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發布時間:2020-12-07 13:58:01

⑴ 英語圖畫,第一幅兩個男孩踢足球第二幅打碎了窗戶,第三幅是一個女人打開窗戶詢問,兩男孩都不承認

1. 我看春晚 今年的新年晚會中,我最喜歡具有說,學,逗,唱四個方面為一體專的小品了,就讓我屬給大家介紹一些小品吧。 第一個小品講述的是一位女士和一位計程車司機在電話亭旁發生的趣事,反映了這個社會即使是親如夫妻,但是依舊不是很互相信任,...

⑵ 唐華是一名來自武漢的學生父親是工程師愛好繪畫母親是歌手愛好唱歌跳哥哥是記者愛好踢足球


⑶ 翻譯為英文:我的名字叫作李靜,來自廣東茂名,15歲,中學生,有多種愛好,喜歡踢球,聽音樂,繪畫。

window and find help...fast!
Joanna reaches the house and callwww.zcaimao.com
s the ambulance for her brother. They arrive within minutes but Jason is unconscious. They have to extricate him with the 「Jaws of Life.」 He is taken to the hospital and for three days he lies between life and death. He is breathing only with the assistance of a respirator. He has limited brain activity. The doctors take Joey aside and tell him that Jason will have extensive brain damage and that there is no real hope that Jason would be normal again. Joey must make a decision whether to turn off the respirator and let Jason die in peace. He decides that is the best decision but it is also the most painful one he has ever made in his life.

⑷ 老師讓看圖寫話,關於節約用水的,圖畫上有三個孩子准備踢足球看見水龍頭在滴水,然後三人隨手關了水龍


⑸ 英語自我介紹姓名:李陽,男,愛好:踢足球,打籃球,繪畫,身高164,來自山東濟南,13歲不少於10

Name: li Yang, male, hobbies: playing football, playing basketball, drawing, height 164, come from jinan, shandong province, 13 years old



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