爸一邊說,一邊捂住鼻子。 到了家裡,媽媽迅速燒起了午飯,好讓飢餓的我們吃上香噴噴的午飯。



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