Ⅰ 急:蒙特利爾最好的公立和私立高中有哪些 ,麻煩親們盡量給點詳細的資料,謝謝
Ⅱ 求加拿大蒙特利爾中學排名
1)École internationale de Montréal 法文公立
2)Collège Jean-Eudes 法文私立
3)Collège Charlemagne 法文私立
4)Collège Sainte-Anne de Lachine 法文私立
5)Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf 法文私立
6)Miss Edgar's and Miss Cramp's School 英文私立
7)Collège Notre-Dame--Sacré-Coeur 法文私立
8)Collège Saint-Louis 法文公立
9)Collège Regina Assumpta 法文私立
10)The Study 英文私立
Ⅲ 請教蒙特利爾的私立小學及私立中學
Ⅳ 加拿大蒙特利爾私立高中和公立高中排名前十的是哪些
Ⅳ 加拿大蒙特利爾高中排名
下面三所有簡介的學校是Montreal的Top 3,都是public school。我建議你去 school,private school裡面很多都是交了錢進去混的。而且所有的public school都是男女校,不用擔心女校的問題。Royal West Acadamy是Montreal公認的最好高中。雖然沒有AP course,但是學的都很超前,比一般學校至少快兩個term,大概是半年的樣子。但因為這邊本地人學習並不優秀,Royal West Acadamy裡面幾乎都是中國人和猶太人。如果你想交流當地文化可能性不是很大,但是肯定有少數的本地人是可以互相交流的。Royal West Acadamy的地理位置也很好,在Montreal西邊,基本上算是富人聚集的地區,因此校園周邊環境是絕對令人放心的。剩下兩所雖然很好,但和Royal West Acadamy比起來就差很多了。
Royal West Academy
Royal West Academy is an alternative high school committed to helping students achieve their potential and fostering an environment concive to learning and a free flow of ideas. Its website says the school is dedicated to "academic achievement, bilingualism, computer literacy, an appreciation of the arts, an understanding of social issues and a sense of community responsibilities." The school offers French Immersion and mother-tongue classes. Ninety percent of the students graate with a bilingual certificate. Aside from standard courses, the school has strong music, art and drama programs, as well as notable concert and marching bands.
address: Royal West Academy
189 Easton Ave.
Montreal West, QC
H4X 1L4
(514) 489-8454
website: www.royalwestacademy.com
Vincent Massey Collegiate
Vincent Massey Collegiate is a private school committed to meeting the needs of the above-average young person. Its website says: "The primary mission of the Collegiate will be to develop the well-rounded student committed to academic achievement and a sense of community responsibilities." The school offers a well-rounded curriculum with a strong foundation of math and science classes. French enrichment is available at every level and computer technology courses are included in every subject area. The school strictly enforces its homework policy and grading requirements.
address: Vincent Massey Collegiate
5925 27th Ave.
Montreal, Quebec
H1T 3J5
(514) 374-1999
website: vmc.qc.ca
The Royal Vale School
The Royal Vale School provides demanding academic challenges to students in a supportive environment that nurtures their indivialities and creative spirit. In a French-immersion setting with a strong math/science program, the school website says, it endeavors to develop "students' cognitive skills, communications skills and intellectual curiosity, enabling them to become effective, critical thinkers and creative indivials." Extracurricular activities are mandatory, French courses are mandatory and students are pushed to receive a bilingual certificate. Computer classes are present at each grade level. Students receive promotion only on merit.
address: Royal Vale
5851 Somerled Ave.
Montreal H3X 2A5
(514) 481-2463
website: www.emsb.qc.ca/royalvale
James Lyng High School
John F. Kennedy High School
John Grant High School
John Paul I High School
LaurenHill Academy
LaurenHill Junior Campus
Laurier Macdonald High School
Lester B. Pearson High School
M.I.N.D. High School
Marymount Academy
Paul VI High School
Rosemount High School
St. Raphael
Westmount High School
再加一句,Westmount High School是Montreal唯一一所有AP course的公立英語學校,如果你參加所有的AP course,學習強度肯定要比Royal West Acadamy大很多。不過這所學校的綜合排名並不好,看你自己的選擇。
這是English Montreal School Board對於各所公里英語學校的簡介,希望對你有幫助。
Ⅵ 我十六周歲了,想去加拿大蒙特利爾,那裡有哪些英語公立高中學費較低的有哪些
Ⅶ 求加拿大蒙特利爾全部的中學名字(用英語或法語表示)
Acadé de Roberval
Aime Renaud High School
Alexander von Humboldt Schule Montréal
L'École Arménienne Sourp Hagop
Baron Byng High School
Beaconsfield High School
Beurling Academy
Collège de Montréal
Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
Collège Jean-Eudes
Collège Notre-Dame Sacré-Cœur
College Prep International
Collège Sainte-Anne de Lachine
Collège Stanislas
Collège St. Louis
Collège Français
Collège Regina Assumpta
École International de Montreal
École Joseph Francois Perrault
École Pierre Laporte
École Secondaire Henri-Bourassa
École St. Luc
Emmanuel Christian School
F.A.C.E. School
James Lyng High School
John F. Kennedy High School
John Grant High School
John Rennie High School
Herzliah High School – Snowden
Lakeside Academy
LaSalle Community Comprehensive High School
LaurenHill Academy
Laurier Macdonald High School
Lester B. Pearson High School
Lindsay Place High School
Lower Canada College
Loyola High School
Macdonald High School
Malcolm Campbell High School
Marymount Academy
MIND High School
Miss Edgar's and Miss Cramp's School
Montreal West High School
Outremont High School
Paul VI High School
Pensionnat St. Nom de Marie
Perspectives II High School
Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School
Riverdale High School
Rosemount High School
Roussin Academy High School
Royal Vale School
Royal West Academy
St. George's School of Montreal
Selwyn House School
St. Thomas High School
The Study
United Talmud Torahs of Montreal
Vanguard Intercultural High School
Villa Maria
Villa Sainte-Marcelline
Vincent Massey Collegiate
Wagar High School
West Island College
Westhill High School
Westmount High School
Ⅷ 請問有到蒙特利爾英語學院留學的朋友嗎或者生活在蒙特利爾的朋友。我大概8月份會過去,求交朋友求罩
Ⅸ 請問我去加拿大 魁北克 蒙特利爾去讀高中,除了公立高中還能選擇哪些私立高中呢