⑴ 小學英語口語考試(家庭小短文)8句
1. I am Ada. 我是艾達。
2. Hello. 你好。
3. Good morning. 早上好。
4. This is Cade. 這是凱德。
5. This is Miss Daisy, your English teacher. 這是戴西小姐,你們的英語教師。
6. How do you do? 你好!
7. Hi! 你好!
8. Goodbye. 再見。
9. So long. 再見。
10. Bye-bye. 再見。
Ada: Hello, I am Ada. 你好,我是艾達。
Mr. White: Hello, I am Mr. White. 你好,我是瓦特先生。
Bobby: I'm Bobby. 我是鮑比。
Cade: I'm Cade. 我是凱德。
Bobby: Good morning, Mr. White. 早上好,瓦特先生。
I'm Bobby. 我是鮑比。
Mr. White: Good morning 早上好
Ada: Good morning. I'm ada. 早上好,我是艾達。
Miss Daisy: I'm Miss Daisy. Good Morning. 我是戴西小姐,早上好。
Mr. White: This is Cade. This is Ellen. 這是凱德。這是愛倫。
Ada: How do you do? 你們好!
Mr. White: This is Miss Daisy, your English teacher. 這是戴西小姐,你們的英語教師。
Pupils: How do you do? 你好!
Ada: Hello, Bobby. 你好,鮑比。
Bobby: Hi, Ada. 你好,艾達。
Ada: Goodbye. 再見。
Bobby: Bye-bye. 再見。
Bobby: Hi, Cade. 你好,凱德。
Cade: Hi, Bobby. 你好,鮑比。
Bobby: So long. 再見。
Cade: Bye-bye. 再見。
⑵ 到哪裡可以下載到小學英語口語交際試卷
你可以去英語學校撒 周末去上課咯,跟著老師學 不過交通不方便,我都是在家裡學習,我都是工作.好.下班九點後才回家上線ABC天卞英語上課 現在我也學的差不多了。語感慢慢的培養起來了,語法運用的也還不錯 感覺還不錯哦 你也行的 加油!有一副好口才,首先要敢講,不管在什麼場合,講話都不緊張,能把自己想說的,或准備好的講出來;其次要做到講話有內容不空洞,邏輯清晰,有說服力、有感染力、有文采;再次是要會傾聽,中國有句話叫作會說的不如會聽的,可見聽在人際交往中非常重要;第四,好的口才還要有一個好的記憶力,平時看到一個小故事,一句好詩,一句名人名言,我們必須有一個好的記憶力,把它們記下來,以後在講話時加以運用,使講話有水平;第五,好的口才還必須有一個好的思維,因為語言是思維的外殼,想到的才能說到。所以,練口才還要練思維。。
⑶ 希望之星英語風采大賽小學組初賽口語試題
My name is coco
⑷ 小學英語口語考試
Taking a Trip
Well after almost a week in our own living hell, Tam and I are taking a trip. Not the trip that most one would think! We are going to Ottawa. That is where her family is at and we are going to do a small 4 day trip up there and get away from London for a bit. London is not a bad place, I love it here, but there is just to much here right now to make me want to stay and beable to keep a clear head.
This trip will allow me to just get away from it all. All meaning, the old job, the ex's, the bills the heart ache that still lingers over me and all that wonderful jazz called life! I'm not complainin, I mean, heack I'm lucky to have life and most of all I'm lucky to have my son.
After talking with Tam the other night I discoverd that she is really and truly the only person who knows me. She says its because she pays attention but I dont even have to say a word and that woman knows something either wrong or I'm having a great day. I guess that's the meaning of a best friend. That fundemental is new to me, a best friend who doesn't talk about me behind my back and someone who accepts me for me, even tho, yes she does have moments where she wants to throttle me till I'm blue or beat me with a pillow! *laugh*
She had me tear up the other night all because of something she said to me. She promised me that eventualy the hurt will be less and less and that No it may never completely go away, I'll learn to deal with it! She said to me that I am a contridiction....and after she explained it to me, I sat in amazment that someone knew me that well. She said : You're both strong and yet vulnerable, I have big dreams but I am cautious, I dream but I lock myself into the real world, I have big hopes, but I am afraid to believe, and that I am confident and insecure all in the same!
After reading what she wrote I was like "wow, this chick knows her shit" ....God bless ya Tam....you're the only person I know that I can act like a total fool infront of and you're willing to go right along with me! I'm taking this one day at a time. The hurt is yes still there but easier every day, only comes back in full when I talk to him and it seems like he has absolutly no care in the world for me any more. Well not so much for me itself but its different..the way he acts and I guess with all that it is anymore thats ok...I've just gotta deal with it! All is fair in love and war......ok..so I"m gonna go now...I probably wont be back on for a few days but...thats ok....cus I"m getting the hell out of here for a while.....if anyone needs me..my cell phone is always on..so give me a shout...other wise I'll see all of ya's on the flip side of things!
⑸ 請問誰有徐州市小學英語四年級下冊口試試題的答案嗎
⑹ 小學英語口語測試的方式有哪些
⑺ 小學英語口語測試的方式有哪些
回答問題是一種最常用的口試方法,主要測試學生單句表達和簡單語段表達的能力。在設計題型的時候,要盡量避免使用Yes, No來回答的問題。即使是特殊疑問句,也要盡量用完整句來回答,否則,回答問題的測試就變成了聽力理解,而不是語言表達能力了。