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發布時間:2021-01-09 05:04:19

㈠ 英語學習中心的學生幫助學生助手ee往往小學生。你必須成為一名中學生。英語成


English learning center to help students assistant ee tend to pupils. You must be a middle school student.

㈡ 他們想加入英語俱樂部去幫助小學生學學習英語

They want to join the English club to help the pupils with their English.

㈢ 為小學生招聘一位學生助手英語翻譯





㈣ 哪位大神會這個英語作文七年級的,是說要寫一篇招聘廣告,推薦自己的同學代理周末英語學生助手為小學生

Dear peter:
Hi!nice to meet you.And you wanna me to recommend you a student assistant.It is my pleasure to do this for you.There is a good student named LiMing.He is good at almost everything.He always do a good job in his studies and help others solve difficulties.He has large palms,pretty good looks and he is very tall.The things all he has done were perfect.He is such an amazing boy and everybody loves him.I think you will love him too.The last but not the least,his English is very good.He always got A in English exams.His spoken language is so good that he can hear your every words clearly even when you speak your local language.
From all about above,I think you have the idea whether to use him.
Good luck for you!
Yours sinserely

㈤ 用蘇刪和朱迪想成為一個學生助手,幫助小學學生在英語俱樂部學習英語翻譯成英

您好 翻譯為:

Susan and Judy want to be a student assistant to help primary school students learn English in the English Club.

望採納回 謝答謝

㈥ 英語學習總心需要一名周末可輔導小學生學習的學生助手 翻譯

English Learning General Center needs a student' assistant for tutoring study of the primary school students on the weekend.



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