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發布時間:2021-02-28 17:58:35

㈠ 小學英語作文5句話My Family

I have a happy family.我有個幸福的家庭。
There are three people in it,my father, my motherand I .我家有3口人,爸爸媽媽還有我。
My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. 我爸爸是醫生,我媽媽是老師。
At weekends, we often go to the park together. 周末我們經常一起去公園。
I love my sweet family.我愛我家。


㈡ 跪求~~~~小學英語作文~~~~~最好五句!!!!!速度

Happy Holiday

May Day is coming. I』m so happy because my father and my mother take me to Wu Quan Park this holiday.
In the park, I see many trees and beautiful flowers. There are many children and many happy playing games, too.
My parents take me to the zoo. There are lions, tigers, eagles, bears, deer, monkeys, and so on. I like the monkeys best because they are very clever and they make us laugh. How lovely they are!
I have a good time that day. What a beautiful and happy holiday.

㈢ 小學英語作文5篇!每篇不少於五句話,什麼題目都可以。要翻譯,六年級水平,很急的!!!麻煩大家幫幫忙!

又快又准確。 我一直以來都是這么乾的。哈哈。 求採納~

This summer vacation I follow my parents flew to London to see the Olympic games. The athletes are very powerful. I watched them much the position, I envy. I'm determined to learn to them, not afraid of difficulties, march forward courageously, get their own success!

上面那個是我隨便寫的 - - 你還可以寫寫比如你的家人。你最好的朋友。你最喜歡的季節。你養的動物。


㈣ 小學英語作文「My math teacher」至少5句話。

Mrs.Su is my math teacher .She is ?? years old.She is nice and clever.I like her class very much,she often tell us interesting stories in her class.I love my math teacher.

㈤ 小學英語作文5句話

My name is xxx.I am 幾歲.I am fome china.I like football.goodbey!

㈥ 小學所有英語作文五句話

Unforgettable evening of pyrotechnics

In 2008 Lunar New Year 15:00, in the new century opened on the square a long time people forget the other pyrotechnic show. Pretty great.

It's early days we came to the plaza of the new century on the road, we seem to have people on the road to both the Grand Century Place. When we go to the Grand Century Place, a sea of people on the square early on.

20:00 fireworks show began. One of pyrotechnics each have their own characteristics, each have their own characteristics. Some large, some small, some as Yinlong the sea, like some of the boats in the sky in a long time do not put out.


My day - 1.I get up at 6 o'clock every morning.2.Then I change my cloth,brush my teeth and wash my face.3.I drink a glass of milk,and eat four slices bread for breakfast.4.I go to school on foot at 7 o'clock every day.5.I do morning exercise with classmates at campus at nine-thirty every morning.6.I go home with my classmates at six-thirty every afternoon.

㈧ 小學英語作文寫吃的東西,5句話,字越少越好,

I like eating friuts.My favorate fruit is apple,because it's very sweet.I eat apples every day.My mother said apples can keep us healthy.I love apples,it's my good fried.希望可以幫到你.加油回~答

㈨ 英語作文 我小學5年級,要求不高,5句話就行

it is tuesday.
maths teacher and students are having a lesson.we're very happy.but my classmates don't like.

㈩ 五年級英語作文5句話

我喜歡的季節 my favorite season—spring
springis my favorite season. in spring days, everything comes out. while you arewalking outside, your eyes will be filled with green.

inspring days, our world is a sunny place, which is covered with green trees andcolorful flowers, so it can be described as a paradise. especially when you arein the countryside, you can see green mountains, vast fields, clean streams,and all the living creatures, coexisting harmoniously. all of them make up themost beautiful picture in the world.

inspring days, the sun shines brightly, and theres also some pleasant breeze. sohow charming it is while feeling the spring wind blow us. its also wonderfulto enjoy the beautiful sunshine. you will also get a lot of refreshments whilehaving a walk outside.



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