導航:首頁 > 考試分析 > 小學課堂管理策略


發布時間:2020-11-25 20:23:48

A. 小學英語課堂管理策略的探討,怎麼把這個翻成英文啊

As the uppermost teaching way in the school nowaday, classroom teaching make school teachers have to deal with classroom management. In order to realizing efficient teaching and learning, keeping the classroom in good order is very important. While, it appears that classroom inappropriate actions are widely exist in English classes of elementary schools. The author will take the aspect of actuality of elementary schools' English classes, and also the inappropriate actions. The author will analyse the investigation, using psychics, management methods and demotics, giving a pretty complete management strategy of elementary schools' English classes.

B. 小學課堂管理課堂最小干預策略怎麼解釋

教師要更新課堂管理觀念 課堂不等同於教室,課堂管理也不等同於簡單的控制。常被誤解為教師是「中心人物」、「控制者」、「主宰者」等等,於是,教師很難忘我地走進學生的內心,同樣就很難將認知結構與情感結構



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