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㈡ 不知火舞之公園狂野 和三個小孩的 是公園




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Taglines forWALL.EAn Adventure Beyond the Ordinar-EAfter 700 years of doing what he was built for - he'll discover what he's meant for.He's got a lot of time on his hands.In Space, No One Can Hear You CleanMemorable quotes forWALL.ECaptain: Out there is our home - Home, AUTO! - and it's in trouble. I can't just sit here and do nothing. That's all I've ever done! That's all anyone has ever done on this blasted ship - nothing!AUTO: In space we will survive.Captain: I don't want to survive, I want to live!AUTO: I must follow my directive.Captain: [he turns around in frustration, and then looks at pictures of past captains to notice AUTO is closer to the camera in progressing pictures]Captain: [turns back] *I'm* the captain of this ship! We are going home *today*, AUTO!Eve: [Eve repeats "Directive" in multiple languages, ending with...] Directive?[WALL-E demonstrates his trash-compacting function]WALL.E: Ta-dah!Eve: Ohhh...WALL.E: Dirrrrr-ect-tivvve?Eve: Directive?[WALL-E nods]Eve: [Eve turns away, sharply] Classified.WALL.E: Oh.Ship's Computer: Caution: Rogue robots. Caution...WALL.E: Oh, EVE.[points at screen with them on it]Eve: [Fires a laser blast at the screen, destroying it]WALL.E: Ohh...[folds up inside himself]Captain: We'll see who's powerless now!Ship's Computer: Voice confirmation required.Captain: Uhhh...Ship's Computer: Voice confirmation accepted.Mary: I didn't know we had a pool!AUTO: Sir, give me the plant.Mary: John, get ready to have some kids!Teacher Robot: A is for Axiom, your home sweet home. B is for Buy N Large, your very best friend.Captain: Computer, define 'dancing.'WALL.E: WALL-E.MO: M-O.WALL.E: M-O?MO: M-O.WALL.E: [pause] Oh.Ship's Computer: Time for lunch... in a cup!Captain: Computer, define sea.Eve: [repeated line] WALL-E![last lines]Captain: This is called farming! You kids are gonna grow all sorts of things! Vegetable plants, pizza plants... it's good to be home!Captain: AUTO, you are relieved of ty![strains up and presses AUTO's "off" switch]Voice in commercial: Too much garbage in your place? There is plenty of space out in space! BnL StarLiners leaving each day. We'll clean up the mess while you're away.Voice in commercial: [a commercial appears as a hologram when WALL-E passes nearby] The jewel of BnL fleet; The Axiom! Spend your five year cruise in style: Maided on 24 hours a day by our fully automated crew,while your captain and autopilot chart a course for non-stop entertainment, fine dining; And with our all-access hoverchairs, even grandma can join the fun! There's no need to walk! The Axiom - Putting the "star" in executive StarLiner!Shelby Forthright, BnL CEO: [appears on the screen] Because at BnL, space is the final "FUN-tier"!Eve: Name?WALL.E: WALL-E.Eve: WALL-E?[giggles]Eve: Eve.WALL.E: Eva?Eve: Eve.WALL.E: Eeeeeva?Eve: Eve! Eve!WALL.E: Eeeeeva?Eve: [giggles]Ship's Computer: [advertising bodysuits] Try blue, it's the new red![repeated line]MO: Foreign contaminant!Captain: Define "hoe-down".Ship's Computer: Hoe-down: A social gathering at which lively dancing would take place.Captain: [AUTO appears near the captain.] AUTO! Earth is amazing! These are called "farms". Humans who put seeds in the ground pour water on them, and they grow food - like, pizza!AUTO: [shuts off information display.] Good night, Captain.Captain: [groans, starts to move away from workstation, but stops and turns around slightly.] Psst - Computer, define "dancing".Ship's Computer: [WALL-E and EVE are seen outside a window in space, flying around.] Dancing: A series of movements involving two partners, where speed and rhythm match harmoniously with music.[camera cuts to outside the Axiom, and WALL-E and EVE continue to "dance".]Mary: [Mary is looking at the stars outside the Axiom while other passengers pass idly by] Oh! So many stars! Ah.[she sees WALL-E and EVE flying around outside.]Mary: Oh! Hey! That's what's-his-name![backs up, bumps into John]John: Hey! What the-?Mary: Look! Look look look![she shuts off his chair and screen, making him aware of his surroundings]John: Huh? What?[sees WALL-E and EVE]John: Hey... I know that guy! It's uh, uh... Wally! That's it! Hey - Wally! It's your buddy John!Mary: [simultaneously] Hey! Hi, Wally![John casually puts his right hand upon Mary's.]John: [looks down, somewhat surprised; looks up at Mary, smiles] Hi.Mary: [smiles] Hi.Shelby Forthright, BnL CEO: [Shelby appears onscreen in an old classified recorded message] Hey there, autopilots. Got some bad news. Um... Operation Cleanup has, well uh, failed. Wouldn't you know, rising toxicity levels have made life unsustainable on Earth.Captain: [to himself, looking at healthy plant] Unsustainable? What?Shelby Forthright, BnL CEO: Darn it all, we're gonna have to cancel Operation Recolonize. So uh,

㈦ 小學生a o e一直到最後順序

  1. a:發音時,嘴唇自然張大,舌放平,舌頭中間微隆,聲帶顫動。

  2. o:發音時,嘴唇成圓形,微翹起,舌頭向後縮,舌面後部隆起,舌居中,聲帶顫動。

  3. e:發音時,嘴半開,舌位靠後,嘴角向兩邊展開成扁形,聲帶顫動。

  4. i:發音時,嘴微張成扁平狀,舌尖抵住下齒齦,舌面抬高,靠近上硬齶,聲帶顫動。

  5. u:發音時,嘴唇攏圓,突出成小孔,舌面後部隆起,聲帶顫動。

  6. ü:發音時,嘴唇成圓形,接近閉攏,舌尖抵住下齒齦,舌面前部隆起,聲帶顫動。

  7. b:發音時,雙唇緊閉,阻礙氣流,然後雙唇突然放開,讓氣流沖出,讀音輕短。

  8. p:發音時,雙唇緊閉,阻礙氣流,然後雙唇突然放開,氣流迸出成音。

  9. m:發音時,雙唇緊閉,舌後縮,氣流從鼻腔出來,打開嘴,聲帶顫動。

  10. f:發音時,上齒觸下唇形成窄縫,讓氣流從縫中擠出來,摩擦成聲。

  11. d:發音時,舌尖抵住上牙床,憋住氣流後突然放開,氣流從口腔迸出,爆發成音。

  12. t:發音時,舌尖抵住上牙床,憋住氣後,突然離開,氣流從口中迸出。

  13. n:發音時,舌尖抵住上牙床,氣流從鼻腔通過,同時沖開舌尖的阻礙,聲帶顫動。

  14. l:發音時,嘴唇稍開,舌尖抵住上牙床,聲帶顫動,氣流從舌尖兩邊流出。

  15. g:發音時,舌根前部抵住軟齶阻礙氣流,讓氣流沖破舌根的阻礙,爆發成音。

  16. k:發音時,舌根前部,抵住上軟齶,阻礙氣流,讓氣流沖破舌根的阻礙,迸發成音。

  17. h:發音時,舌根抬高,接近軟齶,形成窄縫,氣流從縫中擠出,摩擦成音。

  18. j:發音時,舌尖抵住下門齒,舌面前部緊貼硬齶,氣流從窄縫中沖出,摩擦成音。

  19. q:發音時,舌面前部貼住硬齶,氣流沖破舌根的阻礙,摩擦成音。

  20. x:發音時,舌尖抵住下門齒,舌面前部抬高靠近硬齶,形成窄縫,氣流從縫中擠出,摩擦成音。

  21. zh:發音時,舌尖上翹,抵住硬齶前部,有較弱的氣流沖開舌尖阻礙,從縫中擠出,摩擦成音。

  22. ch:發音時,舌尖上翹,抵住硬齶前部,有較強的氣流沖開舌尖阻礙,從縫中擠出,摩擦成音。

  23. sh:發音時,舌尖上翹,靠近硬齶前部,留出窄縫,氣流從窄縫中擠出,摩擦成音。

  24. r:發音時,舌尖上翹,靠近硬齶前部,留出窄縫,嗓子用力發音,氣流從窄縫中擠出,摩擦成音,聲帶顫動。

  25. z:發音時,舌尖抵住上門齒背,阻礙氣流,讓較弱的氣流沖開舌尖阻礙,從窄縫中擠出,摩擦成音。

  26. c:發音時,舌尖抵住上門齒背,阻礙氣流,讓較強的氣流從縫中擠出,摩擦成音。

  27. s:發音時,舌尖接近上門齒背,留出窄縫,氣流從舌尖的窄縫中擠出,摩擦成音。

  28. y:發音時,嘴微張成扁平狀,舌尖抵住下齒齦,舌面抬高,靠近上硬齶,聲帶顫動。

  29. w:發音時,嘴唇攏圓,突出成小孔,舌面後部隆起,聲帶顫動。

  30. ai:發音時,先發 a 的音,然後滑向i,氣流不中斷,讀音輕短。

  31. ei:發音時,先發 e 的音,然後滑向i,氣流不中斷,嘴角向兩邊展開。

  32. ui:發音時,u 的發音輕短,然後滑向i,嘴形由圓到扁。

  33. ao:發音時,先發 a 的音,然後舌尖後縮,舌根向上抬,嘴形攏成圓形,輕輕地滑向 o。

  34. ou:發音時,先發 o 的音,嘴唇漸收攏,舌根抬高,口型由大圓到小圓。

  35. iu:發音時,先發 i,然後向 u 滑動,口型由扁到圓。

  36. ie:發音時,先發 i,再發e,氣流不中斷。

  37. üe:發音時,先發ü的音,然後向e滑動,口型由圓到扁。

  38. er:發音時,舌位居中發e 的音,然後舌尖向硬齶捲起,兩個字母同時發音。

  39. an:發音時,先發 a 的音,然後舌尖逐漸抬起,頂住上牙床發前鼻韻尾n的音。

  40. en:發音時,先發 e 的音,然後舌面抬高,舌尖抵住上牙床,氣流從鼻腔泄出,發前鼻韻尾n的音。

  41. in:發音時,先發 i 的音,然後舌尖抵住下門齒背,舌面漸至硬齶,氣流從鼻腔泄出,發前鼻韻尾n的音。

  42. un:發音時,先發 u 的音,然後舌尖抵住上牙床,接著發前鼻韻尾n的音,氣流從鼻腔泄出。

  43. ün:發音時,先發 yu 的音,然後舌頭上抬,抵住上牙床,氣流從鼻腔泄出,發前鼻韻尾n的音。

  44. ang:發音時,先發 a 的音,然後舌根抵住上軟齶,氣流從鼻腔泄出,發後鼻韻尾ng的音。

  45. eng:發音時,先發 e 的音,然後舌尖抵住下牙床,舌根後縮抵住軟齶發後鼻韻尾ng音,氣流從鼻腔泄出。

  46. ing:發音時,舌尖觸下齒齦,舌面隆起至硬齶,鼻腔共鳴成聲。

  47. ong:發音時,先發 o 的音,然後舌根後縮抵住軟齶,舌面隆起,嘴唇攏圓,鼻腔共鳴成聲。


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