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『壹』 小學6年級一考通英語期中綜合測評卷答案


『貳』 人教版六年級上冊語文期中考試卷 人教版六年級上冊數學期中考試卷 人教版六年級上冊英語期中考試卷

bō lán dà shà kāng kǎi qí tú fēng sú
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
yīn móu měi tǐ zī xún jǐn shèn tuǒ tiē
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
皮薄(bó báo) 慰藉(jì jiè) 殲滅(jiān qiān) 眷寫(juàn téng )
胚胎(pēi péi) 老叟(sǒu xiǔ) 獰獵(shǒu shòu) 玉屑(xiè xuè)
檐( )擇( )脈( )岷( )暉( )瑞( )
瞻( )澤( )詠( )眠( )渾( )端( )
1、 小心翼翼 得意洋洋( ) ( ) ( )
2、 化難為易 大公無私( ) ( ) ( )
(破折號表示 ①轉折 ②解釋說明 ③聲音延長)
2、桂林的山真奇啊 一座座拔地而起 各不相連 像老人 像巨象 像駱駝 奇峰羅列 形態萬千
(正確標點是①!,,,,,,。 ②,,,,,,,。 ③,,,、、、,。)
3、中隊長去辦公室取來作業本發給同學們。 (①有兩個連續動作 ②有三個連續動作)
4、多麼溫暖,多麼明亮的火焰啊,簡直像一支小小的蠟燭。(①比喻 ②擬人 ③誇張)
5、這本書難道不是你的? (①設問 ②反問 ③疑問 )




1、我們( )喜愛桂林的山,( )喜愛桂林的水。
2、( )我們沒有去過張家界,( )在課本中我們領略了索溪峪的美。
3、( )全國人民團結奮斗 ,( )一定能早日實現小康社會。
4、( )沒有太陽,地球上( )沒有光明和溫暖。
1、連線(3分) 《「精彩極了」和「糟糕透了」》 王安石
《泊船瓜洲》 巴金
《鳥的天堂》 孟郊
《遊子吟》 辛棄疾
《第一場雪》 巴德 舒爾伯格
《菩薩蠻 書江西造口壁》 峻青
(1)青山( ),( )東流去。
(2)冬天( ),來年( )睡。
(3)春風( ),明月( )。



上 學 路 上
1、(4分) 寫近義詞:慈祥( )嚴厲( ) 寫反義詞:疼愛( ) 堅定( )

(1)表示說話未完或語意未盡( )(2)表示聲音斷斷續續( )(3)表示列舉省略( )


『叄』 小學6年級培優100分期中測試卷英語答案


『肆』 6年級上冊英語課時作業期中測試答案


『伍』 六年級上冊期中考試卷答案!

(時間100分鍾,滿分100分) 得分___________

1、3噸=( )噸( )千克 70分=( )小時。
2、( )∶( )= =80%=( )÷40
3、( )噸是30噸的,50米比40米多( )%。
4、六(1)班今天出勤48人,有2人因病請假,今天六(1)班學生的出勤率是( )。
5、0.8:0.2的比值是( ),最簡整數比是( )
6、某班學生人數在40人到50人之間,男生人數和女生人數的比是5∶6,這個班有男生( )人,女生( )人。
7、從甲城到乙城,貨車要行5小時,客車要行6小時,貨車的速度與客車的速度的最簡比是( )。
8、王師傅的月工資為2000元。按照國家的新稅法規定,超過1600元的部分應繳5%個人所得稅。王師傅每月實際工資收入是( )元。
9、小紅小時行千米,她每小時行( )千米,行1千米要用( )小時。
10、用一根長12.56米的繩子圍成一個圓,這個圓的直徑是( ),面積是( )。

11、在一塊長10分米、寬5分米的長方形鐵板上,最多能截取( )個直徑是2分米的圓形鐵板。
12、請你根據圖形對稱軸的條數按照從多到少的順序,在括弧里填上適當的圖形名稱。 圓、( )、( )、長方形。
二、判斷(5分,正確的打「√」,錯誤的打「×」 )
1、7米的與8米的一樣長。 …………………………………( )
2、周長相等的兩個圓,它們的面積也一定相等。………………… ( )
3、和1%都是分母為100的分數,它們表示的意義完全相同。( )
4、5千克鹽溶解在100千克水中,鹽水的含鹽率是5%。……( )
5、比的前項增加10%,要使比值不變,後項應乘1.1。……………( )
1、若a是非零自然數,下列算式中的計算結果最大的是( )。
A. a × B. a÷ C. a ÷ D. ÷a
2、一根繩子剪成兩段,第一段長米,第二段佔全長的,兩段相比( )。
A. 第一段長 B. 第二段長 C. 一樣長 D. 無法確定

3、林場去年種植了10000棵樹苗,年底抽查了其中的1000棵,死亡率是2%。你預計一下,林場種植的這批樹苗的成活率是( )。
A. 20% B. 80% C. 2% D. 98%
4、一個飼養場,養鴨1200隻,養的雞比鴨多,養的雞比鴨多多少只?正確的列式是( )
A. 12000× B. 1200+12000× C. 1200-12000× D. 1200÷
5、要剪一個面積是12.56平方厘米的圓形紙片,至少需要面積是( )平方厘米的正方形紙片(π取3.14)。
A. 12.56 B. 14 C. 16 D. 20
÷3= ×15= 2-= 1+2%=
÷= 5÷= ×75% = ×4×=
+×= ×99+99×=
X-X= X÷=15× 40%X-=

×-÷ 1-÷-

(+×)÷ ÷[(+)×2]

1、一個數的20%是100,這個數的是多少? 2、一個數的比20少4,這個數是多少?












. ⑥六(1)班共有40人,下面是他們一些最喜歡的飲料的統計圖,請問每種飲

1、 3 500 7/6 2、 4 5 50 50
3、 10 25 4、 96%
5、 4 4:1 6、 20 24
7、 6:5 8、 20
9、 15/8 8/15 10、 4米 12.56平方米
11、 10 12、正方形 等邊三角形
二、判斷(5分,正確的打「√」,錯誤的打「×」 )

1、 × 2、 √ 3、 × 4、 × 5、 √
1、 B 2、 A 3、 D 4、 A 5、 C
2/7 9 1又4/7 1.02 5/4 15/2 1 4 1/3 99

(1) X=1/10 (2) X=5/4 (3) X=25/12
(1) 5/4 (2) 1 ( 3 ) 14/15 (4) 4/11
1、 12 2、128/5
1、 25÷250 2 、 20×90% 3、30÷25%+30 4 、5000×2×2.7%


1、 75000箱 2、220米 3、籃球75隻 足球60隻 排球30隻

4、 雞 10隻 兔15隻 5、 210人

6、 橙汁12人 可樂 8人 礦泉水4人 牛奶16人

『陸』 小學6年級上英語期中考試試卷(人教版)

1、a p ce of 2、a b of 3、go ice sk_ting

4、t_ke 5、a r ll of 6、 nce a week 7、s_bway

8、c_nd 9、toilet p_ per 10、s_ _p

( ) 1. A: Good morning!B: __________

A. Good afternoon B. Good morning C. Good evening

( ) 2. A: What』s your name ? B: ____ name is Tim.

A. My B. I C. Your

( ) 3. 「鉛筆在哪裡?」應怎樣說­­

A. What is your pencil? B. Who is your pencil ?

C. Where is your pencil?

( ) 4. 「那個女孩是誰?」應是 .

A. How is that girl? B. Who is that girl? C. What is that girl?

( ) 5. A: Do you have an eraser ? B: Yes ._______.

A. I do . B. I don』t C. I did

( ) 6. A: What are you going to buy? B: I』m going to buy

A.a bag of chips B. a bar of soap C. a pair of socks

( ) 7. A: How do you get to the park? B: I take a

A.taxi B. bus C. bike

( ) 8. A : How often do you go dancing? B: ____________

A. Once a month B. Three times a month C. Twice a month

( ) 9. A: He likes .

A. swim B. swimming C. swims

( ) 10. A: How does he usually get to school?

B: He ___ the bike to school.

A. rides B. ride C. riding

1. purse 2. go hiking 3. hear 4. take the subway

5. a bag of chips 6. a roll of toilet paper 7. chai

My name is Tony. I have a pen friend. I like swimming and hiking. There is a pool near my home. I can ride my bike to the pool. I usually go swimming three times a week. I ride my bike too school, too. Tomorrow is Sunday. I』m going to the store with my mother, we are going to buy a box of tissues and a pen.

( ) 1. What』s his name? _______

A. friend B. hiking C. Tony

( ) 2. How does Tony get to the pool? ______.

A. rides the bike B. go swimming C. take the bus

( ) 3. Tony goes swimming a week

A. once B. twice C. three times

( )4. Tomorrow, Tony is going to the ______.

A. swimming B. hiking C. store

( )5. What is Tony going to buy? ______.

A. a box of tissues B. a piece of candy C. a pen

『柒』 六年級下冊英語期中考試試卷答案

首頁 | 網路知道 | 登錄 新聞 網頁 貼吧 知道 MP3 圖片 視頻 網路 文庫 幫助 | 設置 網路知道 > 教育/科學 > 學習幫助 六年級下冊數學期末試卷及答案 懸賞分:0 | 解決時間:2009-7-23 08:53 | 提問者:瑩雪飛翔 問題補充: 誰有六年級下冊數學題,或數學卷子 最佳答案 小學數學畢業試卷姓名: 班級: 得分: 題號 一 二 三 四 五 六 總分得分一. 計算題(24%)1.直接寫出得數(5%)3.8+6.2= 8.1÷3×2= 568-198= 0.65÷1.3= 75×10%= 二、填空題:(22%)(1)「二百萬四千六百十九」這個數寫作( ),省略萬後面的尾數記作( )。(2)4噸7千克=( )噸 3.15小時=( )小時( )分(3) 的分數單位是( ),再加上( )個這樣的分數單位後是最小的質數。(4) (5) 一個棱長為6分米的正方體木塊的表面積是( )平方分米,把它切削成一個最大的圓錐體,這個圓錐體的體積是( )立方分米。(6)按糖和水的比為1:19配製一種糖水,這種糖水的含糖率是( )%;現有糖50克,可配製這種糖水( )克。(7)在一幅比例尺是 的學校平面圖上,量得校門口到高年級教學樓的距離是4.5厘米,校門口到高年級教學樓的實際距離是( )米。(8)從0、4、5、7中選擇三個數字組成一個能同時被2、3、5整除的最大三位數,這個三位數是( ),把它分解質因數是( )。(9)一項工程,甲單獨做要6小時完成,乙單獨做要9小時完成。甲、乙合做2小時,完成了這項工程的( ),餘下的由甲單獨做,還要( )小時完成。(10)一串數按1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,……,從左面第一個數起,第35個數是( ),前36個數的和是( )。(11) 如下圖,陰影部分的面積與正方形面積的比是5:12,正方形的邊長是6厘米,DE的長是( )厘米。三、選擇題(把正確答案前的序號填在括弧里):(5%)(1)與面積是12平方厘米的平行四邊形等底等高的三角形的面積是( )平方厘米。A.4 B.6 C.12 D.24(2)甲數除以乙數,商是0.2,甲數與乙數的最簡整數比是( )。A.0.2:1 B.5:1 C.2:10 D.1:5(3)甲、乙兩數的比是5:4,乙數比甲數少( )。A.25% B.20% C.125% (4)經過1小時,鍾面上分針轉過的角度與時針轉過的角度相差( )。A.330° B.300° C.150° D.120°(5)一件商品,先提價20%,以後又降價20%,現在的價格與原來相比,( )。A.提高了 B.降低了 C.不變 D.無法確定四、操作題:(10%)1.用長10厘米、寬6厘米的長方形硬紙(如下圖),做成一個棱長2厘米的正方體紙盒,應如何剪(接頭處忽略不考慮)?在圖中用陰影部分表示出要剪去的部分。至少給出兩種不同的方案。(3%)2.在2001~2003這三年中,江蘇省的應屆高中畢業生要升入清華大學的理科高考錄取分數線分別是666分、640分、641分,要升入蘇州大學的理科高考錄取分數線分別是534分、545分、522分。根據以上數據先把折線統計圖填寫完整,再完成下面的問題。(7%) 清華大學與蘇州大學對江蘇省考生的理科高考錄取分數線統計圖(2001~2003年) 單位:分 清華大學:—— 蘇州大學:------

『捌』 六年級上冊英語期中考試試卷

聽力部分 (30分)

一、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的內容。

( ) 1. A. away B. way C. always

( ) 2. A. quiet B. quick C. quickly

( ) 3. A. twelfth B. twentieth C. twenty

( ) 4. A. cartoon B. costume C. carry

( ) 5. A. June B. July C. juice

( ) 6.A. March B. match C. much

( ) 7.A. 4:20 B. 2.40 C. 4:12

( ) 8.A. of B. off C. out

二、 聽問句,選出正確的答句。

( ) 1. A. On a farm. B. In a school. C. In a factory.

( ) 2. A. Monday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.

( ) 3. A. Sure, I『d love to. B. I like a big birthday cake.

C. I like making puppets.

( ) 4.A. Perhaps they are behind the sofa.

B. Maybe it』s under the sofas.

C. It『s between the chairs, I think.

( ) 5.A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he was. C. Yes, he did.


( ) 1. A. in the cornerB. in front of the TVC. on the floor

( ) 2. A. No parkingB. No litteringC. No smoking

( ) 3. A. on the 6th of August . B. on the 16th of August.

C. on the 16th of October.

( ) 4. A. on the ground B. in my pocketC. on the table

( ) 5. A. on the 3rd of October. B. on the 3rd of November.

C. on the 3rd of December

四、 聽錄音,判斷下列圖片是否正確。

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

五、 聽錄音,將下列對話或短文補充完整。10』

Traveling is my ______ , so I _______ to Qing with my mother this summer vocation. Qing is a _______ near the sea. Because this is my ________ time to see the sea, I felt very ________. The sea is very clean and wide. We ________ fish and other things in the sea ,then we _________ and ate them. It was so delicious. In the _________ morning ,we watched the sunrise. Woo, how ________ it was! That ________ one of my favourite trips. I like it so much.



( ) 1. A. near B. bear C. year D. hear

( ) 2. A. bright B. might C. eighty D. tonight

( ) 3. A. camp B. apple C. hat D. grape

( ) 4. A. theatre B. bread C. head D. sweater

( ) 5. A. sports B. worker C. morning D. forty


1. 尋找他的眼鏡 _______________ 6. 在四月 ________________

2.禁止亂丟雜物 ____________ 7.去年________________

3. 勿踏草坪____________ 8.No shaking trees _____________

4. 在五月三日 ____________ 9.take off her gloves___________

5. 拔胡蘿卜 ____________ 10. two pieces of paper___________


1. I often __________ (play) computer games at the weekends.

I _________ computer games last weekend.

2. There _________ (be) a pair of earphones on the bed just now.

3. My sister ____________(not go) to the zoo last Sunday .

4. I __________ (live) in a small town two years ago .

But now I _______ in Shanghai.

5. Did you ________ (read ) magazines a moment ago? No, I _________.

I_________( run) in the playground.

6. Mike likes (take) photos. He ______ lots of photos last week.

7. All the people are very .They are having an __________ running race. (excite)

8. Would you like ___________ (taste) some strawberries?

9. Shall we ________ (ask) (he) the question?


( ) 1. The book _______on the chair just now . Where _______ it now?

A. is; is B. was; is C. was; was

( ) 2. My sister likes ________ music after lunch .

A. listening to B. listen to C. to listen

( ) 3. My uncle『s son is my _________ .

A. brother B. cousin C. father

( ) 4. Yang Ling must ________ clothes every day .

A. wash B. washs C. washes

( ) 5. I want to learn a lot _________ stamps .

A. of B. about C. with

( ) 6. The photos are under the bed . He can』t pick ________ .

A. up it B. up them C. them up

( ) 7. It『s time for________ home . Let』s ______.

A. us to go, go B. we to go, to go C. I to go, go

( )8. It means 「Danger」 and we shouldn『t __________ it.

A. keep off B. touch C. stay away from

( ) 9. Did you ________ the food there ? Yes, it was delicious.

A. like B. likes C. liked

( ) 10. Where ________ you yesterday ? I _______ at a camp.

A. was, was B. was , were C. were, was


1. She』d like making a cake for her family. ( )


2. Look! The children swim in the river now. ( )


3. Where were you go just now? ( )


4. The children want a ball. Please give one to he. ( )


5. My birthday is in the fourth of February. ( )



1. 看鳥籠上的那個標志,上面說:你不應該在這兒吃喝。

Look at the sign on the _________ _________.

It 「 You eat or drink here.」

2. 你昨天做了什麼?我和我父母參觀了一個農場。我們在那擠牛奶了。那很有趣!

What _________ you do yesterday? I _________ a farm with my _______.

We ______ ________ there. That _______ _______!

3. 我每天放學後看卡通片,但昨天我沒有看,我做家庭作業了。

I _________ cartoons _________ school every day . But I _________ watch them yesterday, I _________ my homework .

4. 你想要什麼作為生日禮物?我想要一些圖畫書。

What you like birthday _________ ?

I『d like some ________ _________.


Last Sunday was my birthday. I h a birthday party at home. All my f_______ came to my home. Jenny gave me a lovely doll as a birthday p _______ . Jim dressed up in costumes and I thought he was the Monkey King. I got a skateboard from h______ . We s ______ the song 「Happy Birthday to You」 and then I blew out the ten

c _______ on the cake and made a wish. Do you want to know what my wish was? Haha, that『s a secret! We had lots of f______ that day!



Long, long ago, there lived a young boy called John. He lived with his mother. One morning the mother went out. Before she left, she said to him: 「John, while I』m away , stay near the door and watch it all the time ! 『 She said this because there were a lot of thieves (小偷) in their country .

John sat down next to the door. A few minutes later one of his aunts came. She asked 「Where』s your mother?『』 「She『s out,」 John answered. 』Oh. 『 said his aunt, 』We『re going to visit your house. Go and tell your mother.』

His aunt then went away, and John began to think, 『Mother said,「Watch the door all the time!」 and the aunt said,「 Go and tell your mother.」』

He thought and thought, then, at last, he had a nice idea . He pulled the door down, put it on his back and went to his mother with it.

( ) 1. His mother asked him to stay near the door all the time and watch it .

( ) 2. There weren『t any thieves in his country .

( ) 3. John』s brother came to visit them that morning .

( ) 4. John went to look for his mother with the door on his back in the end .

( ) 5. John is a stupid(愚蠢的) boy .


A young man is sitting in a bus. An old woman gets on the bus and stands in front of him. The young man stands up. The woman pushes (推) him back into his seat and says, 「Don『t stand up. I don』t want to sit down.」

The bus stops then. The man stands up again. The woman pushes him down and says, 「You don『t have to give me your seat. I like to stand.」

The bus stops again. The man stands up for the third time. The woman tries to push him down again. The man shouts (喊叫) , 「Don』t push me, please. I have to get off the bus!」

( ) 1. The young man is in a bus and the woman is in the bus.

A. sitting, standing B. standing, sitting C. standing, standing

( ) 2. The young man is the old woman.

A. in front of B. behind C. under

( ) 3. The young man stands up for times, but the woman pushes him down.

A. one B. two C. three

( ) 4. The young man stands up again and again, because .

A. He wants to get off the bus. B. He likes standing.

B. He wants to give the seat to the woman.

( ) 5. At last, the young man is very .

A. happy B. angry C. nice


Mr Black is a teacher of English. He is not a very young man, but he is not old. He knows three languages, and reads and speaks and writes them well. He reads many books and writes some.

It is almost eleven o『clock by the study clock, but he works late, sometimes till one o』clock in the morning. His big desk is in the middle of the room. On the shelf around the wall there are some books. He teaches students of Grade Six. He works every day except Saturday and Sunday. Those days are holidays.


1. What『s Mr Black』s job?____________________________

2. What grade does he teach? _______________________________

3. Where『s his big desk?______________________________

4. What time is it by his study clock?__________________________________

5. Does Mr Black work at the weekends?______________________________


五、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的內容。


五、 聽錄音,將下列對話或短文補充完整。

Traveling is my hobby, so I went to Qing with my mother this summer vocation. Qing is a city near the sea. Because this is my first time to see the sea, I felt very excited. The sea is very clean and wide. We caught fish and other things in the sea ,then we cooked and ate them. It was so delicious. In the early morning ,we watched the sunrise. Woo, how beautiful it was!

That was one of my favourite trips. I like it so much.

『玖』 小學六年級英語上冊期中考試題

一.劃出劃線部分不同於其他三個的單詞 (10分)
1.( ) 1.seat 2. read 3. bread 4. team
2.( )1. apple 2. fat 3.china 4. bag
3.( )1. this 2. three 3. that 4. there
4.( )1.side 2. library 3. right 4. hospital
5.( )1. what 2. where 3.whom 4.when
6.( )1. must 2. uncle 3. busy 4. bus
7.( )1.go 2. dog 3. hot 4. off
8.( )1. country 2. cinema 3. cat 4. class
9.( )1. then 2. every 3. remember 4. next
10. ( )1. please 2. season 3. great 4. east
sw s c__ __d sl__d__ l__b__ar__ p ll w
v__ s__e book__ __elf tele one bes__de sees
三.連詞成句,注意標點 (10)
1. how cinema to go do on you Sundays Mike

2.can go the bus on stop we to foot

3.are three in country there lights every traffic

4.the is where office post

5.are you what to on the going do weekend

四.選詞填空.( 10分)

1、The flowers are in the of the tree.
2、There is a pen the pencil-box.
3、The girl are the old tree.
4、The children are the wall.
5、The computer room is the gym.
五.選擇題 20分
1、Thanks a lot

A、It』s my pleasure B、 thank you C、It doesn』t matter
2、Lily and mary are the swings
A、on B、under C、 behind
3、It』s too far
I take a bus?
A、Can B、shall C、would
4、Today is
A、Teacher』s day B、Teachers』 day C、Teacher day
5、Where is the gym?
It』s the office building.
A、under B、next C、near
6、There a clock, a vase with some flowers and tow books on the desk.
A、is B、are C、am
7、I have IP card
A、a B、an C、the
8、The dog and cat under the desk.
A、are B、is C、Are
9、--Hi Is mary in ?
--just a moment(選出劃線部分的另一種表達方法)
A、Wait for B、wait a moment C、Waiting for
10、Are there any children under the tree?

A、yes, they are B、yes ,there are
六.讀一讀,用所給單詞的正確形式填空 (8分)
1.I _____ (go) to school by bike.
2.What _____(do) he do on Sundays.
3.You _____ (can)get there on foot.
4.When are you going to _____ (swim)?
5.We _____ (have)lunch at 12:00.
6.He must _____(wait)here.
7.My father_____ (like)Chinese.
8.He _____ (drive)a car.
七.先把錯誤的地方圈出來,再在原句上改過來 (12分)
1.What does you do on weekend?

2.How can I get there.

3.He go to school on foot.

4.My father and my mother is teachers.

5.What are you go to do this afternoon?

6.Can you get there in 6:00?

八、閱讀共10 (分)
Tom is my good friend .we often play together after class.
I came to tom』s family with my mother yesterday. Tom and his mother,Mrs Green, met us at the door .I took a flower with me ,and I hid it behind me. I wanted to borrow a new CD from tom and to send a flower to him.He likes flowers very much. And he bought a very beautiful vase this Monday.
、When did the girl come to tom』s fmily?
A、Today B、Tomorrow C、Yesterday
、Who met the girl and her mother?
A、Tom B、Mrs Green C、Yom and his mother
、Where was the flower?
A、In the vase B、Behind the girl C、In tom』 hand
、What did the girl want to do?
A、Borrow a CD from Tom B、Send Tom a flower
C、A and B
、When did Tom buy the vase ?
A、Yesterday B、Monday C、Today
要求:1.請用be going to 句式寫話.



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