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發布時間:2021-01-11 23:25:54

A. 英語電影術語

關於電影的類型:documentary (film) 記錄片,文獻片、literary film 文藝片、musicals 音樂片、comedy 喜劇片、dracula movie 恐怖片

documentary (film) 記錄片,文獻片:紀錄片是以真實生活為創作素材,以真人真事為表現對象,並對其進行藝術的加工與展現的,以展現真實為本質,並用真實引發人們思考的電影或電視藝術形式。

literary film 文藝片:文學藝術影片的簡稱。文學性和藝術性並存,區別於商業電影。

musicals 音樂片:音樂片是類型片的一種,指以音樂生活為題材或音樂在其中佔有很大比重的影片。

comedy 喜劇片:喜劇片指以笑激發觀眾愛憎的影片。

dracula movie 恐怖片:「恐怖片」是以製造恐怖為目的的一種影片。


演職人員名稱:assistant cameraman 攝影助理、property manager/propsman 道具員、art director 布景師、stagehand 化裝師、lighting engineer 燈光師、film cutter 剪輯師、sound engineer/recording director 錄音師、scenario writer, scenarist 劇作家、direction 導演、distributor 發行人

B. 誰能給我一篇關於珍惜時間教育意義的英語小故事,要小學難度的。萬分感謝!

Time is important. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. There are 365 days in a year. Once a day runs out in our life, it will never come back again. If we love our lives, we shouldn』t waste time. We must control time. The best way to use time is to plan it well.
When making the study plan, we should remember two things. First, be realistic. Don』t try to do too many things. Second, a good study plan should be flexible. We may make some small changes on a weekly basis but follow the same pattern.
Let』s be the master of time, start out plan now.

C. 簡述小學教育的任務




D. 如何讓初中英語快速提高




E. 小學英語故事及閱讀教學(北京教育學院 袁昌寰)

upon a time, there lived an old couple in a village. The old couple prayed every day that they might have a baby. One day, an old woman moved into the house next door. The Old woman raised lettuce that looked very tasty and delicious.
The old wife wanted to eat the lettuce from next door, and she constantly pestered her husband to let her eat that mouth-watering lettuce. "Dear, I want to have that lettuce." Without knowing what else to do, the husband crept next door and stole the old woman's lettuce.
However, the woman next door was a witch, and she noticed that the husband of her neighbor had stolen the lettuce. The witch said, "You dare to steal another's lettuce. You deserve to be punished." The husband said, "I am sorry, but my wife wants to have the lettuce very much."
The witch said, "Is that so? Then you can take as much as you want. But there is a condition." The husband asked, "What is it?" The witch said, "If a baby is born, you have to give me the child." After a while, his wife got pregnant and gave birth to a pretty girl. The witch swiftly crept off with the baby girl and disappeared into the forest.
She gave the name Rapunzel to the girl, and this child grew up fast to become a beautiful lady. Yet the witch was afraid of losing Rapunzel, so she locked her up in a tower.
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, please let down your golden hair." When Rapunzel dropped down her long hair, the witch would climb up in order to prevent Rapunzel from meeting other people.
One day, a Prince happened to pass by the tower. The Prince lost his heart to the beautiful singing voice of Rapunzel. "How can I climb up to the tower?" The Prince decided to wait under the tower until he saw an opportunity.
On the next day, the Prince saw that the witch climbed up to the tower on the lovely yellow hair of Rapunzel. After the witch left the tower, the Prince imitated the witch. He said, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, please let down your golden hair." Then the long hair was dropped from the inside of the tower.
Upon seeing Rapunzel, the Prince fell instantly in love with her. He said, "You are the most beautiful lady in the world." Rapunzel also lost her heart to the handsome prince. The two lovers met each other every night, hiding from the eyes of the witch.
However one day, the witch found out about these secret meetings, cut off the hair of Rapunzel, and sent her to a desert. Then the witch dropped down the cut hair to the Prince, as he came to see Rapunzel. When the Prince climbed up the tower, holding the cut hair, the witch cast off the ladder sending the Prince crashing to the ground. m.niuyingyu.cn
He fell heavily on the earth at the base of the tower and became blind. The Prince gained strength by wandering around the land in order to find Rapunzel, and finally met her in the heart of the desert. Rapunzel recognized the Prince at once. Upon realizing that the Prince had become blind, Rapunzel's eyes filled with tears, which trickled down into the eyes of the Prince.
At that moment, the Prince gained his eyesight again with the power of love. Then the two people returned to the royal palace and lived happily ever after.

F. 小學英語教師演講稿,關於我的教育教學故事。

你可以先用中文寫,再用網站翻譯,然後修改一下就可以了,順便給英語較好的朋友看看。 我幫你寫一定會穿幫,因為我還只是個學生,對這種的沒什麼經驗。

G. 要寫老師批評我、教育我的作文,要有動作、神態、語言細節描寫

話說誠信被那個 " 聰明」的年輕人投棄到水裡以後,他拚命地游著,最後來到了一個小島上。「誠信」就躺在沙灘上休息,心裡計劃著等待哪位路過的朋友允許他搭船,救他一命。
突然,「誠信」聽到遠處傳來一陣陣歡樂輕松的音樂。他於是馬上站起來,向著音樂傳來的方向望去,他看見一隻小船正向這邊駛來。船上有面小旗,上面寫著 「快樂」二字,原來是快樂的小船。
你看這社會上有多少人因為說實話而不快樂,對不起,我無能為力。」 說罷,「快樂」走了。
隨著一片有節奏的卻不和諧的聲音傳來,「競爭」們乘著小船來了,「誠信」喊道: 「競爭,競爭,我能不能搭你的小船一程?」競爭們問道:「你是誰,你能給我們多少好處?」 「誠信」不想說,怕說了又沒人理,但「誠信」畢竟是誠信,他說:「我是誠信…… 」
正當誠信感到近乎絕望的時候,一個慈祥的聲音從遠處傳來:「孩子,上船吧! 」 一個白發蒼蒼的老者在船上掌著舵道:「我是時間老人。」「那您為什麼要救我呢? 」



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