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Ⅰ 五上語文陽光學業評價的答案


Ⅱ 陽光學業評價四年級語文答案



3. 聽描述三次,給下面的故事圖片寫編號。
A. In this story,the boy did not get help
from the villagers because they did not
believe him.
B. In this story the man thought of a
clever way to know how heavy the
elephant was.
C. This story tells about a fox getting a
piece of meat from a silly bird on the
D. This story tells how a clever boy
helped his friend in trouble.
E. This story happens between a lion and
a mouse. It tells us that sometimes
the little can help the great.
F. In this story,the handsome young
man woke up the beautiful sleeping
girl with his love.
4. 聽短文三次,根據故事內容選擇正確答
One day a mouse was looking for
something to eat. Suddenly he ran into a
lion. The lion caught the mouse. Helooked at the mouse and said,「You are too
little for a meal. 」
「Please let me go,Mr Lion,」said the
mouse. 「One day I will help you. 」The
lion laughed 「How can a little thing like
you help the great king of the animals?」he
said 「OK,I will let you go. 」「Thank
you very much,」the mouse said. 「Thats
very good of you. 」
The next week the mouse was again
looking for something to eat. He saw the
lion under a tree. The lion was in a net
and could not get out. The mouse went up
to him. 「Dont worry,Mr Lion. I will help
you,」said the mouse. Then he began to
bite the net. Soon he made a big hole in
the net. At last the lion got out of the net.
He was very happy. 「Thank you,」 he
said,「Thank you so much!」
2. 聽句子三次,寫出句子所缺的單詞。
(1)Mr Lin was always in a hurry.
(2)I think the little pig is very silly in
1this story.
(3)Jack always works very hard at school.
(4)You did very well in the maths test.
But dont be proud.
(5)Ben can win the race if he is in good
(6 ) Ms White was sure it would rain
(7)I think the elephant is a very slow
animal. But it can run,too.
(8)Sam was too careless. He didnt see
the pencil in the desk.
(9)The ground was wet after the rain.
(10)Can you get me another book?This
one is not interesting.
3. 聽描述三次。給圖片寫編號。
A. In this story,the hare and the tortoise
had a race and the tortoise won.
B. In this story,the man helped the wolf
but the wolf tried to eat the man.
C. In this story,the silly bird lost its
meat because she wanted to show thatshe could sing very well.
D. In this story,the little girl in red met
a big bad wolf on her way to see her
E. In this story,a clever boy helped his
friend in trouble.
F. In this story,the wolf tried to eat the
three little pigs.
4. 聽短文三次,判斷下列句子與短文內容是
One day Jack was riding his bike tothe park. On the way he saw two dogs.
The dogs were lovely. Jack kept looking at
them and forgot to see where he was going.
Suddenly his bike crashed into a tree and
he fell down. A policeman came to help
Jack. He called Jacks parents and took
Jack to the hospital. The next day,Jack
went to school with a broken arm. 「Jack
should be careful next time. 」 all histeachers and friends said.

Ⅳ 語文四年級上冊陽光學業評價答案


Ⅳ 四年級人教版語文陽光學業評價上冊第16頁到17頁


Ⅵ 小學陽光學業評價上冊語文,數學在那有得買


Ⅶ 請問誰有五年級語文下冊的《陽光學業評價》或答案

一:選2 二:第一個,第二個,第一個,第二個,第一個,第一個。 三:1、外祖父和我背詩。2、外公罵「回我」媽。3、外公不能答回國,很難過。4、外公給我墨梅圖。5、外公給我梅花手絹。四:1、愛護,有污,只有,一下子,教訓,清純。2、梅花在外祖父的眼裡不僅是梅花,更是中國人的形象,所以不能玷污。 基礎苑2: 一:葬身,梳理,手絹,腮邊,衰老,所謂。 二:1、靈魂,氣魄。2、梳理,流水。3、袁枚,衰老。4、綢子,了。 三:1、中國人的精神,一個在國外的中國老人的一個眷戀祖國的心。2:首尾呼應,渾然一體。 四:(小點寫,有點長)唯有書房裡的衣服墨梅圖他分外愛惜,家人碰也碰不得。 因為梅花的精神就是中國人的精神,作者用借物抒情的方法更能體現華僑老人愛國之心。

Ⅷ 求語文八年級下冊陽光學業評價答案(人教版)!


Ⅸ 語文陽光學業評價。


Ⅹ 六年級陽光學業評價答案語文




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