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㈠ 關於悉尼歌劇院的作文兩百五十字






㈡ 游覽悉尼歌劇院作文700字

近了,近了,就是現在,悉尼歌劇院與悉尼港灣大橋完美地融合在了一起,組成了一副美麗的圖畫。歌劇院屹立在海上,如同一位孤獨的人。 不,它並不孤單——因為它有了悉尼港灣大橋的陪伴。當它倆湊在一起時,居然沒有任何不適合,反而讓人覺得像天生就應當在一起似的。
下了碼頭,歌劇院好像有一種無形的吸引力,引我上前,慢慢地接近它。真沒想到,這現代建築史上巨型雕塑式的典型作品,澳大利亞的象徵性標志 ,被聯合國教科文組織列入《世界文化遺產名錄》的建築居然可以在我的面前,並且可以與它觸碰。在一陣激動後,我走上了碎花崗石階梯。

㈢ 悉尼歌劇院的小短文翻譯 謝謝

1957 Jorn Utzon's design, in 32 works in 233 countries come to the fore, the Sydney Opera House in 1959 started the construction, time-consuming a total of 16, spent 12 million Australian dollars to complete the construction, in order to financing, in addition to raising funds, Australia The Government had also issued in 1959 the Sydney Opera House lottery. In the construction process, because after the restructuring of the Australian new government and the Shihu Jorn Utzon, the architect Fener made in 1966 to leave Australia, never again set foot on Australian land did not even own a classic can not see. After the work group jointly by the Australian architect completed, including Peter Hall, Lionel Todd and David Littlemore, such as three, but after some twists and turns, the Australian Government also had to please the construction of the Wizards back, because only Jorn Utzon To grasp the Sydney Opera House to express the artistic language. After the above in the transformation of three architects, the Sydney Opera House's style seems to become a monster camp style, contrary to the original design concept. So Jorn Utzon in the two sons of collaboration from the Sydney Opera House restoration, and in the central hall inside the hoisting of Jorn Utzon's daughter is also to complete, solemn and dignified. Sydney Opera House last year in the October 20, 1973 was officially opened. Opening (in October 1973) have been invited by Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in person at the scene. Another legendary Sydney Opera House is his first performances. 1960 PAUL ROBESON the black singer was still under construction and climbed up the scaffolding of Yinhanggaoge for workers to perform. Coincidentally, his birthday with the Danish architect Jorn Utzon was the same day.

㈣ 介紹悉尼歌劇院的英語作文

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㈤ 有贊美悉尼歌劇院的短文嗎


㈥ 幫幫忙,寫一篇介紹悉尼歌劇院的英語作文

Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌劇院)
The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt.
6 225 square meters of glass and 645 kilometers of electric cable were used to build the Opera House.It includes 1 000 rooms.It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.The building』s roof sections weight about 15 tons.There are 1 million tiles on the roof.It provides guided tours to 200 000 people each year.
But do you know the Opera House with a roof was designed by a famous Danish architect,John Utzon?In the late 1950s the Australian Government established an appeal fund to finance for the construction of the Sydney Opera House,and concted a competition for its design was chosen. Utzon spent a few years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature—the sails of the roof.The venture experienced cost blowouts. In 1966 the situation reached crisis point and Utzon resigned from the project.The building was finally competed by others in 1973.Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth on 20th October 1973.
The Opera House reaches out into the harbour.Seen from the air or a ferry,the skyline of the Sydney Opera Hose,the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Harbour Bridge,so beautiful.
建造歌劇院用了6 625平方米的玻璃和645千米的電纜線。它有1 000間房間。它長185米,寬20米。歌劇院樓頂的部分大約重15噸。在樓頂上,有1百萬塊磚。每年它能接待旅遊團20萬人。

㈦ 悉尼歌劇院從外面走到裡面的作文500子


㈧ 悉尼歌劇院英語作文

The Sydney Opera House is a multi-venue performing arts centre in Sydney, Australia. It is one of the 20th century's most famous and distinctive buildings.
Designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the building was formally opened on 20 October 1973 after a gestation beginning with Utzon's 1957 selection as winner of an international design competition. The government of New South Wales, led by the premier, Joseph Cahill, authorised work to begin in 1958 with Utzon directing construction. The government's decision to build Utzon's design is often overshadowed by circumstances that followed, including cost and scheling overruns as well as the architect's ultimate resignation.
The building and its surrounds occupy the whole of Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour, between Sydney Cove and Farm Cove, adjacent to the Sydney central business district and the Royal Botanic Gardens, and close by the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Though its name suggests a single venue, the building comprises multiple performance venues which together are among the busiest[citation needed] performing arts centres – hosting well over 1,500 performances annually, attended by more than 1.2 million people.Performances are presented by numerous performing artists, including four resident companies: Opera Australia, The Australian Ballet, the Sydney Theatre Company and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. As one of the most popular visitor attractions in Australia, more than eight million people visit the site annually, and approximately 350,000 visitors take a guided tour of the building each year.The building is managed by the Sydney Opera House Trust, an agency of the New South Wales State Government.
On 28 June 2007, the Sydney Opera House became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

㈨ 寫去悉尼歌劇院玩的英語作文有哪些

Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌劇院)
The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt.
6 225 square meters of glass and 645 kilometers of electric cable were used to build the Opera House.It includes 1 000 rooms.It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.The building』s roof sections weight about 15 tons.There are 1 million tiles on the roof.It provides guided tours to 200 000 people each year.
But do you know the Opera House with a roof was designed by a famous Danish architect,John Utzon?In the late 1950s the Australian Government established an appeal fund to finance for the construction of the Sydney Opera House,and concted a competition for its design was chosen. Utzon spent a few years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature—the sails of the roof.The venture experienced cost blowouts. In 1966 the situation reached crisis point and Utzon resigned from the project.The building was finally competed by others in 1973.Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth on 20th October 1973.
The Opera House reaches out into the harbour.Seen from the air or a ferry,the skyline of the Sydney Opera Hose,the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Harbour Bridge,so beautiful.
建造歌劇院用了6 625平方米的玻璃和645千米的電纜線。它有1 000間房間。它長185米,寬20米。歌劇院樓頂的部分大約重15噸。在樓頂上,有1百萬塊磚。每年它能接待旅遊團20萬人。





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