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發布時間:2020-12-26 01:13:18

Ⅰ 關於國慶節的英語作文

Brilliant footmark
The glorious years flicks the brilliant footmark in 60, commanding a room, 60, China earth vicissitudes of life great change. In 2009, our great motherland welcomes the 60-year-old birthday having come to her. In 1949, PRC has been founded! Chinese People who experiences war vicissitudes of life and the suffering falling behind to the full extent has stood up finally again! Chinese looks like huge one dragon , stands erect as a Great Power again in world east! At that time China , popular destitution , economy fall behind gravely , country cause has to promote hundreds of broken things , the government and the people face a Chinese face full of distress everywhere , not flinching , advance bravely, only, the time having used 3 years has restored national economy right away , a batch of the touching story moving one to song and tears has come to the fore. Take a turn for the better by that economy for 3 years restoring , national economy getting foundation, the commercial run already exceeds highest level in history , our country is still a agricultural country who falls behind but at that time , a lot of instrial proct per capita owns amounts be lower than the developed country over. For the socialist construction being in progress according to plan, our country government begins to work out Five-Year Plan developing national economy. The first Five-Year Plan begin to carry out from 1953 , it becomes our country instrialization starting point. When the first Five-Year Plan begin, instrialization of our country level be extremely low. The bicycle , people going out to travel using call its "ocean horse " , the match , people lighting the fire using call its "matches", nail the nail that the thing uses, people lets its "ocean nail ". Because of at that time that Chinese had not seen that these are novel may achieve from east to west , neither , be to conct over from Western world. That hard age , I had not experienced, but from the data that I had read is able to experience completely in the piece, Chinese People that time still lives in exceeding privation among. Time passes like flowing water, years if shuttle. Days have arrived in 2009, I the TV set is in course of front , is watching Chinese third South Pole Kekao stations completion news. Be that a significant achievement , I begin to fall into a reverie, I have remembered a motherland having held 29th Summer Olympic Games successfully , have remembered Beijing National Stadium, heroic posture having remembered Olympic Games good athletes, I have remembered a motherland having launched the Divine Land five number , six number , manned spaceships of number seven in succession successfully , have remembered outer space, have remembered China already becoming that the world astronautics carries weight one member, I have remembered full per capita reform and openness li of our country gross domestic proct in 30 keeping 10%'s annual equal increasing remembering Chinese national power, Remember China already becoming this world comprehensive national strength sixth's countries, the Chinese international standing hoists , remembers this one cycle of sixty years remembering new China being founded prompt , ceaseless new Chinese history, have remembered new China setting up the over the past 60 brilliant footmark!

Ⅱ 國慶節英語作文帶翻譯

National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It's a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week.We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We're visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we'll have a good time there.

Ⅲ 國慶節小學英語作文

National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It's a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We're visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we'll have a good time there.

Ⅳ 我的國慶節英語作文80詞

National Day:
National Day is coming.I like traveling very much. I want to travel all over the world. Because I think traveling is quite interesting. At the same time, we can watch beautiful scenery. It also can open our eyes.
If I have the chance, I want to go to Beijing first,because it's our capital. There are many famous places of interest to go, such as the Great Wall,Tian『anmen Square, Beihai Park and so on. I'll take many photos,because they will help me remember the trip forever. We know the Olympic Games has been held in Beijing . All people in Beijing have being trying their best to make beijing more beautiful. I hope I can watch the best beautiful beijing. I will go there by train. I think traveling by train is far more comfortable and cheaper.

Ⅳ 國慶節的英語作文,帶翻譯

National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It's a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We're visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we'll have a good time there.


Ⅵ 關於國慶節的英語作文

National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It's a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week.We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We're visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we'll have a good time there.



Ⅶ 關於國慶節的英語作文

the national day,is a important festival in china.we will fly five stars flag in the first day in tian'anmen square.and we also sing national anthem,too!and we can have a seven days.we are stay with our family in these days.we can relax at home and doing our homework or study!

Ⅷ 一篇寫國慶節的英語作文,適合小學六年級

Today is National Day. My family together and go out to play. Although a lot of people, all crowded bus does not go up, but I was very happy, I love country's National Day!!

Ⅸ 急求一篇關於國慶節的英語作文,六年級水平

例1:國慶節-英語作文(National Day Holidays)

National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It's a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We're visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we'll have a good time there.



National Day Holidays

I went to my cousin's house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she's worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a baby.My cousin told me that he'll ecate his child in a severe way,with a future father's matureness.I'm happy for them.:)

It is known to everyone: Oct,1st is our National Day. At this day I went to street and saw something. Now let me tell you!
At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were so many people! With difficult we got on the bus and felt very crowed. The traffic was so bad too! It cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street. What were worse there were even more people! In my opinion it was not very interesting to come out at this day! Next time I prefer to stay at home and study!

Yesterday,our research school's soccer team had a match with the graate students from the department of international business.It was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game.

Half of the National Day holidays have passed by...life still goes with good and bad times.英語作文



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