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發布時間:2021-01-11 18:22:06


Halloween is a western festival. It』s on Oct.31st. It』s a happy time for children because at night they put on the masks to attend the party. After the party, they knock at someone』s door and say: 「trick or tread」. It means if you don』t give me the candies, I will play trick on you! At last kids can get enough candies for one year.

❷ 以''a nice party ''為題寫一篇小學生五年級英語作文,不少於35個單詞

Last Sunday ,I went to my freind Mary』s birthday party.It was really wonderful!

The birthday party started at 6 pm.All of her freinds came to her house.Mary』s mother made a big birthday cake for Mary.First of all,we sang Happy Birthday Song for her.Then we ate the big cake happily.After that,we played party games together.

How happy we were!How wonderful the birthday party was!

❸ 小學生六年級英語作文 a party 不少於6句,也不要太長超過1o句。謝謝

Last Sunday ,I went to my freind Mary』s birthday party.It was really wonderful!
The birthday party started at 6 pm.All of her freinds came to her house.Mary』s mother made a big birthday cake for Mary.First of all,we sang Happy Birthday Song for her.Then we ate the big cake happily.After that,we played party games together.

❹ 小學英語閱讀100篇,第91篇A Party,求翻譯

就是 沒有內容 翻譯什麼

小學六年級英語作文A birthday party 怎麼寫是Amy 的生日

A birthday party
Last Thursday was Amy's birthday. She had a party at her home.
Her relatives and friends came to her home in the evening. And she got a lot of
presents from them. Her mother prepared a big birthday cake for him.There are seven candles on it. After singing the song 「版Happy birthday to you」權, she shared the cake with her friends and relatives. Then we watched TV and listened to
music. Same of the girls danced with the music.
We had a good time that day.

❻ 小學英語3年級,求答案。謝謝。

1.this bad wolf is over there.(復數
(Those)bad (wolves)(are)over there
2.Do you have a class Party at school?(否定回答
(No),we (don『t)
3、they go to the zoo on children's Day 劃線提問。內go to the zoo 是劃線的。
(Where)do they (go)on children's Day ?
4.can you draw yourself?肯定句容
(Yes)can draw(myself)
5.the mouse has a long tail 否定句,句意不變
the mouse (don』t)(have)a (short)tail



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