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發布時間:2021-02-12 07:04:49

⑴ my bedroom英語作文(小學)

This is my bedroom. The best thing I like is my bookcase. There are a lot of books in it. I always read books on sunny days. It's really fun. There is a big bed with many toys on it. You can see the beautiful pillow and the quilt.
I really like my bedroom. I clean it once a week. I will make it always clean.

比較簡單 你就湊合著截取一點吧 很有可能當中有一些不符合你家情況哦 望諒解

樓主版最後It bring me relaxation and wise.可能有權點問題
我認為應該是It makes me relax and wise.
首先bring後應加s 另外wise是形容詞 bring後面能加形容詞嗎?

⑵ 英語作文my bedroom.

my bedroom英語作文詳見下方參考。寫作是英語學習很重要的一部分,沒有方向的話,可以來阿卡索學寫作知識。



英語作文my bedroom.範文參考:

Look , I have a nice room . Come and have a look . It』s small and nice . There is a big bed , a small desk , a shelf and a closet . The bed is near the desk . There is a shelf near the closet too . Many good books are in the shelf . I like the books very much . Oh , yes , There is a big board on the wall . I often write and draw pictures on the board .
Oh ,i think My bedroom is too beautiful.I like it very much!!



⑶ my bedroom小學英語作文8句

My room is very clean, clean it, I will go home every day blue night stand points on the both side of the bed, the lights shone, even if I can see my room in the night. I like my room very much, because it is my home.

⑷ 用my bedroom英語作文只要五句小學五年級

I have a bedroom. There are a bed, a desk and a computer in it . There are some pictures on the wall. Under the bed there is a football. On the desk there is a clock . This is my bedroom and I like it very much.

⑸ 以mybedroom為題的英語作文5句(要求:小學三年級詞語)

This is my bedroom. There is a bed in it. Near the window there is a desk and a chair. I often do my homework there. You can also see a clock on the desk. My bedroom is very clean.

⑹ my bedroom英語作文(小學) This is my bedroom the.開頭

This is my bedroom.The best thing I like is my bookcase.There are a lot of books in it.I always read books on sunny days.It's really fun.There is a big bed with many toys on it.You can see the beautiful pillow and the quilt.
I really like my bedroom.I clean it once a week.I will make it always clean.
比較來簡單 你就湊合著截取源一點吧 很有可能當中有一些不符合你家情況哦 望諒解
樓主最後It bring me relaxation and wise.可能有點問題
我認為應該是It makes me relax and wise.
首先bring後應加s 另外wise是形容詞 bring後面能加形容詞嗎?

⑺ 以「My Bedroom(我的卧室)」為題寫一篇英語作文(50字)

「My Bedroom(我的卧室)」作文參考:I have a nice bedroom. In my bedroom, there is a bed, a closet, an air- conditioner and so on. My closet is green. My bed is blue. I love my bedroom very much.點擊下方藍字鏈接,免費外教輔導英語寫作,給大專家更專業的屬指導。





⑻ 小學英語作文,5句話,題目:my bedroom

hi Ian……mybedroom is so big look!thebedis under thepicrure thetrain binisonthewall mybedroomissocool l lovemybedroom

⑼ 小學五年級英語作文《my bedroom》


⑽ 英語作文mybedroom

My bedroom
I have a lovely bedroom. There is a bed in my bedroom. There is a desk near my bed. There is a pink doll on my bed. I sleep with it every night. There is a big window in my bedroom. The yellow lamp is on my desk .Every evening, I do my homework under the lamp. I have a big shelf in my bedroom. There are many books on the shelf. I like reading very much. Do you like reading? You can borrow the books from me if you like?
My bedroom is so nice. I like it.



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