導航:首頁 > 小學年級 > 踩踩踩小學五年級舞蹈視頻下載


發布時間:2020-12-16 04:08:04

1. 踩踩踩廣場舞

上傳廣場舞《踩踩踩》mp3舞曲網路網盤下載鏈接與大家分享 歌曲:《踩踩踩》 詞曲回:王小海 演唱答:玖月奇跡 舞曲製作:三毛 歌詞: Bongbongbongbongbong 我們踩呀踩 Biangbiangbiangbiangbiang 一起踩呀踩 腳下的路快來踩呀踩 路邊的野花別采 身邊的小人我們都踩跑 不好的運氣統統都踩掉 太多的煩惱全部都踩走 快樂的節奏我們踩起來 踩踩踩踩跟我踩 所有不爽不快我一腳踢開 踩踩踩踩跟我踩 踩得渾身自由自在 踩踩踩踩跟我踩 我越踩越嗨呀財源滾滾來 踩踩踩踩跟我踩 唉呀媽呀停不下來

2. 踩踩踩舞蹈用什麼對形好看


3. 踩踩踩保險公司舞蹈



4. 1234567踩踩踩踩CC

外語學習 互聯網

5. 糖豆廣場舞策巴子踩踩踩歌曲下載去哪裡可以下載







Bong bong bong bong bong


Biang biang biang biang biang
















6. 廣場舞教學視頻下載。

http://qnyy521.56.com 廣場健身步子舞視回頻答

7. 求一首可以很踩踩踩同樣舞蹈的英文歌曲

Travis - Writing to Reach You
Every day I wake up and it's Sunday

Whatever's in my eye won't go away

The radio is playing all the usual

What's a Wonderwall anyway

Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
Cause I'm writing to reach you now but
I might never reach you
Only want to teach you

About you

But that's not you
It's good to know that you are home for Christmas

It's good to know that you are doing well

It's good to know that you all know I'm hurting

It's good to know I'm feeling not so well
Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
Cause I'm writing to reach you now but
I might never reach you
Only want to teach you

About you

But that's not you
Do you know it's true

But that won't do

Maybe then tomorrow will be Monday

And whatever's in my eye should go away

But the radio keeps playing all the usual

And what's a Wonderwall anyway

Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
Cause I'm writing to reach you now but
I might never reach you
Only want to teach you

About you

But that's not you
Do you know it's true

But that won't do
And you know it's you

I'm talking to

8. 幼兒12人的踩踩踩舞蹈隊形排列

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4、 三角形,前後排注意插空站5.一橫排或一縱排
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* * 總之,隊形很靈活,根據你們舞蹈的類型和要表現的情緒、按照你的需要進行調整。

9. 求一首可以跟踩踩踩舞蹈一樣的英文歌 我們學了踩踩踩動作,卻要求英文歌,所以急求

My Oh My - Aqua

My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye

To have the kingdom baby, tell me why
My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
To rule the country baby, you and I
If you were my king

My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye

To have the kingdom baby, tell me why
My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye

To rule the country baby, you and I

Little princess in a terrible mess

A kingdom alone with no love to confess

Dreams of a prince on a tall white horse

Runs like a spirit by the castle walls

Gotta steal from the rich when they don't know I'm comin'
Gotta give to the poor, no time for lovin'
My oh my, don't you cry 'cause there's no way I'm stayin'
I will leave, say "bye bye", I'm goin' my way

My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye

To have the kingdom baby, tell me why
My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
To rule the country baby, you and I
If you were my king (oh wow)

I would be your queen (oh wow)

If you were my king (oh wow)

I would be your queen (oh wow)

Mystery deep in the royal heart

Crying at night, I wanna be apart
Prince oh prince, are you really sincere
Bet you one day you're gonna disappear

Gotta steal from the rich when they don't know I'm comin'
Gotta give to the poor, no time for lovin'
My oh my, don't you cry 'cause there's no way I'm stayin'
I will leave, say "bye bye", I'm goin' my way

My oh my (oh oh oh)
My oh my (oh oh oh)
My oh my (oh oh oh)
My oh my

My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
To have the kingdom baby, tell me why
My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
To rule the country baby, you and I
My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
To have the kingdom baby, tell me why
My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
To rule the country baby, you and I

If you were my king (oh wow)

I would be your queen (oh wow)

If you were my king (oh wow)

I would be your queen (oh wow)

10. 踩踩踩舞蹈用什麼對形好看




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