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發布時間:2020-12-29 05:47:33

『壹』 英語作文:park


An Amusement park or theme park is a group of entertainment attractions, rides, and other events in a location for the enjoyment of large numbers of people. An amusement park is more elaborate than a simple city park or playground, usually providing attractions meant to cater specifically to certain age groups, as well as some that are aimed towards all ages. Theme parks, a specific type of amusement park, are usually much more intricately themed to a certain subject or group of subjects than normal amusement parks.
A theme park has landscaping, buildings, and attractions that are based on one or more specific themes or stories. Disneyland, located in Anaheim, California, built around the concept of encapsulating multiple theme parks into a single amusement park is often mistakenly cited as the first themed amusement park, but is instead the park that made the idea popular.

A park is an area of open space provided for recreational use, usually owned and maintained by a local government. Parks commonly resemble savannas or open woodlands, the types of landscape that human beings find most relaxing. It can be in its natural or semi-natural state, or planted, and is set aside for human enjoyment or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats. It may consist of rocks, soil, water, flora and fauna and grass areas, but may also contain buildings and other artefacts such as play grounds. Grass is typically kept short to discourage insect pests and to allow for the enjoyment of picnics and sporting activities. Trees are chosen for their beauty and to provide shade.Many natural parks are protected by law.

『貳』 初中英語作文:Park

In haimen there is a park. it』 a big and beautiful park. it has two gates. they are the north gate and the west gate. many people park their bikes in front of the gates.

There is a shop at the north gate. when you go into the park through the north gate, you will find a large square on your right and you will see lots of trees and flowers around you. in the west of the park, there is a playground.

Sometimes some children fly kites on it and some people sit on the grass and chat. in the middle of the park, there is a lake. there are many boats on it. there is a hill in the east of the park.

The park is very beautiful. i love it very much. will you come to visit it some day?

『叄』 英語作文in the park


『肆』 小學五年級英語作文In A Nature Park (現在進行時)字數多一些

this is a nature park. it』s beautiful. There are woods around it.There are also many kinds of flowers, some are red, some are yellow and others are blue.Ican see some bees fiying beside the flowers. Look, there are so many lovely birds on the trees,I can』t count them.The trees are tall and stright. There is also a blue lake in the park. I like the lake best,because my favourate color is blue.There are many fishes living in the lake, they are friendly to us.I love the nature park.

『伍』 小學英語作文:Ocean Park

Today I went to HongKong Ocean Park.It's one of the big Ocean Parks in the world.I got wind of (聽說)it very beautiful.Today,I was very earnest to visit it.There are a lot of houses in it.Such as the goldrfish house,the Ocean theatre.And there are many plays(表演內)容.My favourite play is about delphins.I think it very lovely.I was very happy to visit the Ocean Park.

『陸』 關於in the park 的英語作文五年級的

Yesterday I went to the park.The weather was great.There are lots of people in the park.Some of them were playing chess,others were doing exercises.And I also saw a young man playing guitar.Some people were sitting on the grass,they were having picnic with their family.I walked my dog in the park.And I really had some good time.

『柒』 要一篇英語作文,名字是《In The Park》。不要太長,60字左右,也不要太復雜,小學五年級的

Taday ,my mother and I went to the park .The weather is fine. And there are a lot of old people in the park. Some people danced and others were running. I was happy beause I ran too. My mother said I was a good boy. We have a great time.

『捌』 (thenaturepark)英語作文兒不少於五句話五年級



Green grasses,blue lakes and beautiful mountains are waiting for you!


Welcome to colorful nature pare!


There is a clean river.


There are some colorful flowers.


There is a beautiful mountain near the nature park.


The air is fresh.


The sky is blue.


The clouds are white.


The tree is green.


The bridge is tall.


The grass is green.


I can run on the grass.


There is a path near the lake.


There are many fish in the lake.


There is a forest in the nature park.


There are many trees on the mountains.


There are many flowers near the path.


Look! There are some birds in the sky.


One, two, three…… oh! So many!


I like this nature park very much. I am so excited.


『玖』 英語作文In the park 關於在公園里玩的

The Rules In The Park In the park, you can do the exercise. You 公園的規則 在公園里,你可以作操。 你可以跑步、羽毛球。你可以走路。

『拾』 In the park 小學英語70詞以上 英語作文

Last weekend i went to the park with my friends.We went there by bus on saturday ,The weather was sunny ,When we arrived there,we saw many kinds of flowers ,they are so beautiful, There were many people ,some kids played football,some girls flyed the kites,and some old people played chess,we sang and danced there, In the afternoon we played some games ,when we got home we felt tired ,but happy.



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