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發布時間:2021-02-19 23:50:24

㈠ 以Last weekend為題寫一篇60字小作文

Last weekend, my parents took me to the zoo in Guangzhou. This was my first time went to zoo. I saw some cute small tigers, lions, monkeys, padans, and so on. After the zoo, my parents buy some foods and water, and we ate together. I felt very happy.


㈡ lastweekend作文分上午中午下午來寫

last weekend
Last Saturday,I and my sister did our homework in the morning.We played the computer game in the afternoon. My sister won ,She was very happy.At about two o'cock,we saw a film.THE film was very interesting .IT was very funny.
In Sunday, I read a book in the morning .I and my sister watched TV in the afternoon .Then we went to a park.WE flew a kite.The kite was broken.We played many games.After the day,I was very tired.But it was a happy day for me ,too!

㈢ LastWeekend 作文

Hello! My name is liuyang.On last Saturday morning,I played football with my friengs.On last Saturday afternoon,I read a book.On last Saturday evening,I watched TV with my mother and my father.On last Sunday morning,I went to a park.On last Sunday afternoon,I went fishing.On last Sunday evening,I played computer games.This was a busy weekend!

㈣ 作文:"lastweekend"5~6句

I stayI stay at homeWith your grandma,reading is in the afternoon iWatch TVIconrun and what's micro

㈤ 英語小作文lastweekend

weekend 英[ˌwi:kˈend] 美[ˈwi:kend]
n. 周末; 星期六和星期日(或略長一點的)休息時間回;
vi. 過周末,度周末;
adj. 周末的;
[例句]She had agreed to have dinner with him in town the following weekend
[其他] 第三人稱單數:weekends 復數:weekends 現在分詞:weekending過去式:weekended 過去分詞:weekended
last weekend上周末

㈥ lastweekend的作文

Last Weekend I had a happy weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents』 and my brother』s.

On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents』 house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold. This was last weekend.

㈦ 以"Last weekend"為題寫一篇英語小作文(30字)

last weekend,wy parents and I got up a picnic at the Shanghai Botanical Garden. The weather was fine and there were no clouds in the sky.We enjoyed ourselves very much and had a nice day. 小學復水平制的吧 這樣足夠了



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