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發布時間:2020-11-29 18:01:58

❶ 如何製作陽光體育節海報

在紙上先寫題目 「陽光體育節」 然後下面介紹 寫 你這個體育節是什麼 干什麼的 或者寫口號 讓大家積極參與 最後寫時間 地點
要畫圖的話 就畫人在跑步的圖 然後在紙的上面 畫上太陽一類的

❷ 體育節這三字有什麼好看的字體 海報用。。。。。。。。。。急用。!!!


❸ 校園體育節海報、會徽設計


❹ 為你們學校的體育節寫一篇招聘海報 英語作文 40

The Advantage of job interview

Nowadays,job interview plays an important role in some companies』 recruitment procere.Generally,its advantages can be listed as follow:

First,it help the company examine the applicators impartially in the interview .Some applicators may cheat in his personal resume.Through the interview,the recruiter may judge whether a applicator has cheated in his resume and then decide whether he is suitable for the position he apply for . Second,job interview provide some applicators who have no high diploma more opportunities to gain the job.He may show his good quality in the interview .At last ,job interview promote the communication between the recruiter and the applicator. It help the applicator know more about the company』s policy ,such as the salary,the welfare.At the same time the recruiter also know what the applicator want .

Generally speaking,job interview do favor not only for the recruiter but also for the applicator.



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