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發布時間:2021-01-23 03:40:13

Ⅰ 一篇關於學英語的方法和感受的英語作文

From my perspective, the best way to learn English is to read more, listen more, write more. Listen to the teacher carefully in class, take notes, memorizing English words, listen more, and do more reading.
Of course. More listen English song and see English film is important, too.

Ⅱ 為什麼要從小學開始學英語 英語作文






Ⅳ 求一篇關於小學畢業感想的英語作文。

Turn an eye me and then become a junior high school to livinged from a pure kid.In the beginning, I thought the living meeting of junior high school was easy to play, but listenned to a father mother, also having their colleagues so on saying, I discovered the life of junior high school's ising a strain is very exhausting very much, I started frightened faced a junior high school!I think elusion, but I think if I not study so much in the future in test and then will not have what hope, this influences probably, changing my destiny, and later life.
Hence I make a firm decision, correct I am in the primary school of bad habit, do a set of studying of complete science plan, exaltation study result, pass examination teacher greatly attach medium.





Ⅳ 寫300字關於「開學以來學英語的感受」的作文,求各位幫幫忙。

The Feeling of English Learning I do like English after approaching to it. It really makes me happy. Learning English helps me open my eyes to see the whole world and learn to communicate with others from other nations and it does have coloured my life. Communication is man』 basic ability and speaking is an important way of it. Speaking in different ways is even playing a more important role in modern society nowadays. It will be an essential skill in the near future. So I have to take English courses. On the other hand, I do like it as I said at the very beginning. I just feel it so interesting that I cannot give it up now. I can make friends with foriegners, while the others can』t. I have more chances and can even hold a more objective view of the surroundings around me. With so many advantages, I would go on in this way.

Ⅵ 小學學英語的感受以及你想在初中如何學英語 作文


Ⅶ 小學英語二課堂的感受作文


Ⅷ 為什麼要從小學開始學英語英語作文


Ⅸ 緊急需要一篇關於(我)在小學學英語的經歷和如何學英語的作文,要英語的!

When i was a primary school student , i have english lessons everyday , cause it is just the beginning of learning english ,at the first time there are something really makes me feel bored .like the pronunciation of english words ,sometimes i can not remember the correct pronunciation ,what i can do is use some chinese words to replace the english words so that it is better to remember.
And also sometimes i need to pass the exam, now i found the contents of the paper seems like very easy ,but at that time i still need to try my best to finish it as carefully as i can .

And now i found english is very important for me ,it is a necessary communication tool . if you want to get a job from a foreign company , speaks very good english will help to get the job much more easier.
About the method of learning english ,remembering the new words is important ,like the base of a house ,when you found your vocabulary is enough ,you need to find a object to practise you oral english . for my personal opinion , english speaking and english listening is very important , if you are good at both , you will communicate with foreinger without any balk .So more practise of english speaking and english listening is needed.

Thats all for my personal opinion about how to learn english



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